Ebay's Friends
ilane ilane94
salut communautaire nintento
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
¨.::.¨ SamMk2000
♥ Weekly Gaming on Monday Im in the BƒE Clan = Best ƒish Ever I from Germany My Name is Samantha Bye ♥
なぞのしょうねんX istm-1939
Valentine val142007
niyazi leyla1987
mj mjj2121
hi go! im talking!shut dont go up you do ! ~I like playing adventure,fighting,and some shooting games ~I dont do wii chat ~follow me or give me a friend request message me if you want to play games with me ~I dont tell persenal info and i make faces \ / ó ó ||| go go play in a microwave! óó _
ºгº)(ºθº annalissa23
Hoi your boi I love sploon, spoon and splatalataloon
Partybus Partyzug
ich bin krass
foxy nugget5999
mario kart 8
Moon Unit jonnyfruit1
Hey all
justin justinhuntetboss
justin hunter boss is the best he can beat the rest woo yeah man enjoy the game and have fun friends welcome to miivers hes 35 years old he loves to play guitar
Fƒ☆ Jasper SpyKid9018
Hi, I am SpyKid. My real NNID is SpyKid128, but it was permanently banned from playing certain games online. On this account I will: •Play Splatoon online •Add different friends, based on the games (my main for MK8, this one for Splatoon) My other NNID SpyKid128 is used for: •Mario Kart 8 •All 3DS games •Miiverse posts •Messaging friends
Pharrel pharrel.game
Bonjour je m'appelle Pharrel et j'ai 13 ans n'hésitez surtout pas à me demander en ami j'accepte tout le monde
CAT KiRbyoFtHeSTar16
初めまして!今更ながらスプラにハマッちゃいました=^^=ド下手ですが、パブロ系が大好きです! WiiUは子供のなので、サブですが、こちらメインであそんでいます 大人のお友達募集中です=^^= まだまだカスいですが…(´・ω・`;;) 一緒に遊んでやるか!と思って下さる方、 よろしくお願いします♪ 無言のフレリクはごめんなさい(>人<;) マイクラもやってます\^^/
bananen007 AgentBanane007
Hi ,Wilkommen auf meinen Profil !Meine Lieblingsspiele sind : Minecraft Splatoon und Mk8.Ich mag Spieler die nicht beleidigen oder so also ich hoffe du hast Spaß auf meinem Profil \(^^)/ PS: Wenn ihr mir folgt , folge ich euch auch !
Len lenigl
goldenjack Jack130702
alexvi11 Essencial002
Nitro2000 MasterofFlynn
I'm Nitro2000! Flynn is in charge of me. In fact I just sended a request to UncleIan. As of now, I made him now as IanBlaster in the 3DS SSB. Now this is my profile! Be sure to check out my comments and handwriting as well! Boom! There you go! "Nice going Skylander" - Flynn
peter petergillen
OhImDejah dejah_welch
Hi does anyone wanna play with me? or wanna chat?
Brendan myneswasawesome
Hey guys! If u have a chance of seeing this then I hope you had a great Miiverse experience! I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed it! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee! Sign off: Brendan P. Smith 11/7/17
Greenlordi greend3vil
hey meine Mii-Freunde! ^·^ Willkommen auf meiner kleinen "seite" C:. Ich mache noch ganz viel! Wenn du mehr sehen willst dann lass,mir ein "folgen" da! Würde mich freuen :D! also... sonst gibt es nichts mehr zusagen ... alsooo! hab euch lieb euer Freund :->
SSJLui SuperLui1996
Hi everyone my real name is Luis and im currently working for my equipment for my gaming youtube channel. Little bit about me i am 20 years of age, I love to voice act characters, perfered consoles are nintendo and playstation. love to draw but i suck at using the gamepad.:,( If you guys have any more questions please feel free to ask hope we have a great time together.:) P.S. I'm roleplaying
Head Shot wertopio
hello all of you who could be bothered to come to my profile.here a few baseline facts about my wonderful self. 1.my best friend internet wise is funandgaes he has helped from the first day i met him. 2.my fav game is MC 3.if you hurt my friends in any sense dont expect me to be very optimistic about it OK. 4.if you troll a squeaker on MC and show me a pic were friends. BYE!!!!! GO
