great-dane's Friends
Marsh FumuDudeWii
How much longer until I die of cancer
O.P. Bobby O.P.Bobby
My name is Brady, and I'm a laid back person who enjoys gaming online with friends.
tails115 gaming52975
hi tails115 here but you can call me Kai please friend request to join the fun my games i play: super smash bros for wii u, splatoon, and mario kart 8
Allison TreHuntoon
Hi Im Allison I want to play games with friends. I will accept any friend requests. I don't do wii u chat. Im 15 Favorite games are Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker. I love Joe from Impractical Jokers. I love to play Slender The Arrival. I also like to watch Dashiegames. I enjoy eating Cannoli. I want to meet the Impractical Jokers someday. I also love to eat Sushi.
zachery Gus1025
im zacherey.DONT HURT ME awsome
santi Omarcillosan
guieres ser mi amigos
Gabriel qqqqqqqqqqwqq123
This user's profile comment is private.
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
RungoPlayz neo9999
skisbit skisbit
get r3kt
Hellow 777 Gerzu1210
mario kart 8
▲danger▲√™ glitter54
hey what's up people of miiverse my name is danger▲ im fun to play whith in game's im a pro at smash mario cart 8 got in the drift thes in this game splatoon i'll say don't try me in that game bayonetta well i don't play it that much. i got the best her name is eva
connor moopyy
super mario maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calvin calvin240
yo im calvin i like outside related things. im no annoying 9 year old im 16 i hate thw wii u so much ( yes i regret buying it) if you think you want to friend me we can game on it otherwise dont try to trool me for your stupid youtube video ( people tried to trool me) anyway thanks for wasting a miniute or 2 of your life reading this. peace
Nin Ninjayyz
xxX_MLG_n00b_SLAY3R_Xxx. i liek da flash. i will not follow you just because you follow me. i might eventualy with some people. i also accept friend requests from everyone and anyone. also, i normaly don't check the letter from friend requests. the fitness gram pacer test is a multistage arobic compacity test. im rick harrison, and this is my pawn shop.#gameboygirl#warriors#datboi#dankmemes.
nadia nadiac2000
Stevie StevenBros85
♪♪♪NEMO♪♪♪ Naruto-13000
♪Hallo♪ ♪Hello♪ ♪Koniquiwa♪ ♪Dobar Dan♪ ♪Ciao♪ ♪Szia♪ ♪Ich bin ♪♪♪Nemo♪♪♪ ♪Pokémontrainer♪ ♪Mario Maker Arbeiter♪ ♪Mario Kart Rennfahrer♪ ♪Sternzeichen: Zwilling♪ ♪humorvoll, sympathisch, aufmerksam, einfühlsam♪ ♪Lieblingsfarbe: Blau ♪Animefreak♪ ♪Keyboard & Klavierspieler♪ ♪Lieblingsspiele: Mario Kart, Mario Party, Pokémon, Star Fox, Mario Maker♪ ♪Nachteule wie das Pokémon Bauz♪ ♪FAs mit Text♪
GhostGamer challmers
Hi everyone! I'm GhostGamer! I make lots of posts about the games I play, and usually have polls or voting questions in them too! I have loved Nintendo since I was young, so I've been happy to share my thoughts and feelings about my games to my friends and followers! My favorite game so far is probably Super Mario Maker! And don't forget to join my quest to become awesome! :D
Ken Kenock
こんばんわぁ 最近pcを買った たんたんです~ まぁ特に話す事も無いんでプロフィール下に書いときますねぇ。 name>>Tan_tan 最近はまってるゲーム>> Splatoon,minecraft(pc),MHX 年齢>> 非公開 好きな食べ物>>レモン等酸っぱい物、ドーナッツ 好きなアニメ>>ご注文はうさぎですか(ココア推し)、ゆゆ式 好きな歌>>ニコニコ流星群、六兆年と一夜物語 特技>>壁キックしながら地面を蹴ると同時に机の上にあるドーナッツを空中で回転させながらちょっとずつ二酸化炭素を採集すること。 その他>>雨が嫌い、足が常に痛い。 毎週金曜日+α pm8:00~9:00にminecraftで青鬼ver.6.23&ver.3.2の鬼ごっこを開催してまぁす。暇なら遊びに来てねぇ~ ....これで全部かな?質問等は直接聞いて下さい~ でわでわぁ
mik406 mik406
bonjour mon nom est mikael j'ai 28 ans et je suis un grands fan des jeux de mario bros et de starfox mon personnage préférés est aussi sonic et link
Vanessa Akatsuki_Dxd
Fafnir FafnirFang
●Toezon● Toezon
Updated: 7-2-17 Awww thank you for visiting my amazing profile!! Im playing currently the following. Switch -Breath Of The Wild -MK8D -Puyopuyo Tetris -Arms -Street Fighter 2 Wii U -Super Smash Bros. Wii U -Mario Maker -Shante Half Genie 3ds -Super Smash Bros. 3ds (Smash Run) -Etc..... Alright off to the games of games of all gamers!! Cya miiverse person who came to visit!!
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more pract...
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.