TinCan's Friends
Andrew Andrixis64
inta: a n d r e w _ n e w _ 3
Titi-chan Usaki.hebi
Welcome! If you're here, you're maybe a fan of Zelda or (classic) Megaman, these are my favourite video-games and I post a lot (of drawings) about them. I draw my OCs a lot too (like my adorable little Kurowhy, he's one of my favourites, or my my depressed Crylight. Yeah, they have strange names ouo), but less than fan art. lnstà: Usaki.hebi Deviant: Titi-usaki-hebi
kota!! Im_Just_Trash
he/they !! call me kota just your average teen that's constantly tired, and really likes coffee,,, OUR BRAINS ARE SICK BUT THAT'S OK. mimi is rad nyall don't bother following anymore im done drawing :v psstpsst ↓ ((iģ,,_.dakotaa._)) ';00 fIReFLIES LIT UP THE WORLD AS I FELL ASLEEP *DANCES*
βяıтıηi∞ SavagePanda94
Wolfie♡ ♡ Friends: Byron Lauren ♡♡♡♡ Food: COOKIE DOUGH Color: Mint green! Game: Any Mariogame Game Console: Wii U Dog or cat? Dog Dog breed: Cane Corso Pets: 2 Dogs Sisters? 3 Brothers? 1 State? Illinois Resturant? Chili's! Hair Color: Brown fading into Mint green. Artist? Melanie Martinez Song? Mad hatter or Carousel Welp, Thats all u need to know. Bai! (I accept all friend requests!)
Seм SemIsBack
search @TheSem_ on google
Ariana>~< DjNightmare1987
Hi everyone my name is Ariana i'm a great gamer and a fan of youtuber Markiplier and Fnaf, and anime. Be a great gamer or anime fan and animator I'm a awesome speedpainter to i'm so nice to be on your team or play against you in a game but i must warn you. I never give up in any battle as possible i got the skills and moves in any games.
Devilvase Devilvase96
online[*] offline[ ] English&Chinese&Japanese are all good to me(but I can only type English on my wii u XD) like animetion like piano like video game(ofc) like traveling like making friends like taking photos like everything that's why I'm enjoy my life!
Jessy111 popa12345
bonjours je suis fiere de vous rencontrer :3 jadore avoir de nouveau(elle)s ami(e)s ! je suis une personne qui adore jouer :3 merci davoir lu se mesage a toute :333 et on mapelle jessyca bref jaimerais avoir des abonner et aussi de savoir comment ecrire des commentaire merci
Meck coco.eh
Insta: @jollypills
Kit Kat˙˘˙ LolaLove11
This user's profile comment is private.
DarkHowler Ryno400
Hello everyone!!! My name is Ryan and me and aboudi123 have started a server system: MinePLEX!!! Please feel free to join anytime one of our servers are up!!! We do have up-times and down-times so if we aren't on, check a little bit later!!! Be sure to check the rules and follow the main one.....HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
vîx WhatSerName45
Switch • SW-8531-2318-7901 Disco • vix#3847 Insta • what.ser.name_ ♡ all ma friends I've made on here uωu)/
Alex Alex113425pigh
[online] [√] [offline] [] [out of posts] [] [working on a post] [] i give a follow for follow. I am a anime fan and video game fan i love almost all kinds of animes & games. virtual sisters:Neko Jani, NinjaAmy, ±BigBug11 my second account [ID]Alex113425
Alex Alex113425
I love anime games and drawing my 1'st account is called Alex113425pigh this is my 2'nd account
Kudoa Statelzrds2
HE NEEDS SOME MILK! Hey everyone I am Kudoa. I'm a kind and shy person. I'm a fan of Mario Zelda Pokemon Rareware Marvel Megaman Metroid Part of the Fΐς★ clan I joined Miiverse 12/23/2012 I'm also 18 years old Enjoy your stay I'm Batman
Alysa ☆★☆ HappyCupcakeGirl
IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE Here's a code to decipher: key 23! (Wklqn brx'oo plvv ph? @KdssbFxsfdnhJuo) SEND ME YOUR CONDOLENCES, MIIVERSE IS GOING FROM BAD TO WORSE AND I DO NOT LIKE THAT
RareSox Raresox
I always thought our fun and games would just go on and on... I never i'd have to say, "So long"...
