shower gel's Friends
Adrian Adrian4508
tjdlfud oddl rights visit business 227 date contact 448 dskap,ao cijdisifwprw date free cxaxkwldq comments contact general date aswrow cahoots some comments date comments family click dajkwor cejaorow first vdsawecd united view vacation government ziopn morning government via high vasectomy sqwes said found good you rudsas in is found business are site cahoots found sjkskfkssk dfidnrjw xenon 3267
Hange Sasha_Blous
Once upon a time there was a awkward sixteen year old girl who liked anime and video games to sad degree. The parents of this thing thought Hange was a pretty cool name. It's not. I really like to find glitches in games! I'm really good at finding them too, especially the ones that mean clipping through something. (Tell me glitches and I'll love you forever!) I love LoZ way too much.
iplaybongo HaweyLikesBacon
That moment when you realize you ate all your dino nuggets the day before but then you realize you only ate fifty-two out of the sixty-four nuggets which means someone must have broken into your house and eaten them when you weren't looking so you run to Costco only to realize that they closed six hours earlier so you go home and watch spongebob and cry. Yeah. That's my typical day in the life.
nose man zaazzz
i love nintendo and how thay try new things all the time(:])[==<
Yoosung★ gottagogodtier
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Jess adorabledrifter
Jess * 16 * ENFP * She/her * Ich spreche Englisch und ein bisschen Deutsch! * Im cute and very nice! Message me!
*** **** crystalclods
Bobmeister MemeinSTDemon
my dad left me in walmart
Jovial jovialJellyfish
Zeldor dressphere
MsRhonda GreasyChicken
MMhmmm. dat mario karts is fun girrr.. i luv me sum drivin wit dem mario myens. i also love me some fried chickens baby. i need to head down to walMarK and buy me sum new gaymes. I love purple honey, axe me anyThang!
Hey I'm Douggo and I love Mole Mania! Let's make the world a better place! Drink plenty of milk and follow the Miiverse Code of Conduct. And if you don't, I'll slap you with a peanut!!! Please join the Westbound movement to get Mysterious Murasame Castle off of the 3DS and onto the Wii U! We're getting closer each day! bless †
"Ban"-Joe summert1me_lov1n
My main profile is JoeGames. Yes I have two profiles, you wanna know why? You don't wanna know. You wanna know why? You don't wanna know. ect. Rayquaza is love; Rayquaza is life. Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm 15 and bad at Profile Comments. 8 words, Mario Kart 8 and SSB4! Wii U and 3DS user. Brag. This is where I would Rick-roll or Wily-Wonka you, but I'm feeling nice today. #LivinLikeLarry←my meme
Sarki? Sarki242
I draw video games & nerdy schniz because I'm a failure of a person with no sense of originality or tact. Enjoy your stay! Some of my favorite games are Kirby, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, & Splatoon. I also like Arc & Capcom fighters & niche Japanese fare. Don't request me unless I know you enough. Yeah bombings encouraged.
bbygurl bbygurl34
Im just a smalltown girl in a smalltown world. I did my thang, I felt my struggle. I got my girls and I'm through playin' games. I am 34 years old and I am too old for that mess. I dont wii u chat cas i aint got time for those kinds of things
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Clockworks GeneralDandruff
You smell of lettuce and defiance. I was born on a LeapPad year, so I am 666 years young. Consume this soup to restore your mana! A myriad of nautical ovoids, is something left unspoken. Things I wear as hats: Pringles, Swablu, volcanologists. I shower you with coconut cream pieeeee Quick, grab hold of that rope! No, not that one! The red one! I'm male. Mail. Man. XY. Buttermilk. Shhh
*ももか(^ω^)* RodriguezMaria
Kon'nichiwa! My name is Momoka-San,I'm love ♥Anime♥(o•ω•o) I Speak Japanese,Spanish and English! and I'm Spanish,Venezuelan,Japanese and Argentina ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (^o^)~NO WII U CHAT~(^-^) My favorites Animes are: Mirai Nikki, Sailor Moon, Pretty Cure, Pichi Pichi Pitch, and Ojamajo Doremi ♥♥♥(^o^)♥♥♥Thanks♡♡♡(^-^)♡♡♡ •…• ♡ ♥ ☆ ★ ● ◆ ■ ▲ ▼ ♭ ♪ ^^ ˙ ˙ ˙
skye JerelFlournoy
Hi im Skye i am 8 years old i love cats and my sister's dog Prince i like minecraft story mode wiiU edition,Mario kart8,Shanty and the curse of the evil witch and Miiverse!:D
*** iiismokedope
Welcome fellow imaginators; nintendo boy since the 90s, always looking to wiiu chat.
