Happymask's Followers
mario peachgal
It's a me, Mario! The plumber that saves the princess ( Like a million times) from the evil bowser. Man, I a hate that guy, making me a going through a hundred levels. Atleast i got my bro Luigi to do the work sometimes :D PS, im a boy, dont mind peachgal
Emily humm Rocktheman15
Hi am new i jest got this 3ds at a pone shop love you all
spuddy spuddysainter
im oscar im 10 i love loz and smash i have a good life me miiverse goal is if i get ten follower. i make games through coding and also dungeons and dragons i dont know y but im watching my little pony with my sis she might take over so if ava is rapidly used and posted it was not me thank u for reading this #miiverseshallneverendplz imnotsingle
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
Aya-Senpai MitzeyBakura
Helloooo i am Mitzey Matsumoto i am a duelist from domino City! I'm a Christian and an anime artist. I like pasta and macrons and i hate bacon. ._. ..... Will i lose friends for that???? Anyway, here r the animes i watch Yugioh Digimon Sailor Moon Little witch academia Beyblade Hetalia Inuyasha Kaleidostar Naruto Fruits Basket Sonic X (sometimes) I hope my posts can make u smile :3
ADOQUE dogycate
ouvert a tous!!!<#0#> (enfin + au fan de zelda mais bon . . .) bonjour je m'apelle CORENTIN ma BD préféré est TINTIN mais sinon ma chaîne youtube préféré est TRACH ET PEWDIEPIE !!! (@0@) jeux préféré: ''THE LÉGENDE OF ZELDA'' twiliyte prinsess ET ZELDA BOTW ! (^-^) (et le CULTISIME,L'INDEMODABLE MAGORA'S MASQUE des à présent ! ) (*˛*) ET OUI JE SUIS TRISTEMENT AU COURANT POUR MIIVERSE ! [;_;]
Λ ƒoııошεг YourFollower
Welcome Bienvenido Bienvenue Karibu Bem vinda Добро пожаловать Benvenuto gratissimim Welina Herzlich willkommen
VIC Mr.SandmanEx
HOLA! Soy Mr.Sandman, soy una persona alegre y muy decidida En Miiverse publicare dibujos y comentarios interesantes (solo que si por ahi ven algun dibujo un poco mal hecho es porque no soy tan bueno dibujando aqui) Mi meta es llegar a los 80 seguidores.
Sofia² GmaerSofie
Hi! I am Sofia. My profile name is supposed to be GamerSofia but I typed it in wrong... Oh well. This is my 3DS account. My Wii U account is SofiePie2004. All time favorite game series: The Legend Of Zelda. Also, I follow everyone who follows me! I also like doing RP's. I only know English. #ProtectLinkSquad Now go follow my better Wii U account.
Elizabeth cocodrila1
♪Well it's time to say goodbye...let all your teardrops flyy,And for All i been through and the time i'v broken my arms,I'll never forget yoouuu,oooooo,Never forget youu ooo ooo,On a dark night i'd come here to draw,ooooohhhh all the post and the people i've meet where the greatest part of being here!But now that the end is here i'd thought i'd let you know~that every end brings a newww begining!♪
Mahum Maahum786
My name is Mahum, I love playing Cookie run, I draw good on paper. y u still reading BoTW is da best So is Oddessey
Emily EmilyTas5
Jacob Bobbbbbbbb
yo peeps this is my 1st account and my main account my 2nd one is on 3DS which is also called Jacob and if ya follow me then I follow you and btw i dont do wii u chat!!! arch-enemy = rosalina!!! bonjour je suis Jacob J'ai également un compte sur 3DS qui s'appelle aussi Jacob? Si vous me suivez, je vous suis L'ennemi de l'arc est égal à Rosalina hola hallo
Pro E Gadd Matteoalt
The third alt of Matteo. Have fun!
Eva Luna AppleMoon02
•°☆Welcome to my Profile☆°• Hi guys! I'm AppleMoon a person that love to draw things! ºThings that I loveº ºSteven Universe ºPokemon ºZelda ºAnimal Crossing •Informations• Real name: Eva Luna Age: 14 ½ Fav. Pokemon: Oshawott Fav.Gems: 1st Peridot 2nd Lapis "If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot-dogs" I'LL REALLY MISS YOU GUYS... Post: 0 :/
Bennikobra b20e06n
Hallo leute herzlich willkommenbei menem Profil danke das ihr mir folgt und wen ihr mir nicht folgt dan folgt mir bitte ihr werdet viel spaß haben ich poste jeden tag auser wen ich krank . Jetzt kommt eine kleine info ubr mich. Name Benikobra in echt Ben Alter 11 Klasse 5 Bester freund dani Deutsch ★★★★★ Englisch ★★ Tahiland ★★★
Jason Jaygbaby
Ocarina of time is my favorite game of all
xM☆Gαbΐ Seventeen-158795
Seventeen Carat BTS Army Astro Aroha Got7 Ahgase Exo Exo-L Monsta X Monbebe UP10TION Honey10 hola, Bonjour, salut im gaby, friends call me gαbΐ My Clans:AO, ЬН, R&γ •Haruki •Ðaηηγ •Kαrΐ •Kitkat •Harry •Stερhγ •Ðαhılα •Jìкσ •Miumy •Kενıη •Max they all make laugh^_^♥ i'll miss you my great friends♥but i'll never forget ϋ
Angel bmmunoz
Hey everyone, I'm Angel! I enjoy playing Super Smash Bros, making videos, and just being weird in general! Happy Gaming, friends!
