Happymask's Friends
Ty LilNacho643
Irregular person doing regular things. My (current) favorite game is: TLOZ Spirit Tracks.
How's it going? My name is Elijah. :] I'm a all around friendly guy. I play lots of games. :] I debate a lot and i love a worthy challenge. :P Good day miiverse!! :]
brntpncake BurntPancake37
Jared pearman670
Hi my name is Jared im 16 and my favorite games are xenoblade chronichles x, any legend of zelda ,smash bros and shovel knight,thats about it so ya see ya ★Official Ryoma Of The Shepherds★ ☆Official Link,Master Chief and Arthur of the Anime Alliance☆
JellyBean OdeToSleep21
[+=••] HI, I'm JellyBean. I play all sorts of games but my favorite video game series is The Legend of Zelda, my favorite game is Majora's Mask. feel free to follow me!
Daan Daanb035
Hi there, i've been a huge fan of Nintendo since i was 3 years old. My top 3 favourite Nintendo games are: 3. Pokémon FireRed (GBA) 2. Super Mario 64 (N64) 1. Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC / Wii U) My favourite systems are the N64 and the GBA. I love to discuss about video games and to collect merchandise. Feel free to follow me or send me a friend request.
dustpan 27prince
Anna DiamondLOTP33
ghost~comb altMike2891
Hallo My name's Michael, and I'm 17 I really like art and music, and games with good vibes Things are complicated, so let's try to understand I wish you the best
Snap Land-Of-Twilight
Hi! Welcome to The Land of Twilight (Chatroom)! Only Twili (and friends) allowed! I'm Twilight Princess Issi...If you are reading this, you'll know the rest about me. My favorite LOZ game is Twilight Princess My favorite LOZ characters are Midna and Ghiri I share an inventory with Twili :3 ~Currently playing~ Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and Sm4sh Main-(NightFuryMidna) Please NO yeahing
Colin Colinmcgrady
Hey, what's up? Im Colin. I enjoy lots of games and movies. I also like watching lets plays and live streams on Youtube and Twitch respectively. I have recently been playing Smash Wii U and hope to see you in online mode at some point.
Kaity Theholyflame
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RedMask GoliMask
My Top 10 Game Series 1-The Legend of Zelda 2-Xenoblade 3-Final Fantasy 4-Smash Bros 5-Metal Gear Solid 6-Metriod 7-Jet Grind Radio 8-Soul Calibur 9-Okami 10-Illusion of Gaia Favorite Indie Game Nsala Liberation
DanielManX Gamecock_Jones
Ya.. i play games. Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Castlevania, the works... Follow me and ill follow back. wait... this isnt Twitter...
Scott 3rdacount
hey guys im ryan and heres some info about me love to sing huge geek i've tried out for americas got talent i'll let u know if i make it music and video games are my life miverse sister: malika miiverse brother: ryan any thing i left out let me know and i'll be sure to answer you personally
Issi☆ NightFuryMidna
☆I'm The Twilight Princess Issi☆ Farewell Miiverse! Check out my posts! 600 Followers, thanks everyone! :D My favorite anime is SAO. I'm a sηίper in Splatσσп >:] Midna is the best TLOZ character! My favorite Zelda games in order: TP, ST, OoT, WW, SS, MM. ☆<~KoB~>☆
Cap'nFluff 78REXnett05
Hi! I'm Bjørnar AKA Cap'nFluff I'm just your average left handed, norwegian, trash metal loving nintendo fan I'm into Zelda and Xenoblade most of the time, but I also like Mario, Smash and Mega Man Things i love: Dogs, Trash metal, Nintendo, When your aunt gives you money, Trash metal and Trash metal BTW did i mention I really like Trash metal See ya'll in my posts! METALLICA RULES!!
Orion ArthNosen
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aquatron13 aquatron13
hello aquatron13 here real name wilnardo im a very big fan of video games such as nintendo frachises like the legend of zelda,smash bros, mario & much more,im very nice, dramatic,shy & commucative with people. i always love to hear peoples opinions on video games they like & love to hate .ive grown up with video games ever since i was 6 years old i live west palm beach,fl i will accept any request
Link OficialLink
Your zelda news directly to you, THE PEOPLE! Love the zelda series (DUH!!) Love bringing zelda news to everyone through miiverse. Zelda is what i do. I play retro to modern games and i love the feeling of a new game. Thank U, OfficialLink
Zoobick Zoobicknizer
'Ello there! I'm just a guy who enjoys gaming! ¬ My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda ¬ My favorite game is Super Mario 64 ¬ I ♥ good grammar… :3 ¬ I ♥ ♪ «INFJ according to the MBTI» If you know what that means, you'll understand a lot about me. Keelah se'lai.
