Users Noah Is Following
Toast TheAmazingTostYT
Hi I is Toast. Dis iz my Mivers profil. *I iz 1 yerz old. *I'm 3 meterz tall. *I also has cousin called French Toast. He funny but strange. *I liek sumbody callleed PB Gal. She nice. Oki bye.
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Meiko Hina tessmeister
Hallo mein Name ist Mëkio Hina. Ich bin froh, dass du in meinen profil intresant bist. Ich habe SuperMarioBros WiiU beendet. Ein bisschen über mich. Lieblingsessen: Sushi Lieblingsspiel: YandereSimulator Lieblingsanime: Tokyo Ghoul Ich kann auch fließend Englisch sprechen. Ich glaube, Ich werde dich sehen! Güten tag!
ƒƒż★Baba GIO123R
Hello im Gio Im Italian Age:12 Things I Do: MK8,Youtube,Minecraft,Splatoon My Rating On MK8 is 13k Very Great ƒriends: Johnny Ricky Mikey Zach Bluefalcon Justin Nate Oliver Im a Cubs Fan. Its a MLB team †Im Cristian† I go to church Clans: γς,ςς and κ©з Merge (ςжς) мςν jτƒ я¢т JEFFY ƒollow me if u want And have a great day! My life nice rn I got a ♥Girlfriend♥ irl
Nathan Nathan987123
ayyyy lmao aidang2009
Hay!!! I'm Aidan! :3
CoolAlex KingAlex12
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joey Richardwadelamar
i am joey i like squid nugget and dan and pual soarce jr
gizmo hotwheelcoolness
Hey my prankster gangsters, my name is Anthony, and here's me - Love youtube - Love video games - I have a dog named eva - I'm a Jake Pauler - Team Blast Member (Pokemon XY) - I like Dragon Ball - Dream: To be in Team 10 That's All Folks Fin ~~ #DONTENDMIIVERSE DONT END MIIVERSE
Fant's Fantsuuu
Kenzie lncpar72
Onii☆chan pinkpanda1983
It's Onii☆chan. i am Horrible at drawing TwT follow for a spam/follow. heuhe. my shift is over for today. Goodbye 'v'
なーこ。 HKASWN75
ドラゴンボールが大好きです♪ なので、好きな方は私と一緒にドラゴンボールの話をしませんか? (犬夜叉、るろうに剣心、ワンピース、フェアリーテイル、ポケモン、アイカツ!、らんま1/2なども好きです) 皆さん仲良くしてください!
かず mk-mr060303
とくにスプラトゥーンを メインに 活動しております(⌒∀⌒) 活動時間はバラバラです 主に オクタ&スプラシューター シャープマーカー 準主 プライム ノウ"ァ ダイナモ ZAP ガロン ロンブラ 練習中 チャージャー系 後は 気分次第で使ってます そんな感じです ヨロシクお願いします たまに マリオメーカーも やってます
BrockSan brownie1982
Hi, and welcome to my profile.I am american .I also love anime.I'm also kinda a nerd. I'm also very kind.I also love ROBLOX.My favorite Zelda game is ocarina of time.My favorite community in miiverse is the legend of Zelda community.Also,my favorite studio Ghibli film is ponyo.Sadly i cant accept or send friend requests because of those stupid parental controls >:( I'm also a big fan of undertale.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Weirdness Iamveryweird
Hi... That's it.
Dylan bradmansfield123
[PLEASE LOOK AT MY LIST OF USERS I AM FOLLOWING] "When we die there are two things we can leave behind us, genes and memes." ~ Richard Dawkins, 1976 Why hello there! My name is Dylan. Here's some things you should expect to see on my profile: - Memes - Pixel Art - Some pretty good levels in Super Mario Maker - Weird things happening in my Life - Reminders (Weird Facts)
Preston rcalexander08
Hey, peoples!