linkthaguy sanicmatmatmat
it ya boooiiiiiii .... um....th....... i forgot my name.... but hi i am a goron DONT LOOK AT MY OLD POSTS THROUGH.... my old posts are weird...link for president!!!!!!! and president of nintendo THE LEGEND OF ZELDA FOR LIFFFFEEEEE plus thanks sooooooo much for all of the followers sorry but i cant follow any more people but thanks soooo much for the suport
red dog baguio16
im a legend of zelda fan
Lupin Epic990
Hi, im a bit shy and antisocial when it comes to talking to people face to face so usually I interact with others online, it seems easier to be social. I usually Post a bunch of quotes often to cheer people up or inspire them.
ηεω~Daddy monkeypower
Hi everyone! This my profile where I make drawings and other posts! (mostly Sm4sh) Go follow Meme~Dev as well! She's the creator of the awesome ηεω clan! \(˙˘˙)/ Thanks to all my followers and friends and everyone who supported me! Miiverse ends at 10:00 pm today... Goodbye everyone and Miiverse... 2012-2017
Sheik sheikahtribesman
HEYO everyone! I'm Sheik, my real name's Alayna. I'm also a IK(Inkling Knites) Member. Fav games: Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, and Pokémon Art Academy. fact(s) about me:I'm OBSESSED with Eddsworld TomTord, EddMatt, and just Tord in general :'). I'm a YT taught artist but as you can see I still have alot to learn :') thx for coming to visit this piece of junk :'''))) #R.I.P. MV.
Chris H Norcal30
StonerRick stonerrick
Wubba lubba dub dub! ‹3
Tinyelvis Eoin05Ryan
Hi! I love Zelda and Pokemon so be sure to stop by!
Guilherme Mega_GS
Kenzie lncpar72
Gordo knave560
For the few days, i've been playing Disney Infinity, Batman 3 Beyond Gotham and Lego Marvel Super Heros. I am so physched for the DLC for BotW to come out, cause it will be the awesomest! I like to talk about stuff Zelda related the most and like to dye stuff, so tell me anything and clothes so i can dye them!
Mariel 05 Luniel09
Hoooooliwiliii!!!!!! K tal?? Bueno la verdad no se q poner aki asi ke solo les dire q gracias por pasaros por aqui \(^w^)/ Chau!! (No olvides darle al boton de seguir! ;) todavia sigues bajando? uffff ... venga vaaaaa
Dan Brand1738
What's up Dudes
Azureblaze ThtGuyWitSixKarp
My favorite franchises are: The Legend Of Zelda, Super Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing. my favorite game in each series is: Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kirby: Return To Dream Land, Pokémon: Sun/Moon, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Mario: Super Mario 3D Land. (I hope you enjoyed reading this, and thank you for your time. Make note that these are MY OPINIONS and I might change this.
santiago99 machenita
PetitCoeur oehtam31
Yo! tu vas bien moi toujours j'ai lancé un time si tu veux la rejoindre dis le moi en comentaire et au faite j'ai Mincraft Splatoon ECT... Je suis youtubeur vas chéque ma chaine Mathéo Yt Je Kiffe Le Football Et si toi aussi Abonne toi Stp objectif 250 Abonnés Merci Pour le soutien Merci du fond du ♥ Pour Les 71 Amis Merci D'avoir Lu Mon Profil Grasias En Español (En Français Merci)©®©
Zelda 101ZeldaManga
Im 14 years old i use nintendo 2ds for my draw and i love so much The Legend of Zelda 4ver‹3 ;D Goodbye to all thanks very much Miiverse for your beatiful service and for fun we have togheter! Zelda™
Krikri tyiopsd
Merci a tous pour m'avoir fait vivre cette experience inoubliable avec vous je vous oublierai jamais je vous adore Byebye Et peut etre un jour on se reverra et croison les doigts pour que miverse reviendra un jour ...
Jamie Jamie.Hewitt
FRANCESCA★ Francesca200610
Sofia SofiePie2004
Hello! I'm Sofia! I am 12¾ years old. I am pretty good at drawing. I LOVE Nintendo and The Legend Of Zelda. Also, check out my 3DS account, It's GmaerSofie. It's supposed to be GamerSofie but I typed it in wrong... oh well... And if I don't reply I'm either drawing a post or I'm not on. Btw I do a home school. #ProtectLinkSquad I think I'm addicted to The Legend of Zelda...
Having trouble deciding which Zelda game is best? Here are 5 things to judge by:
1) STORY - It N...
Having trouble deciding which Zelda game is best? Here are 5 things to judge by:
1) STORY - It NEEDS a good story.
2) TEMPLES - A ton of time is spent in temples.
3) FREEDOM - Being able to be yourself is critical.
4) CHARACTERS are what make many games in the series memorable.
5) SIDEQUESTS - Sidequests are how you fill your time in the world of Hyrule.