GOLD's Followers
Gabe Gabexh
i love to play video games like fighting and killing games and i am personaly a gamer
Crazymonke yodanideleon
Hi! My Name Is CrazyMonke, Not Gonna Say My Real Name,And My Fav Game is All Batman Games! Hope You Play It Alot! :) Name: Crazymonke Fav Color: Red And Blue Fav Game: All Batman Games People I Play With Always: Maxxy11 AKA JonnyGamingyt, Beast_Gamer176, Gangbeast, Tony759, CrazyMonkey2048, Sprepeat24, And Many More People! Bye Now!
Link Super_Kenzie08
Hi Im Kenzie. Im A Type Of Boy Who Likes Playing A Lot Of Games! Also If You Have Minecraft And You Want To Friend Me Then You Can So You Can Join My Minecraft Worlds, And Your Worlds. IF YOU TRY TO BREAK MIIVERSE YOUR BE REPOTED BY ME AND BLOCKED BY ME! Well I'll See You Later Bye!!!
F.Freddy FNaFLover456
Why hello again -Laugh-Are you ready for my profile
2YearWiiU 1YearofWIIULOVER
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☆Nathan☆ nathdu22
bonjour je mappelle nathan collin je suis inpettipeux timide aniversaire25mai amoureuse camille et plus de40ami et joux a splatoon et quellqie-mario gentil♥♥♥♥♥ mechant♡♡♡♡♡ inteligant♥♥♥♥♡ et moi chef de la team des$$ et ses plus ☆camille☆ ses $$camille ma cheri la plus belle et j'abbite enFrance
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
Pandinouof astp-quartzy
salu bienvenue sur ma page j' ai 10 ans je joue à pokémon tournament, lego movie, super mario 3D word, skylanders inaginators, wii party u, super mario maker, splatoon, mario cart 8 et minecratf wiiu édition je suis amoureu m****e tableau sur moi gentillesse★★★★★ méchanceté★☆☆☆☆(çi on abéte) trol★★★★☆(pas sur les pote) kikou★☆☆☆☆ amitié★★★★★ je recherche des ami avec qui joué(^-^) à plus
●ςκγ●lîƒē4 Its-time-of-war
Ma salve bella gente come va la vostra vaita? La mia stranamente bn e 2 robbeh 1 pk nn schiacci quel bel pulsante segui+ (piccolo segreto gli altri tasti segui+ puzzano XD) 2 ... ... VOLEVIIIIIIIIIII GUARDA CHE FASHA NN SE LA ASPETTAVA XD cmq apparte gli scherzi diventiamo amici?
Zach NightmrSprngtrp
◆★Carlo★◆ CarloCraft_Pro
El Adios No Es Para Siempre Sigue Tu Vida, Nunca Te Des Por Vencido, Que No Te Hagan Bullying O Ciberbullying Siempre Hay Alguien Que Te Quiera Y Que Te Apoye, Sigue Y Cumple Tus Sueños, Vive En Paz Y Armonía, Sigue Adelante Se Que Puedes Igual Que Yo Y TODOS Nosotros. -Carlo
creeper190 piratefamily16
helooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i really like cheese do you? #$ωäğ
LiLu KummyH
have minecraft, pokken tournament and splatoon i will play with you favorite pokémon GARCHOMP!!!!!!!!! 2ND GROUDOND 3RD ARCEUS 4TH DARKRAI!!!!!! 5th CROBAT! BFF: E●SF☆ im in the TS★ clan the leader is TS★Crow GO TS
Jr joelandjar
Hi everyone my name is jr but my real name is joel and you are thinking what does jr mean it means joel I will be posting stuff for you guy p.s please become my friends by the way you guys can call me jr or joel do some of guys fnaf because I like it a lot :)
MLGkegan09 keegyduncan2008
hi my name is kegan.. im new to this and looking for friends to connect with i allow wii u chat and i never swear in it i send friend requests if you send any i will read them allso if you would like to play with me on minecraft friend me dont be shy p.s im sad plz friend me
◆Tom★ES◆ tominou72
Bonjour a toi qui regarde mon profil miiverse. Ho!, j'ai oublié de me présenter, je m'appelle Tom, j'ai 13 ans, j'habite dans le 72 (Sarthe). ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Je joue principalement à Zelda: Breath of the wild, Splatoon et Mincraft (je n'ai pas que ces jeux là). ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Mon caractère: -Kikoo:★☆☆☆☆ -Rageur:★★☆☆☆ -Geek:★★★★★ -Trolleur:★★★★☆ -Intelligent:★★★☆ Fini! Bisou!
βάβγωøιƒ Aidan912006
It's Been A Blast Talking To You All… But Now We Have To Go Our Own Paths… Will We Ever Meet Up Again? Maybe Not, But There's Always A Way… To Connect Again… Good-bye, My Amigos… Good-bye…
Super Marc Candace31
Hey guys im Marc i Like to play minecraft Splatton Super mario maker. I will friend anyone is nice. please be nice to me. I like all mario games please like my post their fun to injoy look at and have a laught. i will follow you and friend you. I love and meriied to Prinsess Peach she is super kind to me.
