TinCan's Followers
SoraWonder Soragirl20
Welcome I am Storm aka - Sorathewonder in other places Please be Kind, friendly and treat others with respect Be you and only you for that is best person you can be Have a GREAT LIFE Hugs you like a warm blanket right out the dryer♥ I wish you all the best in the end. May the GOOD of miiverse live and may the BAD fade away
SkyKat1o1 skykat101
hi i am Skykat.lisen up random people,cause these are the things i like and dislike. ↓LIKES↓ FAIRYTALE DeathNote Markiplier reactiontime SuperMarioLogan pewdiepie jacksepticeye cupquake Cookies Music Razzbowski ↓DISLIKES↓ bullies cold water SMILEYFACES PS:i only like winky faces. you can applause now. i am a girl. °¬° i like following random people the mii is not how i really look
Lucius Herobrian53
Lucius ☆☆☆ The Artistic Weeb ★★★ Status: Trying to find that dang fourth Chaos Emerald ☆☆☆ I change my name/mii/bio a lot. Be ready for that.
★Кαиdγ★ Kkandy105
Hoi!! U may call me Kandy. Thingz about me☆: I love anime(my fav is Yuri on Ice) Im a geek I love floof My favorite gamez are Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Fire Emblem I love drawing<3 Im left-handed i have dyslexia #ProtectLinkSquad i wouldnt be found after mv ends...I havent joined Mv as soon as i wouldve liked but nothing could explain how greatful i am for all the kindness and support!tysm
Кιττεη☆★☆ Shadowdemon103
konichiwa!Hey there I'm Κιττεη☆★☆ I see you have stumbled onto my profile of cringe Here are some things about me. I love to draw and I love anime(Yuri on ice #1 , black butler,Noragami,Ouran High School Hostclub ,assassination classroom) I'm also a huge gaming nerd *cough cough Fire emblem fates,fnaf,and Pokemon*cough cough I'm not an artist just a doodler I do requests
End_It stampyfan10
I started Miiverse way back in 2015. I was, sadly, an on topic poster. After a while, i moved to the Youtube community. There, I would be random and still a litte cringy. And finaly, the NCLU community, which we will, uh, never forget. Anyway, now we are here, and looking back, this will always be my favorite of Nintendo's decisions. Thanks. This is Omar, signing off for the last time.
Madi msigua
Hi! My Name Is Madison! I Am Filipino And American! Online√ Offline Favorite Video Games: Splatoon, MK8, Goal In Life: To Be A Pediatric Nurse ,To Be Vegan Goal In Splatoon: To Be Level 50 & Finish Octo Valley Hobbies: Playing My Wii U Favorite Food + Drink: Ravioli & Water Favorite Youtubers: Sofie Dossi, Jake & Logan Paul R.I.P. Wally Thank You For 204 Followers! R.I.P. Miiverse =(
Villager Kirby_Gamer4life
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mrs.L LtlBroLuigi08
hi i like poken tourmanent lost reavers just dance and hyrule warriors and im a nic guy i do not do wii u chat if you whant to be friends send me a friend requst and if you have sonic and all stars racing transformed and lost reavers lets play together and im 9 and if you believe in god please follow because there are some people who believe in satan
frisk omarino33
i am 12 years old and im just a wierd girl that likes gravity falls, steven universe,and undertale :3
Kani kanininja24
It's ya BOI kani also known as kenny penny.I love to draw manga and animu perfer to draw girls. age:13 i have a personal artist just so you know yepbet ya jealous.I cant wait for highschool! aaand miiverse ends welp.thanks for 100 followers.just let miiverse end.its ded now.
Alex manner445
Sup guys, its Alex, the greatest player for Mario Kart 8! Im a level 35 and a rank B in Splatoon! Marie is my favorite squid sister! Team Marina!!! Just friend request me if u have any games I do and we can play! Let's get this party started!
мαχιε kattttttttieeeee
▲BIEVENUE»»I am Maxie!I take request 24/7,I will answer your questions, and I will follow you back. ▼FANDOMS»»Creepypasta,Homestuck,Batim,ect. ▲INFO»»♀,Taken,a freshman in highschool,I love to draw. ▼?»»Here :3 ▲FOLLOWTHEM»» *Phantom *FrogSatan *Sage ★ι αм βαçк★
janitor janitary
sanitary janitor
XÐ♪Esteban Edores
Hey ! I'm 15 French guy ! XÐ team. From Peru, hablando espanol :D Follow me and like my drawings would make me really happy :)
anonymous pineapletree
actual name: Daphne likes: -alexander hamilton play -splatoon -drawing -yandere simulator -jaiden animations -theodds1out -BTS dislikes -MOTHS -butterflies?? (yeah i know its dumb)
Crow XIII PhantomicBlade
Hello... I am Crow. I like anime/manga My favorite animes are Tokyo Ghoul,Boruto,Danganronpa, and Marai Nikki(Future Dairy)Also Bleach. Hobbies:Drawing,Playing Video games,and playing Roblox I'm currently trying to make a manga series called, Sakura Blade.
