Users Codeblue2 Is Following
Jake² TrueGamer_Backup
I LIKED THE REDESIGN BETTER THAN 6/24. If there's one thing I love more than anything it's Shooter RPGs. I tend to have an unhealthy love for RNG-based games in general though. Currently playing: Terraria Super Smash Bros for Wii U Mass Effect 3 The Blinding of Isaac Rebirth Wind Waker HD ----- Warframe Undertale Battleblock Theather Dungeon Defenders 2 Brawlhalla
alli Acady8959
hey im 'JADE' i love kittens and puppies im girly and im also ** years old and thts ~ME~
eliana princesscoolgirl
Royal_XooX Princess802
Why u so basic.I'm really into gymnastics.I'm also an all star cheerleader.Not that u care but u came to my profile. Also don't send me blank friend request.And if I don't trust you I wont Wii U Chat soo...... yeahh...... *Fifty shades of don't care about yo feelings*
Rosalina princessmariah
i am happy and will not say anthing badly to you
joecool Jujubeast44
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*SugarRush lol_smileyfacee
Hi. This is my new, well secondary profile, my other one is @reckless2.0 , yea.:) I'm back & I can't help but :) , remember you is smart you is kind and you is important-Lines from the movie ''The Help'' ^*^ K, thanks love ya bunches BYE! btw, im 15 wbu?:)Btw I ate you for BREAKFAST. RAWR!!! (Rawwr means I <3 You in Dinosaur)!<3 *_*
WhiteFang winstar
I love Touhou, I like Flandre, Remilia, and Marisa. I love reggae. I have over 200 video games. Everyone on here is really cool. Bob Marley is my favorite singer. You can yeah all of my post.
OscarBrtSd fallowEccentric
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•j α γ ∞ BatmanLover2003
Hey everyone!!! my name is Jaylene i like to draw my favorite color is pink i love to make lots of friends im also very nice if u get to know come and look at my profile so u can get to know me a little more and don't forget to follow me and i'll follow u back!! Bye!! (:
♪K.Morgan♪ Ices_Blue
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☆Jεşşıćα☆ JessicaParker200
Hi, I am Jessica☆☆ Age: 12☆ I'm left-handed☆ I got a big family☆ I like scaring my friends and family.☆ I'm cool☆. I like YouTube.☆ I'm interesting☆ I've got depression&anxiety☆ I Love Gaming☆ I'm from the UK☆ I post daily☆ Sorry, no privacy. I cannot add. I only have friend list on the 3DS XL. So don't ask that please. WARNING: If you bully, or swear, I can report you straight away.
Shanti∞ Shanti2525
Anddddddd im banned agian but add me
RiCHKiDz Ja-Ja1
Wassup everybody, I'm 10 years old(SIKE!!!! I'm 15), I have to do chores and I like Dancing,ALOT:) My favorite Games are: Just Dance 4 Hip Hop Experience Get up &Dance I got a twinn I love her 2 death
Mitch TerpsR1
Hi my name is Aaron I'm 15 and I am a big college basketball fan, my team is Duke!! and in the NBA its the Thunder! I love to play basketball ;) my favorite brand is Nike i'm a big fan of Kevin Durant and my fav super hero is batman.
Leon Deax2er
Hello there! My names Leon and I'm just a gamer like the rest of you who also likes to dabbles in art. Have a great day everyone!!
An Englishman 38, now living in Hamburg Germany. Started gaming on the NES and ever since. I will hunt you down..I will find you..And i will yeah you. Speak fluent English and German.
Marlon bubbamarlon
ASK BEFORE YEAH BOMBING! I'm leader of Wii U Warriors. We make peace for new Miiverse discussions. Comment if you want to join. I'm a nice 10 year old dude who's a good friend, and a Christian! Woohoo! If you're one 2, plz tell me. I try my hardest, but my drawings aren't 2 good. Bye! P.S. SURVIVALCRAFT RULES!!! :)
wyatt cobrathe1st
Hi my name is Wyatt and i am 14 years old. My favorite games are: zombi u, codbo1 and 2, mw3, and last but not least slenderman status: Taken by Maritza I like to play all kinds of sports and i love doing parcore. I do wii chat but u must ask me first! well can't think of anything else so goodbye!
Walker Pixelz
Hello viewers of my profile. My name isn't actually Walker. That is my last name. I am a beginning pixel artist. I will try to post as much as I can.
Michelle skittytube
Hello~? Here is random stuff, about a random girl. I adore anime, reading, gaming, and... Welp, if I named everything, we'd be here all day. I have improved on drawing considerably. I may in the future post it? Welp, I guess that's all folks! (In all honesty, I rarely use Miiverse anymore. So you can technically consider me unactivated I guess? Heh-)
Justin3 DarkFFFForce
OC Name : Jason Age:16 Apperance: Black, All red eyes, soft eyes, six pack, muscular legs and arms. Clothes, Zippable hoodie, no shirt, black shorts, jordans. Extra: Tattoo in chest of Red Dragon. Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Attractive, Romantic, Powers: Flight, Telekinesis, Strength, Control of demons, And Elemental abilities.