BagofPlums Alvarito-boy
This user's profile comment is private.
HylianKey KeybladeTriforce
Umm, hi. My name is Aziz. I'm 15 and I consider myself a huge fan of the Zelda and Kingdom Hearts series. I love to study the amazing lore of these and many other games. I'm usually kinda shy but please feel free to talk or ask questions about anything as long as we're not "Heartless"! P.S. Fav pokemon in order: 1. Mew 2. Lucario 3. Gallade 4. Eevee 5. Zekrom 6. Arceus 7. Victini/Jirachi
MajKid Frenchmood
♥♥♡ [+=··] Hi I'm MajKid and im 14. I'm a gamer who Loves pretty much any kind of games. The Legend Of Zelda is my favorite game series of all time. my favorite game is Majoras Mask. I am also a Christian.
Zanzona Zanzona
Proud Nintendo player! I love all Nintendo games, but right now, Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing are my top spots. I love making new friends so don't hesitate to speak to me :) My other interests include - writing books, reading books ( mostly fantasy) and listening to music. Who wants to challenge me at Mario Kart 8? ;)
Cam ComplexGeko
Skyler Skybuzzard2000
"Ruto, girl... you look hot and all, but you're not even in Twilight Princess!" Well... Im bored... Just playing my computer. Midna and I have a channel! ;P #WantMidnaBackAlot xoxo I love Midna,.. Twilight Princess is awesome :p -Currently striving for peace, like all true warriors do- Ma boi!
Fronk Fronk123
I like Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Smash, Pokemon, and just about anything else Nintendo...but especially Zelda.
YoungLink YoungLink1020
Hey Stalker, I'm Khushi,i'm a Zelda and SSB Fan.I'm 10 years old and my real name is Joseph If you follow me maybe i'll follow you back.BYE :)
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
Julia AwesomePerson246
Uhhh, hi. ^-^ I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm a huge Zelda geek, haha. I have a CHIEN named Baxter, and three brothers (one's at college though). And . . . yeah. I never know what to put on profiles, haha. (also yaaayy I have a Switch now!!!! (7/22/2017))
Isaque A. Isak01
Give me a yeah that I give one to you too!(Me dê um joinha que eu te dou um também!) Follow me and I'll follow you!(Me siga que eu te sigo! Eu falo Português e Inglês (I speak Portuguese and English) My name is Isaque (Meu nome é Isaque)
Livira 077279
Sup? I'm a artist/writer in training. I'm into anime, manga, and any kind of games. Hope to make some friends here! (^o^) I also take drawing requests on Art Studio! -Zelda Fan- Favorite Zelda Characters: Niko, Zuko, Linebeck, Ghirahim, Yuga
Sarah PirateGirl76
I'm a long-time gamer & Nintendo fan. Zelda was the first series I flipped over, starting w/ the NES game. I LOVE Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Professor Layton & Pokémon. I like collecting & gardening! My top 8 favorite games: 1 Paper Mario: TTYD 2 LoZ: Majora's Mask 3 LoZ: Wind Waker 4 Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 5 Conker's Bad Fur Day 6 Pokemon Platinum 7 Super Paper Mario 8 LoZ: Minish Cap
ofovosmou O_Fovos_Mou
Pronounced "ooh fah-voosh moo". a little bit about me: My name is Matthew, but I usually just go by "Matt". There are a number of issues that I take seriously, though I try not to take myself too seriously and to respect the opinions of others. Because im only human, I fail at both on occasion. I find value in having role models, mentors, spiritual directive, and conviction - phillipians 3:13
Nintendo Master Race, Smash 4, Melee, and other fighting games, Zelda #1, I wish I had BoTW...
Birdy rowofbirdsgaming
This is Mark from Robirds Bros. Entertainment on youtube. I hope to have fun with fans, make friends, and get new fans. Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Sonic, Mass Effect, etc are my faves ^_^ Happy Gaming!!!
