★ok★'s Followers
★Will☆ Shyguysquad87
Hey what is up guys, it's Will! Active, friendly Wii U user since 2014. Getting a Switch mid November, make sure to find me on there! I'm with Miiverse till' the bitter end ;]
Lucky~chan ingridjara
HI people that i dont know!!! Im soooooo happy to be here! I love candy sooooo much!! But i love chocolate!!!!!! Its the best thing in the world!!! Im 10 so yeah!!!! Have a nice day because miiverse is dieing and Im gunna be sad for that LOL!!!
•Sαηdга• Sxndrx7u7r
No suelo estar activa, solamente me conecto y subo dibujos cuando me apetece :)❤
Miya lavble
14 y/o♥
MAVRICK ugkvl3
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Mr Mason77 masonfamily7780
name:abby/doodler/artist/game llama:Abby/cajón/artista/jugador Sometimes i share dis account with my family:3 and dis is my dads account mr.mason
wolfgamer wolfthorngamer
its everyday bro!
Savagegirl Nevaehsabetta
hi this is my 4th ACOUNTE please friend me if u follow me ill follow u back get suspended alot love to talk fav song desaparecido( SLOWLY ) im a big deal im a christen no wiiu chat should i change my name on Miiverse √ off miiverse YEABOMER Srry
сαmαl vivian1245
hi! doing crazy things and taking risks is what im all about★please follow me and I follow you back!★ i luv cameron dallas my favourite youtubers are: the dolan twins cameron dallas thatcherjoe im not a huge fan of gaming but I enjoy it alot! i luv music my fav singers are jon bellion austin mahone liam payne
hipogamer hipogamer1
whats popping hipogamers If your new here im hipogamer and its lit every single day here so lets do this thing
☆crash☆ PACISBAC227
Shady gamerfox10
hello i'm Shady first a have autism okay and and i'm a brony(i can hear the unfollowers LOL) dragons are my thing same with pikmin,undertale,paper mario,dreamworks,pixar,toriel, and pixes. My BFF is kat(cause we love the same movie) and my favorite game is splaTWOn(get two nevermind). Fun fact my favorite hat is a beenie(i have more hats). I'm a HUGE fan of steven universe. I am a grey-jedi.
Bendy!!!!! jp121212
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Angry Joe opc1234
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foxy junkcar96
my name is foxy friend reqwest me if you want to be on the fnaf team (freddy:foxy what are you doing!) got to go bye (runs From freddy)
CoolGuy176 Jgibbs1796
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Matthew greenbowser
Hi I'm matthew I'm 13 I'm in to games like zelda kirby pokèmon sonic etc I do daily questions game junk like that if you have any questions sometimes you can ask me I'm active pretty often I also like pretty art good movies cache music I also make mii based on character! my favorite movies are lord of the rings favorite game is journey becase it's beautiful. thank you for readinding all this bye.
★JAY★ hcbyrd520
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TheEpicPka TheLitLitten
Im a gamer boy.And I love anime.I like to draw A LOT.I like the Pokemon,Mario Bros,Minecraft and the Sims series.My hobbies is to draw and play video games.I like watching ,Markplier,and Jacksepticeye.Last but not least I watch pyrocinical and dank memes.I'll also do a daily trivia for either Markplier or Jacksepticye video. I'm also a Jehovah Witness. Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Kentaro FrostyShadowX
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Alex alexbryanchase16
i like minecraft
★♭ ČāȚ ♭★ LindaLing18
♥CALL ME WII U CHAT!!! ˇ^ˇ♥ **I from cold Russia BRRRº.º, No summer ¦<** I in Vk, Twiter, You Tube, skyipe, Miverse♡•♡ νķ/ Линда Котик (Russian) ÝÖŪ ȚIJΒΕ/ Совушка Тв (Russian) ♥♡♪I like Japan♪♡♥ ♡♡★★I LOVE OLEG AND VADIM★★♡♡ ›‹My favorite food Rice and Sushi›‹ My realy name°°° Linda(›ω‹) Thank you >_>!