. _ . koutaro-1428
フォローしてくださったら必ず返します。 フォロワーが900人突破しました! ありがとうございます。 1000人を目指します!! 気軽にフレリクしてください。 オンライン時間がかなり減ります。 8月31日
-こう- よろです! 1234kou_satuki
kouです。 えーと、どんどんフォローしてください。95%返します。 好きな歌手 GREEEEN マイファス ワンオク ↑一番好き 好きな漫画 スラムダンク ハンターハンター 東京喰種 ワンピース等 暇な時にでも見てください。下らないことばっか投稿してるんで。
SW¹wither darksky56
MERCI A MES 380 ABONER je remerci tout se qui se sont aboner. dedi a ma team Je fais parti de la team SW Sa serai vraiment cool si on atteignait 400 abonner MRC ET ON CONTINUE
Juice youngjuiceman223
This user's profile comment is private.
Nes Paco468
Hey guys wazzap! Its ThatBoi_Nes here to R3K Some noobs in Minecraft and make random memes (or at least try) So yeah follow if ya want and I'll follow back, I like to draw and even have a made up language. Also LOVE Crush 40. Part of the MCA clan Proudly a Big Mario & Sonic Fan!!
dylan bobdylan09
hi my name is dylan im 11 my birthday is on the ninth of april and i would like to thank you for all the followers i live in ireland
Johan jantile
salut je m'appelle Johan j'aime rire et surtout j'aime mes abonnés & jouer à ma DS et à ma PS4 c'est ma passion. Je joue à pas mal de jeux mais ironfall est mon préféré Mes statistiques: gentille:★★★★★ méchant:☆☆☆☆☆ love my abo:★★★★★ sinon je vous aime mes abonnés n'oublié jamais ça BYE ET BONNE AMUSEMENT SUR MIIVERSE
primeasrib PRIMEasRIB
follow @primeasrib
GAME GUY Rottawiler
I like stuff
Bren Kindsocks
there cheese in them hills
Marcelo pooh7tig
Hi, I'm Marcelo and I want to tell you about what I do on Miiverse! Follow me, for Minecraft pixel art, custom minigames/maps, and redstone tutorials! Friend me to play the games and look at pixel art! On smash bros, I accept friend requests for anyone who wants to play! I also make Minecraft Machinimas, (movies made in minecraft) so friend me if you wanna act! Thanks for reading, Have a good day!
James reddad37
Law' Law-law7
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SQUIDPARTY shariff123123
spider2 arrow159
ludo ludotroll
salut tout le monde c ludo ou ludotroll★★★♥ Abonnez vous et je m'abonerez♥♥♥ posez moi des question j,y repondrais rapidement★★ mettez des ouais des commentaire et plein de chose★★♡ je joue a plein de jeux principalement lego dimension splatoon minecraft★★ je me connecte tous le jours alors regarner mes nouvelles.
Dani 3.0 sylviagomez
Hola! Bienvenido(a) a mi foro de Miiverse, les contare algunas cosas de mi: 1-Tengo 13 años. 2-Mi Youtuber favorito de NFS MW 2012 es GT_Enksx1. 3-Soy bondadoso y misericordioso. 4-Soy muy, pero que muuuuuuuy perfeccionista. 5-Soy algo pachonsito :3. 6-Me encanta lo bizarro. 7-No me gusta el tomate, pero si la ketchup :v. Aveces cuando odio a alguien pienso en esa persona, PERO MUERTA >:).
Zelda Cool gustavom9
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Jude barryobros
I like turtles
PartySquid janinecasella
Hi. I'm Adam. I party on random Splatoon games. Famous Quote: ''Just give me my drawling from the request 3 days prior'' That's all.
game consoles I have
wii u
nintendo switch
I like memes that are dead
snowyjupiter is my r...
game consoles I have
wii u
nintendo switch
I like memes that are dead
snowyjupiter is my roblox name
I made a GREAT game
I am 12 years old
I am a HUUGE theorist
I am a big fan of RGP games
pokemon rules
I still play pokemon go lvl 35 trainer
Always watches "The Flash"
The Earth Is Flat
I asked jesus in my heart