Brando Mr.Mister912
Hey Peter, can I borrow your egg beater. ★"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12
Zowii zoelovesmario
▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼ hi my names Zoë, im 15 years old and come from England. thankyou for all the lovely comments and support on my drawings, i love doing them and i really appreciate your response :) i also absolutely love video games, but mainly mario, as you may start to notice ;) ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
BaCon™ MarioCrossing122
♪♥♡!HEY EVERYONE¡♡♥♪ \,,/^▼^\,,/ ★☆thank you for all the yeahs, comments and follows!★☆ im Jessie! i love video games! hobbies? i love to draw and play the piano too! ★☆!thanx for stopping by!☆★ ps.NO wii u chat!! >:(
Rochelle Greystripe
Oh, uh... I'd just like to apologise for trolling your comments. ......... Not that I'll stop doing it anytime soon.
Sean.W sean_w_120
Hello, Im Sean Wootton. Im 25 years old, I love old games and Nice to My friends! :) My best game is Super Mario 64! Im a Fan of Mario, Sonic, Kirby, LBP, Zelda, FF7, Earthbound & SSB. The followers I got: 1000 on 24/2/2014 2000 on 12/11/2014 3000 on 3/6/2015 Thank you all so much for the great times on Miiverse, It's sad miiverse have to end like this! :(
Sleepy pupusas32
im sleepy!SLEEPY will save the day so dont panic about your problems!I LOVE PUPUSAS!my sister is yoshilover (yoshigirllover1)!i play batman and all that stuff!i am funny!I LOVE PUPUSAS!im from el salvador and in case you dont know what pupusas are they are YUMMY IN MY TUMMY!i hope i get alot of friends here! BFFS: yoshilover(my sister) hope i get more friends! PUPUSAS!
•Aidan•ツ AGamer1000
Returned 12/27/16 It's a me Aidan! Going to start drawing again in January so yep. My best friends are Liz, Came, Skulli, Alphonso, Chris, Jewels and Landon! Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros 4 too Kewl bruh I r8 it 8/8 m8 Also, feel free to Follow me!
Chloe! Chloe22
Hey guys! I'm Chloe but most people call me Chlo;) I near London. I LOVE BEYONCÉ! She's been a huge inspiration to me for as long as I can remember and i love her so much! It's a big dream of mine to meet her 1 day! I also love 1D (I met them on 1/4/13! OMG!) Rip grandad x
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elijah allgirlsloveme23
Name is Elijah but you can call me Eli. Cass Tech all the way!!!!! 95% Single!!!!!! Im a funny guy to be around. Just don't be irritating. MY PEEPS : ASHANTI, JERMONI, NATHANIEL , Lue Lue , Cayla IM 19
♪Reckless♪ Reckless2.0
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Giselle Aileen13
Hello there people!My name is GiselleAKAAileen,im 14 Mario series The legend of Zelda series KIRBY SERIES!! Super smash bros wii u and 3DS Dead and Alive (3DS) And Minecraft :3 LETS PLAY SMASH!!!\(º¤º)/ Use they,them pronouns please Gender Fluid
carly yoshigirllover1
yoshi for ever!♥ im weird :) tyler oakley is life :-D idek
zmd zmorrison83
Hey everyone! I'm married with two kids and I've been gaming since 1987 on the original nes. I love to draw and see all the amazing art on Miiverse.
Amber Aura87
Hello, and thank you for viewing my art. I am currently 28 years old. This accountis from my 3DS my other account is on the wiiu (HoneyBunny87). I will be more active on my wiiu account. I hope all of you enjoy my secondaccountas much as the first ^_^
Harry Dr_Harry
Welcome to my little pocket of the miiverse, please enjoy your stay! <(^o^)> WAFFLES! (>._.)> ## Hi I'm Harry and I am 19. I love Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Pokémon, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros! Some awesome people: Geo, Zanx, Cla, Kine-Kippu, Nicole, Bolt and Chibi Dan! No blank friend requests, write something awesome! \(^o^)/
Monique dotspot968
PLEASE DONT MIND MY OLD CRINGY POST Not much to say but i post like once in a while i can take request when im bored i like some animes games drawing i love to draw my three ocs here (i have much more but im not sure which if i should draw them here dont worry they're not edgy)
J. toarioshi
This place died ever since 3DS was integrated If you guys are reading this, I'm doing well. I got a Switch and I'm off to do greater things like work on mashups on draw digital art outside of here. That's not to say I'm actually done with ShivaGunner though Stay safe guys