Noah's Followers
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform has brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
ьυΐΐέțþîίΐ porksoda909
lol wiiu mauderay
Skygirl467 DARRYlboyd
§áßlê Tirana58
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rodgamer Rocky2403
splatoon is the faumus game splatoon es el mejor juego del mundo mundialmi amigo super favorito se un fistean
René Octo_Squid_13
DemondraBG HydraTeam
I had my fun times with miiverse since I joined in October 2014. Seeing that it's about to end in November is very disappointing. I don't think spamming Nintendo will help save Miiverse! Just accept things the way they are even if it's hard. I don't want Miiverse to end either. RIP Miiverse... 2012 - November 2017
marie 927340
hi everyone my name is marie,i love disney infinity 1.0,2.0 and 3.0,theres a petition on for it. i am in 8th grade im also really nice.(^o^) my zodiac sign is aquarius. my favorite subjects are : science & math. don't do will u chats. my bff: prince hiro. im single. (¦:›)<—<
bread I_Am_Bread9
helo, Am made of bred am leik grl nam frnch tost toast is cuzin my favrate fod is letuc
LAVACAKES! Corrigan113
im a normal kid i wake up eat play. i love love love minecraft and mario kart8 and love to have fun so plz friend reqwest
rogelio MATTEOross
clash royale es el mejor
SQUIDPARTY shariff123123
mario llekym
no not really
Tip Team-Yeah
Don't forget to follow my main account, Q! (friends list) My actual account has my art and information. Only send friend requests to my actual account please. Follow for Follow! Thanks for visiting! ♥
bo garrell12 new to this and trying to make some friends
AlexR SunshineRay
Breaking News below. Waffle Corp Breaking News: no news right now,check back tomorrow! Grab a tissue box! Eat a waffle! Join Waffle Corp!
progamer braydan2007
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A-Mei-Zing iuhoosiers87
I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. I am Default. "Who needs friends, am I right?" ".....Hehe....." :[
awsome mii naegem
hi im justin
joe wildwolfpack5
mommy lourdes1201
Hi I'm stephanie I'm in my moms account I play sports and like building stuff,my mom is nice but be carful with me because Im mean sometimes.peace
βιεαснеγ knucklehead23nba
Ayee!!! Fudge™ wuz here! x3 ★13 and already hating somethings during life. Ill be 14 in February! ^~^ ★I hate ppl that bee fake towards one another...Fakeness ★U can just say that im a bit crazy (In da head). ★5'4 is meh height now ★I have best friends...But I dont wanna put their names up >~< ★I would like to have an Oreo to eat >:3 ★Erm..... THATS IT!! IF U GONNA TALK TO MEH..BRING OREOS!! x3
Luke lukedogs4
Hi Im Luke and I really love videogames my favorite systems are the Switch, Wii U, 64, Wii, New 3DS xl, Gamecube, Iphones, Super Nintendo. I like Books, Movies, art, Moutain Dew, Coke, Pepsi, Monster, And you dudes all rock subscribe to me all you dudes around the world. My favorite type of games to play are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Sports, Action Adventure, Racing. My favorite color is blue
Toast TheAmazingTostYT
Hi I is Toast. Dis iz my Mivers profil. *I iz 1 yerz old. *I'm 3 meterz tall. *I also has cousin called French Toast. He funny but strange. *I liek sumbody callleed PB Gal. She nice. Oki bye.
buk chot23 charliee26
Kyle º~º zwicharowski
º•º Welp You Just Poked Me In The Face, But While I Get Over It Heres Some Info About Me... Favorite Food: Mac & Chesse Favorite Sports: Tennis & Soccer Favorite Animal: Guinea Pigs Favorite Thing To Do: Cleaning Favorite Job: Architect My Belif: Christian (^o^) My Clan: Infinty Squad *New Redstone Tutorial Everyday 'o' Welp See You Later Peoples º_º Im Also HermitCraft WiiU Host_ (^-^)
Elyzabeth Elyzabeth08
Hi I am a Zelda nerd don't make fun of me I'd be happy if I have 500 followers so I'm trying to encourage you and I do follow for a follow.My dream is to be popular.And if you yeah my posts I'll yeah yours whenyou post when I'm free to yeah posts a d bonusI'll follow you if I'm not following you.
