Well. This is it. The end. Thanks for the memories guys. MM57 INCOMING IN NSLUC
WóH Caleb's Post

Uhhh, I don't know if anybody cares or knows, but, the new McLaren 650s Coupe is mine. Please be very careful when parking next to it.

Guys, why don't we just be friends with Jamerson? I mean, all of us can be friends and share the hotel with him! I'm being serious, let's be nice to James.

Goodnight TFAO community and the Zelda hotel All trolls shall be blocked, beware the pack of Guardians that defend us

I hate that I'm doing this. It's everyday bro, with the Disney channel flow, five mil on YouTube been six months, never done before, passed all the competition man pewdiepie is next, man I'm poppin...

*gets up* Well, I think that does i- *flies backwards while guardian blows up* OH MY HYLIA HOW DID HOW DID ANY OF THIS HAPPEN *runs inside* JER, I GOOFED!

Jindrak is threating to report everybody but here I am listening to Axwell /\ Ingrosso. THIS IS GOLD

I'm cancelling my room This has all fallen apart so quickly. Goodbye fellow Hylians. I hope we meet again in the NSLU

How much revenue goes to Nintendo in the Nintendo Partnership program? If it's more than 35% then no thank you

Oh hey guys. I'm copycat. I copy posts because I have no originality and nothing to say other than make fun of serious posts!

Friend thinks that being banned for spawn k!11!ng makes no sense, and that they are either too good or they need to get rekt and join a different server This friend also listens to One Direction an...

When I told my friend I wanted to play the 18 year old masterpiece (in my opinion), Ocarina of Time, he said that he didn't have it and asked "Is it multiplayer?" I said no. I was really upset that...
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Hey everybody who clicked on my profile. I'm the official lead...
Profile comment hidden by nobody.
Hey everybody who clicked on my profile. I'm the official leader and founder of the terrible Warriors of Hyrule clan, and I'm a member of IS.
Here's the music groups I like, because why not.
Axwell /\ Ingrosso
The Chainsmokers
Jack Ü
I think that's all I have to say, so see ya!
Also, I am a Hylian, I just post in NSLUC a lot.