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Marian cutierainbowwolf
haii i like puppies and unicorns and i like to play the legend of zelda :3 i am a 12 year old girl i speak spanish and a little latin i am immature for my age i like to draw i am an athlete and i like other stuff that im too lazy to put on here baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JUST KIDDING now baiiii baiiiiiiiiii :3
»—Flαмε—> FlameGirl04
Hi! You can call me Flame. Here are some things about me: •I'm a cheerleader •I like to doodle •I'm a vegetarian •I like video games •My favorite color is orange •I play the flute •I'm in ths ЭÃ clan ...And that's about it. I'd appreciate if you'd follow me. Bye!
½Awake ThePurplePikmin8
Hope you like memes and crappy drawings, because thats all you're gonna get from me. Despite the fact that you're probably a better artist, I will take most request. Don't you hate it when people do this?
Anncario Ann662000
Hi there, Im Anncario (Aka Ghoulcario) and Ima shiny Lucario ghoul I love: •Tokyo Ghoul •Lucky Star •The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya •Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid •Pokemon •Senran Kagura •Yandere Simulator •Vocaloid I have huge obsession with Touka (Tokyo Ghoul) and Lucario. Its been a lot of fun on Miiverse so thx for 800+ my friends & followers :>
Eidorian Ryoji-Bro
Hello, I'm Eidorian (AKA WhiteWare)! I am 17 years old and I'm a fan of Pokémon, Splatoon, Kirby, and Smash... I love to draw! I welcome you all to my Miiverse account where you can experience my fantastic drawings and posts! Anyway, NO Wii U chats please!
Smiling J. Siti35
hi my name is Smiling J. or call me S.J inspirational words from me: «your own life is a precious thing for u. don't do crazy things that would take your l away. because u can hurt yourself and others that ♥ u. so live long my friends and family.» if u don't like what i do,say or draw. then this place is not for u my friend. taken by my sweet AJ9620■ and don't be afraid to talk to me my friend
Buisy thebuisnesscat
Hey there! This is my 3DS account, you can check out my WiiU account here: BehindTheBuisnes Also me and my oc are guys, just saying this in case anyone gets confused ;v;" ~"Buisnessycat" ~"thebuisnesscat"
ºbeaniº nykol85620
i like pancakes... .˛. ˙ˇ˙/\˜˘˜ i will miss you all. ó ò i will miss my prankster gangsters... thanks for 300 followers! it means a lot to me.♥ \˙˘˙\ welcome to the dark side...friends
Joe monkeyking007
Sup, Nintendo fans! I like the games pokemon, kirby, and splatoon. Don't forget super smash bros!!! Have you also, ever been killed in Splatoon and the one who killed you spams booyah? That's me. So if you like drawing, any of the games above, or like spamming booyah all the time you kill someone, follow me! Also, thanks to ALL my followers for being so supportive!
mariobro lukeold
hello im good at video games. i have made a few super mario maker levels they are somewhat good. i enjoy playing terraria, most mario games and also most zelda games that i have played. i like to play video games as a pass time. i can't accept friend requests i hope you people understand its not my choice. if you wondered i am 12 currently. thank you to all my followers, fans and friends.
∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
JDCastillo FantasmaAsesina
Te extrañare MV no tus reglas ni tus bans, pero apesar de eso gracias por todo lo que has hecho por nosotros, gracias por la comunidad para nosotros los gamers, por los amigos que conoci, etc. adios MV adios amigos Si quieres saber donde ya sabes ;^) La T azul es la clave ;^)
Lamar:^) MeieSweet14
dā: MeieSweet Instagräm: meiesweet Bye
Satire luke421
Salutations, here's some weirdo you found. You should probably seriously consider leaving while you still have your sanity Games are cool and all, BUT IT'S ALL ABOUT THEM MEMES YA KNOW WUT I'M SAYIN JIMBO????. An unhealthy amount of garbage resides here RNJesus is unfair Ripperonni Tumorverse There is an 100% chance to find random BS in this region You were warned
Malloy rad_penguln_bruh
•spacey // she/they // not very active here - sorry. •BL and GL are cute !! •i love to draw ☆ •i enjoy playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, etc. ..... •enjoy your visit ~ ! ————————————————— C!3D & IG: @spacebummer ————————————————— hayden, rylie & dakota are the bomb, y'all > 0 ó
roo jhmm_oct4
have you playd super mario 3D world hi im maeve i want more friends and more followers thanks maeve
Marshmello Pedrokas1999
.·•♡evarc24♡ecoponto♡tetel59♡Babá♡Tz_Epic♡•·. BFF’S Oi malta(adeus mv te amo! ♥)Tenho belos amigos, Sei que o MV vai acabar isso é mau como a Nikcs Viera diz sempre<<Poxa miiversa pk n me nota como eu queria que vc me desse(MAIS DIAS PARA DESPEDIR DO MV!).Só sei obg pelo vosso carinho yay chagamos aos 600 seguidores vos amo muito ^//♥//^BJS♥ Queria dizer mais tipo<<Queres um gelado?>>Bem adeus!♥
øºSharkºø LegendOfZelda47
Oh Umm hey if you don't want to forget about me, that'd be cool of you. Insta: @konamiwhale ~will post much art there soon~
ThePLAzmaG ThePlazmaGhazt
Insta: @forgetful.bluee
Snap: @smol.tin