★ok★'s Friends
myah myah16
ih myah n i like to sing n dance n play zombie game n i like gymnastics thats all u have to know about me n also friend me plz and thankyou
whale wolf itolerateyou7890
hello im grey & im the whale wolf i will have this miiverse for a longer amount of time :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 pls follow and friend sincerely:grey update news: hi im grey but for halloween im whale wolf (were wolf ) (^o^).... Happy Halloween everyone!!! i know french so salute coment ca va!!!
ziana zianawhite
ih my name ziana and i like to play alot of games with family and friends so i hope you friend me
Toylover girlsonic201
Hi I'm Toylover and I love to draw I draw almost everyday :3 I also like playing Mario Kart Will accept any friend request Likes: Mario, SONIC, PowerPuff Girls, ASDF movies, SPONGEBOB, Youtube
Branden H. KING-NAPPY-2.0
Profile comment hidden by admin.
lloyd DatGamer10132
DanTdm EliBennett09
hi there if my levels suck... SHUT UP BECAUSE I AM 6 I DONT KNOW WHAT PEOPLE LIKE also follow my sister hey there she is awsome she even helpes me type because i dont know what it might say and be complete gibberish
El Pablo redstone122
hello! i am a 82 year old war general, i have 1 son, and 2 beautiful grand children and 3 great grand children on the way too! sometimes i remember the war, and i have a moment of p.t.s.d for some time. videogames have kept me going and im not gonna be stopping now! real gender-male/attack helicopter real age-somewhere in the teen-age years V A P O R W A V E I S L I F E
▲K.Mangle▼ mckenna489
HOI im Mangle stuff bout me BFF'S:YoshiSmyfriend3 Plushtrap Toy Vero Naeshawn K.Foxy nd 522666 Favorite games: FNaF Undertale nd SuperMario PLZ FOLLOW THESE AMAZING PEOPLE :Yoshismyfriend3 :Plushtrap :Toy Vero :K.Foxy ND : others HAVE SOME TEMMIE FLAKES MM THATS A WONDERFUL IDEA I draw random drawings Im nice plz be nice back JOIN ME CLUB .... INJOY FUNNY/RANDOM STUFF BOI!!
springtrap oldschool1213
Hi boys and girls it's springtrap! Come with me so I can (EAT YOU!) play with you! I won't hurt you!(HELP ME!) (I also now do mario kart 8 highlights with SHY GUY!!!!! :3) EATING Your BONES is fun!!!!!!!! My two best friends are bonnie and kirby star! I may not be here all the time because i have a duty to scare the guard.
Peyton peytonjc
Hello! My name is Parker A.K.A Arcanine. And I'm in a 2 Clans Called PokéSquad and Ink~Stoppables!! These are some people that are in my clans. Mewtwo, Hank Jacob Preston My friends that are not in the Clan Ryan Ty Popito, Mariah, Agent 3 and more!! And these are my Fav Games on the Wii U/3Ds Minecraft, POKKÉN/ Sun & Moon, Mario Kart 8/7, Splatoon, Smash Bros Wii U/3Ds. Follow the 3ds version!
•☆IgЕĦ√ DeissiVazquez20
hiiiii they/them pls i don't mind she or he rip this account i role play as that adorable bucket boi ( designer head phones kun ówò ) ♡CYAN TEAM♡
Kristin Flamestorm
Okay, let's start over... Hey! My name's Kristin, the 16-year-old anime, drawing, and singing lover. I'm a Christian. I'm 5'4.5" (~164 cm) I do have a 2DS. I don't do Wii U Chat, sorry. My dream job is voice acting, but my second choice would be a concept artist. Wish me luck! Steven Universe is my life and I'm obsessed. 7/18 [▼▼] /◆◆\ ...I'm a part of the Undertale fandom... Oh boy, 3AM!
i left. i may check occasionally but not much.