Ben stpaulmagic
Hello fellow nintendo fans! Im Ben, 26 years old and live in Minnesota. Some of my favorite games/series are Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Smash Bros, Metroid, Resident Evil, Xenoblade Chronicles, Zero Escape, Fire Emblem, Castlevania, Baten Kaitos plus many more. Im also kinda obsessed with collecting sci fi stuff especially from Star Wars, Aliens, Predator, Terminator and The Thing.
Asia Wonepiece
{Hello i'm Asia from italy and i love Anime, manga and Videogames ^^ ~The Legend of Zelda ~Phoenix Wright ~Professor Layton ~Super Mario ~One Piece ~Kingdom Hearts
Carmen xCARMZx
Won't be on Miiverse that often anymore... Uhm, Hi, I'm Carmen I really like to Draw, Write, Game, Listen to Music and Watch Anime. I mostly Draw TLoZ related stuff. I Write stories, like Fanfictions or things i want to make a Manga with. I play lots of Games, but mostly TLoZ. I like almost every Music genre, but I love Japanese music the most. I also like lots of Anime genres. Bye x
Josh4297 LuigiMario_8Bit
Hey, BÆs and Maxter! I'm a seventeen year old gamer called Josh4297 but my friends just call me Josh4297. I'm known for doing many things. Things such as playing video games, breathing... That's about it, actually. If you are reading this, you should probably think more carefully about how you're spending your time. Bye! Best friends: Daniel4297 Dylan4297 Luds Ben
Damien momoftwins
Hey my name is Damien and I make all my post with my bro ( he makes the funny ones )!!!!! I like pizza and video games ( I love Mario games, like New Super Mario Bros U and Super Mario 3D World)!!!!!! Follow me and give me alot of yeahs! SERIOUSLY GIVE ME LOTS AND LOTS OF YEAH AND FOLLOWS! (Please?!) Thanks for reading! AND DON'T FORGET TO GIVE ME SO MANY YEAHS ON MY POSTS AND FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!!!
Ą Link554432
Michael Web2382m
I am a huge Nintendo fan/Video Game Nerd, and Spider-Man fan. My favorite game is The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker and my upcoming games i want to play is Splatton, The Legend of Zelda Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles X,Star Fox Wii U, Super Smash for Wii U, No Man's Sky, and Batman Arkham Kinght. May God bless and HAPPY GAMING! P.S. Soccer is the best. And i'm a teenager so no Chat, even other teens.
Mr. H sonicboomer159
Nintendo all the way! My favorite games include Zelda, Mario, MOTHER/EarthBound, and Smash Bros. Other favorites include Kingdom Hearts, Ace Attorney, Shin Megami Tensei and spin-offs, and Castlevania (Lords of Shadow included). My favorite movie is A Few Good Men, and I'm a massive bookworm. I'm also an aspiring English teacher; stories can heal the soul. May God bless all of you!
•MJ• byronblue
Haha I'm trash. I can draw I swear (Miiverse pixel/8-bit dosent agree with me) About me (I guess): -My name's MJ, I'm a musician and occasinally like to draw. Im a huge kpop & anime fan and I like gaming. (warning, my art is terrible)
Gunner GunnerTheGleek
Hello! Welcome To My Profile! My Name Is Gunner! I Am 21 ! My Favorite Nintendo Series Are Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokémon, Metroid, And Animal Crossing! My First Nintendo System Was The Nintendo 64 With Banjo-Kazooie!
Ron1212 Ron1212
Hello people of Miiverse! -I'm a big fan of the Legend of Zelda -I personally think Nintendo rocks! :]
Lauren™ LPawesome2
I love the Legend of Zelda! :D ...Ravio is and always will be my fav Zelda character! <3
Having trouble deciding which Zelda game is best? Here are 5 things to judge by:
1) STORY - It N...
Having trouble deciding which Zelda game is best? Here are 5 things to judge by:
1) STORY - It NEEDS a good story.
2) TEMPLES - A ton of time is spent in temples.
3) FREEDOM - Being able to be yourself is critical.
4) CHARACTERS are what make many games in the series memorable.
5) SIDEQUESTS - Sidequests are how you fill your time in the world of Hyrule.