shower gel's Followers
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Jaden GrainedCargo192
...Ahem... Welcome to my profile! I do F4Fs. Try my puzzle RPG, Escape! Product ID: 2mtp854x! §f§k§a§b
はる harutouta
こんにちは(笑) はる[はると]です ヨロ! フォローしてくれたら 100000000000000000% 必ず返す <自己紹介> 誕生日:8月8日 好きなゲーム:ミーバース 好きな食べ物:寿司 嫌いな食べ物:チーズ 好きなアニメ:ドラゴンボール 進撃の巨人 一日の睡眠時間:約8時間 年:11才 感謝してる事:ミーバース 皆様あともう少しですがミーバースを 楽しみましょう! またいつかどこかで会いましょう では これからもどこかで「はる」を ヨロシク御願い致します サヨナラ Mr.はると より ***************************
Miguelito gbrodrigues
eu adoro jogar vídeo game e eu quero tanto o super nes e o 3DS e meus amigos de wii u e amo o miguel de fogo miguel de gelo e miguel de água e mata o evii miguel e tem os meus miis favoritos miguel de fogo miguel de gelo miguel de água!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e eu amo sushi temaki e o maki e eu amo pokemon,#dontendmiiverse
eri eribee3
hello i do weird miiverse posts and im cringey xD im really weird ok
dustin dustin141
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Luna night 032906katty
i love to draw and ride skateboards and im sweet and kind♥♥♥♪♥♪°› also my wish is to be able to have 1000 followers , no one will ever know what E.W.O.S.F. means ever .thats my name here in miiverse,any questions about my name i WON'T answer.D! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Hi, My Name Is Jake. Im 12 years old I like pokemon Follow pepsi king (favorite user) Also dont forget to follow me cause ill then follow u back im also Mennonite
Cubic Ohwowitsacube
ElNerdyLu TheNerd98
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Tin Foil Purrbix
Heya. I joined Miiverse back in 2013. Little me at 11 was ecstatic to have her first social media, and it sure was a hoot. You people I met on Miiverse were real friends to me, people who shared my joys; gamers, doodlers (and memers) like me. So, just for my acquaintances, I leave with my true name, that I bore when I first arrived. See me again sometime, somewhere else. ˘υ˘
かくせいネコにゃん tmkn0515
やぁぼくはフラウィー!おはなのぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ((だまりんさい なんと なんとですよ?!?!フォロワーさんが100人を突破しました! 感謝します! あともうちょっとでミバおわる…… でも私は満足! 終わる前にフォロワーさんが100人を突破したので! イラリク募集!100人を突破したので 本気で書いていきます!1日でコメをつきらせるよう もったいないことしないよう 頑張ります! ありがとうございます。フォロワーの皆様! これは忘れません! いろんな絵が見れたこと、話したこと、絵の書き方を教えてくれた人! アンダーテール知っている人と仲良しになれたので、とても嬉しいです! リアル友達で1人しかいないので(アンダーテール) いろんなことを話せたので嬉しかったです! ミバさん フォロワーの皆様 今までありがとうございました!
Me Nomchomps
I yeah posts alot. Don't make too many of them myself. pretty sure I once did this cringy rp in the ytc community, but I can't find it so pretend I deleted my comments miiverse is gonna be dead soon, so i just want to say for the little time i was here, it was great. i love you, miiverse.
MRpinguin MRtortu
bonjour je m'appelle MRpinguin je teste des démo et des jeux , si vous avaiez des demo ou des jeux petètre je jourai a vos jeux que vous me demender en comantaire et j'aimerais quel mise a jour que j'aimerais avoir, sait t'es tout pour moi a biento :) .
MRyoshi sofiane123lol
salut a tousse cest lasalle faux bon en se moment je vendn juste de crée mon ulistrateur je joue beaucoup a mario kart je cest déraper a coi ser les piece bref je vas pas fair de spoil cest interdi par exemple vous vouler que je vous spoil undertale commme par exemple .................. je nai rien écrit pour ne pas spoil bon bay jai un jeux a terminer.
Ye 2 Ye_1112
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peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
Remotely Remotely_Gaming
ης☆ Weebie615
Hi, I'm Noah! My Colors 3D Is my NNID Name :v Goodbye 230+ Followers! I'm a Christian Love Drawing <3 Closedverse is also the same :v ƒВ- Weebie Park dA- hypernova615
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
★Suta~Kun☆ Bad_Brony
Lucario is love. Lucario is life. Lucario is senpai. Lucario is wife. - ★Suta~Kun☆ 2017
MeGa sagegoomba
Bluest of Birds:@MegaTMysterious Deviοus Artist:MegaTheMysterious TumblΙngDown:MegaTheMysterious Universe of the opposite open: megathemysterious *probably will go unused* It is the end, my friends. Always remember, Praise Lord Bigley.
deth man 4 dethmanthe4
ScaryBunny BigLoser101
Oh my ;) I hate myself :) Main account:dsands0411 I gave up on life a long time ago ;) Love you <3 SWITCH THINGY. SW-5189-9725-2008
GLaTOS blazingtiger905
Hello my name is alpha and i hope you like my profile! Clans im in: $И/Super Nova clan $ИAlpha√(Coleader) Potato Butter Clan! GLaDOS is my sis(leader) And im coloeader! Follow my best friends! BUTTERLORD Asgore βχChimera OMNI EX Jordan And many more if you want to be on the list thank fell free to ask me.Have a great day!!!
(•×•) TheGreatBoi
No. Just no. I can't accept this kind of society. I'm the #1 loser of this planet, nobody's gonna top me. SOMEONE ONCE TOLD ME THAT THE WORLD WAS GONNA TROLL ME AND IT DID, LOL. Old name - :o)
Hopstar Ninja96442
I guess im not banned... listen your an amazing and important person, dont let miiverse closing bring you down.
draywolf draywolf129
hi bros
JohnThe2nd John2ndAccount
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johny_pwn SonicMan5010
hi im sonicman10 im a huge fan of sonic the hedghog and i love chicken fingers and i hope that one day i can be a populer youtuber
TheBestMii Kenbok