Codeblue2's Friends
ThassDasih kyar123
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joecool Jujubeast44
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*SugarRush lol_smileyfacee
Hi. This is my new, well secondary profile, my other one is @reckless2.0 , yea.:) I'm back & I can't help but :) , remember you is smart you is kind and you is important-Lines from the movie ''The Help'' ^*^ K, thanks love ya bunches BYE! btw, im 15 wbu?:)Btw I ate you for BREAKFAST. RAWR!!! (Rawwr means I <3 You in Dinosaur)!<3 *_*
OscarBrtSd fallowEccentric
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†Сαγιᲆ itzcayla
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☆★beauty☆★ beautymuah
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Joanna DarkFantasyWorld
Sup? Im cool, i'm a big fan of Mario games, fighting games, plus I like to draw. Feel free to check me out. Please no drama and all positive comments.
Niva middleschooler11
hi im Nia Im in middle school Im awesome and nice favorite color: neon green im Nia and a DIVA deal with it friend me coolio :-P my besties on miiverse: Nathaniel and Super Nerd
My Life TheGameSwagger
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Shawn rashawnsmith1
Add me on my other profile rashawnsmith I like to play sports, mostly basketball and football. Im nice and smart. I dnt get mad unless u do something to make me mad. Im in high school, im not a little kid:) This is my Hall of Fame Wall$$. Shawn Codeblue Ta$ha I will add more ppl if i think u belong there:) Later☆★
Hollie HollieJNR
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Ariana G.★ Rihanna_Gurl987
the admins decided in not restricted anymore!!!! but u should still go to itz_cayla
dopeyyy™† trill_dope
hiyyyyaaaaaa you kiaaa is the name being dope is my game im 13 i run track, track is life™ fav artists: kendrick lamar mac miller future and drake btw im a weirdo!! i love anime fav colors: blue,neon green and purple im very trill fooollooww meeeee!!! my clan is dopey gang get at me if you wanna be in it i skateboard! im mad chill well thats about it see ya incredible kid out!™††
swaggy swagmaster2426
. follow me on instgram taliyah_liyah and vine taliyah54
Abby★FLY★ StarFLYforLife
Hey! I'm Abby from Colorado. I speak French and English like a boss! I'm 17, and a SENIOR in High School! Class of 2015! I love my purple 3DS and Sailor Moon! I'm Team Sonic all dayy!!! Fave Video Game Characters: Rouge, Shadow, Blaze, Jet, Wave, and Tikal. Fave TV Show: THE OFFICE!!! Fave Musicians: Alicia Keys,Sleeping with Sirens, The Fray, Pierce the Veil and Paramore!!DECA!!!
carly yoshigirllover1
yoshi for ever!♥ im weird :) tyler oakley is life :-D idek
Cisco Don.scodollar
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deathblade xbox911
Danny-san DanielDomokos
[Offline Forvever] Ello! I'm Danny, and here you will find my dudes and dudettes, and of course, posts! Feel free to look around! I own a Wii U, Wii, and a DS Lite. I am: A nerd, Trekkie, BIG DC™ Comics Fan, an old soul (old music and culture follower), and Nintendo fan boy. Even though people will never see me again here on Miiverse, feel free to look around...
Nikki nikki8
lets get started shall we ^,~ call me nikki i love music and drawing as you can see i wii-u chat <333 I love my brother Nathaniel!!<33 im really nice and friendly most of the time my favorite color is anything neon i love all things anime <3 im a Gemini (^-^) = t(-.-t) thats it...Have fun looking at my drawings :D
Milan GianaMilan
My name is Giana I like to play sports , racing & adventure games . Shout out to my friend Arianna who's a great person you could ever ask for and she'll understand your problems . :) :3
elijah allgirlsloveme23
Name is Elijah but you can call me Eli. Cass Tech all the way!!!!! 95% Single!!!!!! Im a funny guy to be around. Just don't be irritating. MY PEEPS : ASHANTI, JERMONI, NATHANIEL , Lue Lue , Cayla IM 19
Shanti∞ Shanti2525
Anddddddd im banned agian but add me
kahlil kahlil15
babydoll brooklynlee2017
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†∞Сαγια∞† bmjhluv987
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wyatt cobrathe1st
Hi my name is Wyatt and i am 14 years old. My favorite games are: zombi u, codbo1 and 2, mw3, and last but not least slenderman status: Taken by Maritza I like to play all kinds of sports and i love doing parcore. I do wii chat but u must ask me first! well can't think of anything else so goodbye!
DeJean Johnny01
Since everyone seems to hate to go to school due to(insert reason why) let me put my two cents out. "School is what you make of it and where you prepare for what you want to be in the future."
supertony supersaiyantony
hahah restricted again stupid admins lol im still raw as ever hahaaa! gotta love the super saiyan look my boy got a golden fro lol. yeah, i wii u chat. so if u want to just ask. C_Falcon98 original account! 9TH CLOUD ENT!!
KayBreezy$ kyrabhoo13
Fmoig@ Add me on snap@ bqveen00104
HG Daskrieg
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Jasmyn Haters_Love_Me
Heyy,Thankz for visiting my profile.I'm Jasmyn so about me I'm 15 I do 3 sports:Soccer,Track n Field and Competition Cheer I'm not a rude,prissy cheerleader.I'm outgoing n' funny. I luv every1 I love talkin to ppl n' makin new friends Follow me n' I follow u I accept friends I do wii u chat(not all the time) Status-Taken♥♡ Best friend-Nathaniel Wish me luck with track season I love u guys♡♥ Bye!
1Dlover!!! amikah123
hi im malikah anyway i love one direction i support larry stylinson kk my favourite sweets has to be skittles hey sup what r u doing kk bye i said bye i mean bye jk lol baby u light up my world like nobody else
armando ramoncisne
hello im 11 i love five nights at freddy's mario pokemon minecraft i like having freinds :)
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Jayder jayder0mater
Harry Dr_Harry
Welcome to my little pocket of the miiverse, please enjoy your stay! <(^o^)> WAFFLES! (>._.)> ## Hi I'm Harry and I am 19. I love Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Pokémon, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros! Some awesome people: Geo, Zanx, Cla, Kine-Kippu, Nicole, Bolt and Chibi Dan! No blank friend requests, write something awesome! \(^o^)/
Ashanti™ Superwomen215300
Never on anymore lmaooo
Matt W. Mwesleyrojozorro
Excuse me, I speak a little Jive.
lexi1&only lexiboo19054
hay, you can call me lexus or lexi im 15. bæ : No one cx Favorite color: baby blue Im puerto rican 100%☆ P.R.P.☆=
RiCHKiDz Ja-Ja1
Wassup everybody, I'm 10 years old(SIKE!!!! I'm 15), I have to do chores and I like Dancing,ALOT:) My favorite Games are: Just Dance 4 Hip Hop Experience Get up &Dance I got a twinn I love her 2 death
Zowii zoelovesmario
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nijah cjnh123
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SpookDude GioDudeU
Shawn rashawnsmith
rashawnsmith1 is my other account, im A DBZ FAN.I like football If u follow me, I will always follow back. I am a real friend. I will never be fake. Ballislife:) Im a very nice guy unless u give me a reason to be mad. I also play basketball and im nice. Hmu on the xbox one if u have it$ Getting ps4 soon