WóH Caleb's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community


10/09/2017 4:17 PM

I'm the type of person who gets more upset when people are rude to my friends then when they're actually rude to me

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post


09/16/2017 10:47 PM

If it's true then we'll never know. Because we'll be ded

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post

mr unknown

09/16/2017 10:10 PM

also nibiru was "supposed" to come many many times like 2012 so why would it come now it is fake

New Super Luigi U Community


08/30/2017 6:47 AM

New Super Luigi U Community

Little Bee

08/19/2017 12:41 PM

40 yeahs and I'll make a Marina x Callie fanfic.

New Super Luigi U Community


08/19/2017 12:31 PM

so the teletubbies are invading miiverse again, if only SMG4 had a NNID & posted on NSLUC

Comment on GWAHrfield's Post


08/19/2017 11:03 AM

Fine, Caleb, here's your 420,000$! But you owe me 420,001$ for destroying my most delicious lasaga!

Comment on GWAHrfield's Post


08/19/2017 10:57 AM

Maybe we can open a italian buffet in the hotel

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post


08/13/2017 4:47 PM

Sure. But I'm not doing any of that king stuff unless he changes his username to Rhoam or another variation of the king.

Play Journal Entries Pixel Paint


04/04/2017 10:25 PM

"In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy... a boy who, after batting evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from the land that had mad...

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post


08/11/2017 9:16 PM

I feel sorry for you

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post


08/11/2017 8:43 PM

Surprisingly enough I've never listened to that song.

New Super Luigi U Community


08/11/2017 8:08 PM

New Super Luigi U Community


08/11/2017 8:09 PM

The last day before Miiverse gets discontinued will be utter chaos. I just know it.

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post

WóH Daruk

08/10/2017 4:55 PM

I'm like the co-leader of 3 different online groups now. I'll be fine.

Comment on WóH Caleb's Post

Pro E Gadd

08/10/2017 4:53 PM

I do think you are giving up far too quickly, but good-bye, old friend.

New Super Luigi U Community

Daniel EDC

08/10/2017 4:44 PM

TBH... Who even cares about 4K graphics. Like if the games not fun I'm not gonna play it. Graphics dont change that.