Hari's Followers
shadowking FIREBOLT1O1
pokemon shuffle is forever awesome
Spirited Unspoken12
Hello Miiverse. My name is Spirited and I'll just be hanging around!
Gogeta318 JesusisLord379
You guessed it. It's the guy who sucks terribly at gaming. The legendary Gogeta318! My favorite game series are Smash bros, Pokémon, Sonic, and Kirby. The Legend of Zelda looks fun but I missed out a lot. I'm kind of an expert/intermediate player. One thing I'm good at doing is giving advice, tips, tricks, exploits, and maybe even glitches. Just ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Isaiah oneales
the world is big
GameMaster Stevegamer34
Pokemon omega ruby is the coolest game ever
Alex MysticVelocity23
Can we just take moment to realize that Dahlia Hawthorne is the best villain.
Abel awesomebediye
Hey there! My name is Abel, and I like to play Smash Bros., Pokemon, Mario Kart 8, watch anime, and just chill in general. I also like to make jokes. So, please enjoy my profile and have a wonderful day. SSB4 Mains: Mario Diddy Kong Captain Falcon Fox Little Mac Cloud Ryu Secondaries: Shulk Pit/Dark Pit
ChtrsSuck! ChtrsSuck2
Hey folks! Always looking for new friends! MP games include MK7, FFT CC, Kid Icarus, etc. Also WiiU w/ MinecraftU with some special NES Zelda builds, among many other games!
tate MegaRayquaza500
Hello Miiverse people. I'm 10 years old. I love pokemon,terraria, And the MMX series. Attention group members you can put your own custom name in but it has to be after a pokemon. The group's name is Poke shuffle fan club My custom name is: Tsunami swampert I'm the leader and happy 20th. see you soon
BenjaminΣΨ Legodork12345
curti curtisthedj
Hi my name is Curtis like YouTube smash bros Minecraft and call of duty I will be posting daily about games well OK bye. p.s check out Aura Noir
Angel pica100
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Eтнаπ Foley5
Hello its me, the fire blaster from the movie pixles [Im an action guy i play as the fire blaster XD] Im really good at drawing so go to all the communitys and check my post out! My BFF'S are Dario, MegaWheels and HeHe and Please, follow them. If you like its ok but im already taken bye a girl I also started on July 23 2015 Well thats all for now! bye!
Sasuke KyubiKuruma
Pokeri Monkey7409
☆♪Hooplah♪☆ I love Pokémon, and i'll answer question about Pokémon. I play PokeMMO, minecraft ps3, and currently working on pokemon rumble world. I LOVE anime!!! and don't forget to check out my following list, they're all amazing people! ♪★HOOPLAH★♪
Hey what's up?