GOLD's Friends
sam jacperson12
Walter xXwallygatorXx
kwebbelkop georgeremix12456
friend requests follow me i will follow back and i got call of duty black ops ll if you have it friend request me: things i like is video games shooting action thats all NO WII U CHATS only friend request why are you still here?
Bob Marley CrestToothepaste
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MLGkegan09 keegyduncan2008
hi my name is kegan.. im new to this and looking for friends to connect with i allow wii u chat and i never swear in it i send friend requests if you send any i will read them allso if you would like to play with me on minecraft friend me dont be shy p.s im sad plz friend me
Derpster bloxer_news
Hi i'm jaycen a.k.a bloxer_news
jwhat naramore
WHAT UP i'm dallas, im 9 years old,i'm a boy. Be my friend!!!
Rodrigo wmilio
how are you¿
AceGabo*** Yeah56
My name is Gabriel and i love Sumer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jay NICK1254gg
WILCOME to Jays Profile. mode. sad happy mad how odd ? i have a phone i love games games mario kart 8 minecraft i love all my follow and friends
Pinki Unionz
super girl awesomegirl754
hi i play minecraft and lego games
Happymikey punchoutisfun
Hi! My name is Happymikey but you can call me just Mikey. I will play with anyone! Friend me if you want and I will accept as soon as I can! Here's a list of games if you want to play with me! Games: Mario Kart 8, Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3D land, MCSM, Nes Remix Pack, Splatoon(Getting it for my birthday), Super Smash Bros., and Dr.Mario. Have a great day! Bye!
herry xx_robie_xx
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Danny Danny109731
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Seth LEGOs21
richi richie3oh5
I'm jew to wii U so if u want to be my freind just message me.
foxy Rainbow-Richard
im 11 years old i lovee splatoon and i love this girl named neveah slayton and i used to have a crush on a girl named sammi yee im very boss at splatoon and i beat assassins creed 3 it was so fun
MLG☆steph★ stephenchanning
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johnjohn trigue1
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Baked Tato MissInnu
Missingno-Senpai here. (Or call me Flo.) LEADER OF {PA} and [Sв]... It's only a matter of time before I disappear. So please, my friends, try to contact me, with the informations I gave you. Farewell, Miiversians.
Zach NightmrSprngtrp
christian christian55250
imanother version of me isaac ! oh amazing @@@@kln images rock ? yes over nos yess return to me ok You Your My Yes free Family May Christian @!?.,.,.,. OH Click My Family
lady pikahia
Tomoki Tomoki_Sakurai22
Hi... im 17 i like games and i also like anime... my hobbies reading,drawing... most of all sleeping.... i tay up very late so sleeping is in day time... in day time i might not be conected.... i like to wii u chat just add me and tell me if you want to wii u chat
Deuce duece_man_22
i like mine craft im 12 i love my friends and i love DanTDM SSundee Subzero and Thinknoodles
JC Voss04
Jayden bosswoman12345
Im like hey whats up hello!!
Theron TheronC
Hi my name is TheronC i love minecraft wii u if you guys want to play with me come juin i would be happy
ςκγ★Gαlαхγ marqel23
Hi Guys!Miverse is shutting down.Thank you for being my friend or follower.WHY NINTENDO , NOOOO ! I hope i see you guys soon.Bye forever Friends! :(
Cyber Punk thomaskrillex
wow mario kart 8 is AWESOME
Lonk montoya0627
soo... i herd the news... miiverse is shutting down:( i need to give a big thanks to all my followers! ill be talking to people on voice chat for now on... so if h need me to talk to you add me if u need to talk to me.... GOODBYE MIIVERSE :] it was fun being with my fans ;)
KyleSalter zsasalter
Hello! I'm Kyle, the loving SplatMaster of them all! I'm capitain of the SplatterBombs, the fiercest team in Splatoon! If you want in, comment on a post saying you do, then friend me! I accept all friend requests. See ya soon!
gamer boy jhomarmanueljmmj
a am a good boy
eisen xx-EISEN-XX
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nug tijsean
welcome to my profile hear something about me my name sean not my real name for now fav food:shrimp and pizza GO NOW AAAAAAAA!!!!'
Stephanie wailordftw
hunt hunter81
profeser think1234
geert geertjorens
i am cool
Ninja3019 Mercado222
MATTMAN Mathias186
char harnerwii
im cool
Andie boogerbutt
Oh great... Now I have a bruise on my face... Anyway, I'm Andie. I love Minecraft. Any of my friends can play minecraft with me, whether it be hunger games or co-op survival or pixel art. I absolutely love fennekin. Fennekin Forever! I think my bruise healed sooo... BYE!! Why are you still here? Leave! Yo rude. :(
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Police:Where do you live!
Kid: In a house
Police: Where is your house!
Kid: With me
Police: Where...
Police:Where do you live!
Kid: In a house
Police: Where is your house!
Kid: With me
Police: Where do you and your house live
Kid: With my parents
Police: Where do you all live!
Kid: in a house
Police: Where dose you house live next to!
Kid: next to my neighbor
Police: Where do your neighbors live!
Kid: you woldnt belive me when i say this
Police: Tell me!
Kid: Right next to mine