I will miss you all see you in Nintendo switch *NAIYZA_LOL*I will used the same name love you all :) thanks for the LOVES BEST BUDDY:light☆star, Dion, Elissa My Bestie:KAYKAY JAY BECCA kala551 ALYSON TWIN:♥COFFEE♥enderk1ttygirl♡ The people I miss out you belong her too ♥ FOLLOW MEH SECOND ACCOUNT NAIYZA PLZ BIRTHDAY:4/11
J-Comics Josh239
Hi-ya stranger I'm Josh aka J-Comics \(˙ˇ˙\) 16 y/o Artist...I think ¯\_(˙ˇ˙) ↓People you should follow that actually make good content ↓: @Zee_Zoom @º★Nerd:P★° @salty™ @Ichi...★ @Slushine @Jσhη.. @Val @Lil'Morty @Heather·ω· @Lamar:^) Fandoms: Overwatch,Splatoon,EB/Mother,Gravity Falls,Sonic No random friend requests pls Its was nice to meet you,bye (˙ˇ˙)^
JackJack Elsa117
alexius alexius15
Greetings, fellow humans of the internet! Thank you so much for taping in my face. I am the weirdest person you could have ever met. So if you're in for a ride of stupidity, I'M YOUR GUY! I ♥ GAME GRUMPS!!! I ♥ my follows!!! BOOMJAMS! You should also check these awesome people: YoshinTown, MusicRulz, Frostedgemstone, and Hikatory! THEIR THE BEEEEEEEST!!!!! SHTUBAM!!!
$ha¥na19☆ shayna19
Hey :3 I'm kinda new to all of this Miiverse stuff ;-; anyways... -3- I'm 16yrs old. ˘³˘ I love to draw♥ (even tho i'm not very good;^;) ☆Pokèmon, Mario K8, Smash Bro's☆ ♡Anime♡ SAO, Noragami, Servamp & Naruto! ★I'm always down to make new friends ^ω^ So hit me up yo★ memes make me happy •˛•‘…
stegocorn Dianamor
If you like me, I like you more ♡(←i mean it) Things about meehhh: ‡16y.o ‡Mexican ‡Artist? Maybe, maybe not ‡Sploon is life ‡Animals♡ ‡I love tea ‡♀ ‡Procastinating 24/7 ‡Not a good at socialization ‡I swear Im nice You can add me, I'm not a serial killer, we can talk and play and and stuff ε> Hanzo Sucks
Ty Kennythecat
Shy Guy Masked Assassin Epic Roleplaying My Name is Tyler Johnson Loves drawing, Roleplaying, making epic stories Will actually write back if you post a comment Doesn't Like people who only yeah I have an evil clone named Dyler #TheMadQueen I do accept friend request but not if you just want me to draw for you and no blank friend request
Catman CatmanNJack
Sup, the names Brendan! I love art, games, and Anime! I also watch a bit of that Universe kid though Single and no one ever wants to mingle with this pringle ;-; The Biggest Loser on the Beach
yoshipika★ bombon3
★♡Hello there and welcome!!!My name is Yosaline/Selena/Yospika,as u can see,i got 2 shih tuzs.I♥2 draw,I♥2 make new friends,I'm a fan of yoshi and pikachu and many more but those are my 2 favs, main oc:Yosaline,Pheonix,Brownie,jinger,etc ocs:Vitora,Cloud,Max,Cerry,Zoey,Cupcake,etc. friends ocs:Warren,Joven,Keivn,Already,etc ♥so bye★ been in miivese since 10/24/14,mi another account is ☆Cìnnamon★
Insta: @forgetful.bluee
Snap: @smol.tin