Spla★ j-b jeanuvdelamotte
chesleyj chesleyjj
hey call me cj or aj im 11 my cool name is lil cam for cam newton hope yall follow me piece i got a wiiu xbox 360 and one ps4 3ds xl jk
Damien TheFlash1018
Hi peoples! Im Damien. My favorite video game characters are Link, Mario and Kirby. I love bajancanadian and prestonplayz. My BESTEST friend on the wii u is Rockyrocks and I have lots of other good friends like Tjam and gaby_bece. I mainly always play Minecraft so then u could join me or I could join u. Bye! P.S. I would greatly appreciate if u follow me and/or be friends with me.
brooke shwarts
MCPE FAN ijw111
Hi! Im MCPE FAN. Im making a clan Called the:Whitherstorms. You might want to join!! so...Follow me and we're a clan!!!!!!!!!!
【◆SYM◆】ASV kyuuri9456
フォロー宜しくお願いします! どーもゲーム大好きりっきーでーす ASVチームの副リーダーです! SYMチームにも入っています! ~自己紹介~ 山形県、長井市、けん玉の生産量日本一 性別 男 名前 りゅうき 漢字 龍樹 ニックネーム リッキー、きゅうり 身長 143cm 低身長ですが何か (何にもないかw) 好きな教科 社会、体育 ゲームに関することの紹介 大切に思っているフレンド アスパラパラ、ジャッチくん、アスモ(あすか) ブキチ(だいぴん) ドラグゥーン この方にフォローお願いします ~スプラトゥーン~ ランク50 ウデマエS(元S+) パブロ使いの弱い奴です 前はチャージャー使いです フォロワー700人突破! 目標は無理だけどあすかのフォロワーをこえる! 目標を達成するようにフォローお願いします! ゲームで会ったらよろしく! 更新日8月10日 木曜日
iiOmqltzii emaralds101
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Ryleigh((: RyleighGrace47
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Zelda Fan SuperLuigisTime
¡Hola! ¡Soy un gran fan de Luigi! ¡No olvides que tengo un canal en youtube que se llama LUCAZOETTA BLOGS! Esta es mi cuenta oficial. ¡Tengo 15 años! ¡Preguntadme lo que sea! ¡Viva la saga Zelda y la saga super mario! ¡Luigi y Yoshi los mejores! ¡Gracias por seguirme!
richi richie3oh5
KyleSalter zsasalter
Hello! I'm Kyle, the loving SplatMaster of them all! I'm capitain of the SplatterBombs, the fiercest team in Splatoon! If you want in, comment on a post saying you do, then friend me! I accept all friend requests. See ya soon!
Angel princessj06
minecraft is not a wii u GAME.
Grump roadking1952
SUUP!!! IM GRUMP AND WELCOME.. TO MY PROFILE my likes include Drake, the Weeknd (thats how he spelled his name), Batman, The WALKING DEAD, COD, TOM CLANCY, Mario, Pokémon, Superman,Disney infinity, Bruno Mars, And MARVEL. Dislikes include Racism, Trolls, Thieves, Cheap Movies!!!!! FAVORITE GAMES EEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRR, METAL GEAR SOLID AND RED FACTION GUERRILLA!! AND IM BAD AT ZELDA GAMES
funnybirdy ilovecakei8
Hello everyone!Me name is spencer and I like to have fun! I am nine years old. :D
Andrew P. MewtwoAndrewXIII
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*** ****** charliebear31
DJ11S.S djj20011
i love nintendo and skylanders splatoons my number 1 ssb2 minecraft3 mariomaker maybe number 4 yeah im 13 im super friendly playing with friends is the best thing ever i own a wiiu 3ds and xbox360 my favorite friends is Nicky ethan mwthe king sammy i am leader of runners united my vice presidient is star man im a member of bmu also
prancer stephencliffe001
hi my names prancer and i like to play lots of games my fav is minecraft
BEND 8810k10
こんにちは。 カトハヤです。 カトハヤについて。 性別:男 職業:中学生 身長:表記不可 体重:表記不可 得意なもの:ゲーム、バスケ、国語、英語 学力:まあまあ上の方。(24/160) 特殊能力:未来予知ができる?(詳細不明) 特徴:天然ドジ♪ これからも、皆様どうぞよろしく。 2016 6/7 PM10:15更新
BlueFox lucaroking
i am the king of lucarios i am also know as lucario lord I have pokken tournament mario maker and nintendo land and 3 other games if you want to be friends you can send friend requests or star my courses on mario maker hope we can play pokken tournament together because I have a lucario lv 50 that is all i have to say bye.
D Dude Dither25
hello i like mariokart 8
Police:Where do you live!
Kid: In a house
Police: Where is your house!
Kid: With me
Police: Where...
Police:Where do you live!
Kid: In a house
Police: Where is your house!
Kid: With me
Police: Where do you and your house live
Kid: With my parents
Police: Where do you all live!
Kid: in a house
Police: Where dose you house live next to!
Kid: next to my neighbor
Police: Where do your neighbors live!
Kid: you woldnt belive me when i say this
Police: Tell me!
Kid: Right next to mine