☆はるるん♪ hamtaro101s
顔ポチありがとー!3DSでもやってます。3DSでの名前は☆はるるん♪です!4年生の気分ですが5年生です!ミバ家族さがしています。よければ私の投稿で言ってください!チェリーというチーム作りました良ければ本部へ連絡よろしくお願いします ↓フォローする条件↓ ・話していて優しい人のみです ↓自己紹介↓ 好きなユーチュウバー ・HIKAKIN ・SEIKIN ・フィッシャーズ ・ボンボンTV などです! 今飼っている動物 ハムスター3匹(メス2匹、オス1匹) 今はまっているゲーム スプラトゥーン マイクラ 好きな教科 体育 家庭科 算数 趣味 勉強 ゲーム 外で遊ぶ 習い事 塾 習字 将来の夢 母になること、もしくは 家庭教師 皆へ一言 今の暮らしは幸せです。これから大人になって母になることが楽しみです!あと、私のフレンドをフォローしてください! 平成29年 9月18日作成
Link wlkwok
hi im a zelda fan and i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee majoras mask its my favorite game in the whole frenchies,im 8 years old and i really want botw it seems fun also these are the games i played overwatch zelda mario pokemon sun 'n moon super smash bros wiiu and wii lego games minecraft! im also luragic to polen.i also played 5 nights at freddy's 1and2
Thαt Shεεp chocolatebun
I assume ur wondering where i am? Well.. i went to the end of the world to find the truth of where to find the most tasty taco ever.. i may never find my way back to this place... so farewell! jk, im across the world rn dealing with things but i will be back very soon. My Everything is Ken=Nicegirl197 My besties are Hannah=Flyeecookie Jamilah=Shopkin-bunny My Favorite Artist is Game over!=demir1
Sarah Sbear20
TxK Legend abi-oummi
c trop bien mario kart 8 et splatoon et mario bross suivez moi svp pour moi
Umbriele Pixelares240
Hello im umbriele nice to meet you. I enjoy games. My favorite games are Pokémon and Bravley Second im 13 years old u want more info my favorite animal is a fox i love anime i am a savage my favorite color is black my second favorite color is green i like only the dankest of memes favorite youtuber patrckstatic favorite pokemon bastiodon favorite anime tokyo ghoul ITS WADE
ßälþ-kùñ☆♪ libby55
Hello Everyone my YT NAME IS SPN Slat Roblox &More Let Me Tell You Guys my Life 1 I Love Fanf i am A Fanf Fanf 2 My Favorite Fanf Preson Its foxy and Freddy 13 4 my Favorite Games are Mk8 ,Splatoon, Nintendoland,And more, 5 i Play A Lot Fanf Games 6 on fanf 1 beat All nights and 2 and 3 4 and fanc,1 ánd 2 It Took Me A Day To Beat It i'am Good at Fanf I Lov3 U guys! Also pls Get me 3K fw ;-;
serenity renny101
hi am serenity:] things about me *good artist* *love anime* *want to be baker* *love talking* so what are you waiting go on profile and follow me or just look around because life gonna be awsome on my profile #advice girl :
•Hαςια•ŤĎČ CottonKity56
•Yσ ρετιτε ραςτέqυε! •Sι τυ νευχ εη ςανσιr + ςυr πσι↓ lιτ jυςqυ'εη bας! •J'αdσrε Aηιπαl Crσςςιηg Nεω Lεαƒ •Mση rενε: Vιςιτεr lε Jαρση! •Lα K-ρσρ c'εςτ lα νιε! •ください から ジェめ •Vα τ'αbσηηεr ά {Lisa_56100}m.v •J'αdσrε lε grσυρε AOA, ετ αυςςι EXO. •J'αdσrε lες παηgας ετ lες drαπας! •Ytb:Kawaii Crossing •Bιςσυς ραςτέqυε! {Aυ fαιτ,clιqυε ςυr sυινrε ετ jε rεηd! •MАGIE {Dιςραrαιτ}
i left. i may check occasionally but not much.