Users great-dane Is Following
Entei-Sama EXCITON97
☆Yo, It's ya boi Entei ☆I'm a legendary Johto Pokemon!♪ ☆Catch me if you can!!!<[-—-]> ☆I have lots of good cards in the Pokemon Tcg, including a Gold ☆ and EX!♪ ☆I also had a Gamestop shiny event waaaay back in HGSS!♪ ☆I won't let anyone catch me, except Crystal, 'cause she's hot! Oh come on! It's true!!♪<[¤—¤]> ☆Thank you for visiting Ya Boi Entei's page!♪ ☆Now run along like I do!♪♪☆☆☆
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
SpookyMilk rainytacos
Ay yo boiz is me, EMMM SEEE MALK! I'm just here on Miiverse because I have nothing else to do! DONT 4GET TO SMASH DAT FOLLOW BUTTON CUZ I DONT POST ANYMORE!!! xDXDxdDXxddDD (kill me) I mean, what else can you do other than following? Contribute to society? .... Yeah, that's what I thought. (now accepting friend requests on this account + switch account (SW-0979-3282-9980))
O.P. Bobby O.P.Bobby
My name is Brady, and I'm a laid back person who enjoys gaming online with friends.
Tristan thegameryouknow
subscribe to my search tmont and click the yoin channel help me to 9999999999
Letsa go!!! It's a me, Fΐς★£цίgί™ I'm a drawer & designer! Maybe you know me because I HAD a another account. My BEST Friends: •Milan •Talha •Zidan •Lea •Justin •Nadine •Kevin •Dominik •Philipp My Hobbies: •Drawing •Designing •Gaming •YouTube (We love Sans) •Chatting •Flirting ;) My real name is Tyrone and I'm 14 Years old. I life in a tiny village in Germany. (Gütersloh) Have Fun ;)
Finlay finlaycraft
Hi i'm cool dude as you see i'm um....... cool
Sarah kalara56
hi everyone i'm Sarah welcome to my profile page here are some things you should know about me favorite color Pink Yellow Purple Blue my hobbies singing drawing swimming video games language i speak English nationalites Irish Polish French-Canadian German British Swiss Have Fun :) my age 14 have fun -Sarah
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more pract...
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.