imblack05 imblack05
hello i am imblack05 and i love to play games
joey Richardwadelamar
i am joey i like squid nugget and dan and pual soarce jr
Andrew AndrewGau
Hi, how's your day?
luke redx lukepokedude
hi thare im luke im a christen and i loooove video games and anime my fav games are the legend of zelda earthbound pokemon mario minecraft roblox ice station z dragon ball z extreme butoden super smash bros donkey kong kirby sonic the hedgehog street fighter and star my fav animes are dragon ball bungo stray dogs pokemon and rezero i love to make storys on here weekly to
MilKa ^o^♪ marjorieboureaux
Sαlυτ τσυτ lε мσηδε ^ο^♪ Мσι c'εςτ Мαгjοгιε, j'αι 15 αης, ςεcσηδε. Jε jουε lε ρlυς ςσυνεητ α Αηιмαl Cгσςςιηg Nεω Lεαƒ :3 Mση с.σ: 7D00-0022-EB6E Мεгсι αυχ 744 αβσηηές, gгσς βιςσυχ ^-^ Peace Abonne toi et t'aurais un chocolat #Maths
rodri familia-rasa
This user's profile comment is private.
•Chez• GibbyWalrus
Hi im Gabi. Fact's about me ↓ Music: All-star TV: Law & Order Game: Splatoon or Minecraft Talent: Singing or talking lol
Derpz! DozeEyez
Hi! I'm Derpz! I draw Pokemon, and am an alternate account! Feel free to ask me to draw for you, but I don't take much time on my drawings on this account! Blaziken is awesome!!!!! Also, I trade ★s, and have about 500! Wanna battle in OU or Sm4sh?! Sure!!!!
dominic tabithaezzo
hey everyone im dom im 11 and i love kirby mario zelda dk pokemon and more i have fav shows too like cat dog rockos modern life steven universe regular show adventure time spongebob and more i exept friend requests and follows duh but sadly im am not a youtuber but you can sub to my account my name on you tube is dominic and my icon is a kids face being squished by 2 fingers thx 4 reading this bye
Killerpie kpie007
yo bros im just like you but im not very good on miiverse =) also does anyone like sushi?
Kαriмº^˛^¥ oybpabc
Bonjour, je fait parti de la team «Merci Cassy»!! Je suis un gars très gentil Je parle francais/English J’adore Grabujband celui du Québec xD. J’adore aussi Pokemon,Zeldal, et splatoon.Je dédicace à Cassy,Nono,Oka mon Bueno et DarkSquid. Dernieres dédies:Soso et Ilona^^ Ps:Alise -3- ‹3
Meiko Hina tessmeister
Hallo mein Name ist Mëkio Hina. Ich bin froh, dass du in meinen profil intresant bist. Ich habe SuperMarioBros WiiU beendet. Ein bisschen über mich. Lieblingsessen: Sushi Lieblingsspiel: YandereSimulator Lieblingsanime: Tokyo Ghoul Ich kann auch fließend Englisch sprechen. Ich glaube, Ich werde dich sehen! Güten tag!
joeypikew? gwpike
coltster Colby1025
hi im colt i play splatoon mine craft and im the leader of RB it stands for ranked battles in splatoon ask me if you want to join im trying to reach 1000+ followers im at 700+ right now and my favorite rapper is lil wayne and 21 savage my best friends lar and jack repsect csa im lvl 25 in splatoon and beat the campain my favorite games mine craft splatoon lego batman3 mario kart peace
Riya Riyafamily
game consoles I have
wii u
nintendo switch
I like memes that are dead
snowyjupiter is my r...
game consoles I have
wii u
nintendo switch
I like memes that are dead
snowyjupiter is my roblox name
I made a GREAT game
I am 12 years old
I am a HUUGE theorist
I am a big fan of RGP games
pokemon rules
I still play pokemon go lvl 35 trainer
Always watches "The Flash"
The Earth Is Flat
I asked jesus in my heart