#Pokefreak supersmashbro764
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tyson10121 tysonrh07
tyson on the
freddy freddy110801
YT★Floshii FZYoutuber
ø•Frαrα•ø wiktoria111111
I'llmissthis ★°•Hi and welcome to my profile!•°★ \(^o^)/ •I really like to draw stuff and I love squid parties :D •Thank you,for follow me or just yeahing ma post! pls check out this amazing ppl: ★сαταгΐηα☆ {MS}★Splat Espeon☆:) Umbreon π•Cγηdαχ•π Carol☆òωó★ Poké-Hugo UC☆Mercy Sorry Team AlphaGamer N&C♪sqidε♪ S4E☆Dαгyα BendyFan Palomito Billy AlphaGamer tally bai :p nu,miiverseisshutdownD:
★Vεηυς Blackcurrant42
*Active on the Switch. Not that anyone cares but I'm a longtime Nintendo fan. I've been playing since SNES & I own Gameboy, GB color, N64, Gamecube, Wii, 3DS, Wii U & now Switch. Online I mainly play Mario Kart & Splatoon. I enjoy good competition but I'm no pro. Offline, I like 3D adventure & time strategy games the most. @ PrincessVenus64
beat 230803abcd
Jo lch suche freunde um Minecraft zu spielen
fynni Eckig27
Choy Choyunico
Filizia zafilda2
Fƒ★GLORii Glory_times
Glorii here. I like to play Splatoon with friends. Also, I'm the leader of the casual Splatoon squad "Frea-Inking Fresh". (Formerly known as Jelonzo's Kingdom".) If you're interested in becoming part of the squad, feel free to contact me for further details. Have fun playing Splatoon - Peace out.
King Samu KingSamu664
мςν★Fеdе federic02
Io Amo Mario Kart 8!/I love Mario Kart 8!/Me encanta Mario Kart 8!/Je t' aime Mario Kart 8!/Ich liebe Mario Kart 8. Hi,friend the Mario Kart 8,i'm Federico, I 15 years old Thank you Miiverse :)
Ctown jm0529
This user's profile comment is private.
Willi★GLP BeratMC
hi ich bin Berat 11 jahre alt kucke gerne Dner, GLP, Paluten, Arazuhl und ich zocke Minicraft, Bo2, P vs Z Gardenwofer 2 Zelda viele reihen
Paul Wall Vasquez07
Red RedMaster38
Yo! \o (> ^.^)>Bienvenu sur mon profil Miiverse! <(^.^ <) Gros joueur de Splatoon : ◆Niveau: 50 ◆Rang: S+ ◆Membre des team ÐĦ et δς. Je joue aussi de temps en temps à Mario Kart 8 et Super Smash Bros Wii U. ^-^ N'hésite pas à t'abonner, ça ferait plaisir! ;) /o/ Stay Fresh ! \o\
Tooda lunadormir
Hau5master Hau5master
Greetings! Just a simple Old Gamer here. Wii U was the only game console this generation that had games I couldn't play on PC, good ones at least. I enjoy the classics and look forward to the new installments coming out in the future. I don't have much to spend on new games though so my library is limited... Friend me if you want, thanks for looking at my profile :) See you in-game!
dad Ordained
hi guys super smash bros is my favorite game if you freind request me we can play together
J-mii IronFist-J
☆BιαcκPαω☆ SpyKid128
Hi, I'm SpyKid, a player from the Mario Kart community. I also enjoy Splatoon, but this account got unfairly banned for matchmaking in Splatoon. I had to make a new NNID to play Splatoon, that is "SpyKid9018". Friends who play Splatoon need to re-add me on that NNID. Games I actively play online: •Mario Kart Wii (Wiimmfi) •Splatoon (PERMA BANNED -> new NNID) •Mario Kart 8 (semi-active) okay bye.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hallo Leute
ich heiße Flohrian vielleicht kennen mich ja noch ein paar Leute von Mario Kart Wii ...
Hallo Leute
ich heiße Flohrian vielleicht kennen mich ja noch ein paar Leute von Mario Kart Wii mein Name war flohrianmkwiI auch ein CTGP strecken waren von mir man kann sagen das Ich ein Nintendo fan bin !
Mein halbes leben habe nur von Nintendo Konsolen meine erste Konsole von Nintendo war ein Nintendo DS™ und erstes Spiel dafür war Pokèmon Weiß™ dann noch NN3DS WII WII U