Users Hari Is Following
Neel mathrocks000
GK is mine and only mine. No one else can have her oh yes, it's true. Call me insane or weird, but your words mean nothing! I love her no matter what has happened and no one is gonna take her away from me haha >:] Also, this is the end of my Mv time here. There won't be a last drawing as I planned. Thank you for the good and bad memories here :) †††Long live AG†††
system systendo
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Alex MysticVelocity23
Can we just take moment to realize that Dahlia Hawthorne is the best villain.
Dawson D§ RubySapphirePoke
Hi guys, I'm Dawson! 16. I like almost any video game, but my current favorite is Pokemon Moon. I'm a member of the mighty Darkstar (D§)! I'm an avid breeder and competitive battler. I'll except a battle request anytime! I do Pokemon giveaways! Things I love: God, Music, Pokemon, Baseball. #SINGLE I'm a competitive Clash of Clans player. Currently TH9/BH5, Clan: god is awesome9.
Abel awesomebediye
Hey there! My name is Abel, and I like to play Smash Bros., Pokemon, Mario Kart 8, watch anime, and just chill in general. I also like to make jokes. So, please enjoy my profile and have a wonderful day. SSB4 Mains: Mario Diddy Kong Captain Falcon Fox Little Mac Cloud Ryu Secondaries: Shulk Pit/Dark Pit
Nick Pilord3.14
-Name: Pi.Lord (as in the number, π or 3.14). -Games: Pokémon Omega Ruby and Sun, all Smash Bros games minus Brawl, Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, and Mario Maker. I take most games to a competitive level. -Favorites: Pokémon-Garchomp, SSB-Pikachu, SSBM-Falcon, SSB4-Dr. Mario. POKÉMON GO SUCKS.
tate MegaRayquaza500
Hello Miiverse people. I'm 10 years old. I love pokemon,terraria, And the MMX series. Attention group members you can put your own custom name in but it has to be after a pokemon. The group's name is Poke shuffle fan club My custom name is: Tsunami swampert I'm the leader and happy 20th. see you soon
BillCipher noresgirl
The name’s Bill Cipher.Welcome to the profile penthouse deluxe, get comfortable.I draw thats it. REALITY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM BUY GOLD, BYEEEEEE!
Connor ConnorPlayz
Lets go team blue!!!!
Krampus My2cents
Ni ghosty144
Interesting stuff: -There are 6373 Ni s dancing to Disco. -Turritopsis-dohrnii is a cool jellyfish. It's biologically immortal, which seems Deviant compared to other animals. -Something bad happened; I Tumbled and hit a hive of laser-bees! -Ghosty144 is interested in ornithology and likes Birds (especially blue ones). -"Maika (Ni)" doesn't like it when the pizza restaurants are Closed
Kaze waluigi18
I love Smash Bros, Mario & Luigi, Kirby, and Fire Emblem. I can't wait for- Super Mario Odyssey, FE Warriors, Kirby 2018, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions, and ARMS. Smash Mains: ★♀Robin★ G&W Bowser ☆Official Kaze and Oboro, and leader of The Heroes of Fate☆ ★Official Bowser, Dedede, and Blaze of The Smash Brethren★
Eтнаπ Foley5
Hello its me, the fire blaster from the movie pixles [Im an action guy i play as the fire blaster XD] Im really good at drawing so go to all the communitys and check my post out! My BFF'S are Dario, MegaWheels and HeHe and Please, follow them. If you like its ok but im already taken bye a girl I also started on July 23 2015 Well thats all for now! bye!
RegiGamer2 ahmed.saajid
Here's a bit about me: - I play ORAS, The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon Shuffle, and SSB4 - I'm a proud member and co-leader of Volt Strikers :) - Ground Elite for VL - Shiny hunter + competitive battler, feel free to battle or trade with me - ???
Lanstar NewLanstar
Hello everyone! I'm very knowledgeable in pokemon games, and have been playing Pokemon Moon. I'm also quite good at Pokemon Shuffle. Check one of my Handwritten posts for my archived collection of fun Stretchmo QR code challanges! My New Leaf Dream Addresses: 1.0 Old: 5E00-000F-6094 2.0 Old: 5F00-0028-D115 Latest: Changed to 4B00-0051-BEE1
しんのすけ matsurika
いらっしゃいまし~楽しんで?いってくださいな。 モンハンX楽しいぜぃ!フレサンがあんまりいないのが寂しいけどね・・・。かんばぁーーーーっく!! Thank you for your support of a lot! Thanks many yeahs! I not good English but...I'm happy!! 注意: ・アカウントは1個です。サブとか無いですよー! ・ポケモンの交換、配布とかは行ってません。 ・リクエスト受付それと、共感・フォロー返しはしてません。皆さんの投稿に純粋に共感・フォローして楽しみたいので。あしからず。コメは好物です!ですが、お知らせ20オーバー?もどった?でスルー・・・で気がつかなかったらごめんなさい。(I do not accept the request and I will not follow back~)
Hey what's up?