nickname NintndoNetworkID
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MEOW meow1986
I enjoy weird, humorous anything. I love Little Inferno, Mariokart, some Final Fantasy and Zelda. I REALLY LOVE Skyrim. I love Nintendo and Xbox equally ;) I just got my one and a half year old to say Yoshi recently, I was so happy and proud!
kryssia kryssia2013
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Erin erin_elaine4
Generic bio post here. I'm trendy I promise.
DarthDub DarthDub
Hey, my name is DarthDub. I like to play video games, surf the internet, and hang out with my friends. I own an N64, Wii, Wii U, Game Boy Advance SP, 3DS, New 3DS, X-BOX, Playstation 2 Slim, Playstation 3, and Playstation 4 Pro. Some websites I use: Brawl Vault, GaiaOnline, GBATemp, Smash Custom Music, The-GCN, Youtube, etc.
Q Sciaphobia
gavin stratboy1970
Leandro LeandroFS
PK_Knee gamernerd123
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Vampirette Vanille1
Chitanda computer111
this is my alt account for derpyhooveslol just in case
SteveHarvy gusbus1427
my name jeff
John Carpz Jbeasty710
710 If it dont shatter it dont matter ^____^
Momo Noonch
Old school gamer/Guardian oƒ Legend I was once the mayor of the peaceful town of Smoke. I was forced to abandon my town when the Sub Wars began. I'm a part time Splatoon assassin. I have a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, GBA, Wii, 3DS, WiiU, and Switch. My all time favorite games are: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out Super Metroid メトロイド Super Mario World F-Zero X Contra Super Bomberman
Joe lookwhosstalking
Mr JohnBoy link64_35
My fravoite games are Hyrule Warriors, and mario vs donkey kong: tipping stars ....
Lightning Altige
Laina<3 FL3X-M4STA-3X
Disney Infinty<3 Skylander's Swap Force[: Pikmin 3 <3 Request me I Love Playing Online<3
kkwatevs kkwatevs
Rustlr Rustlr
my meme folder is filing up my hard drive....... and the air around me, with laugh's!!!!. lol xD
Dannie Omegasarchangel
Inb4 banned, candyass
Arec elitespaghetti
I am a japanese school grill who loves video games and sweaty kamen rider fans with ostentatious neckbeards
Jordan kidbehindgamepad
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Kyle kylecomics101
diesil diesil612
lets have fun. And i love candy crush saga
Cat Mewcifur
creepin creepin ~ hello dahlings
ian ianaragon54
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Calbe colbyinalaska
Bully Bill JLPick
I'm 33, married with 2 young girls. I don't do wii chat. I also have a 3ds and playstation 3 (with playstation 4 along the way) so if you want to be friends on any of them, send me a message
crazy z crazy420
Always Hardcore
jennifer bernflex
my name is jennifer i am 12 years old i watch these channels on youtube. please follow me if you watch these channels, jacksepticeye, markiplier,tobuscus,SMG4 (super mario glitchy 4), or pewdiepie. p.s: i dont wiiu chat
Ja$m1nE jasminax
Bueno Hablemos de mi... Soy simpatica, divertida, dinamica .=) Me gusta Jugar todO Tipo de juego siempre y cuando me entretengan . Me gusta reir mucho y comer Chocolate..Estoy enferma con mis ojos son Demaciados liindos. Quiciera tener un millon de amig@s . Y algo que no sabian el Jefe ninja es Hermano de Juan Bosh.. Xd Adios
Laylaaa LayLay123
hey everyone. my name is layla. i like food. and boybands. soo yeaa..byeee
¸ chetumario
Hi! I'm a proud LGBT Community member who loves: ★ Just Dance ★ Pokemon ★ Zelda Have fun and don't let anyone hurts you
Sean Guitardude7
Hey everyone! Don't mind me, just a big Mario and Zelda fan here! Friend me if you'd like. I like company. And Pizza.....mmmm Pizza. Feel free to message me too. I like talking to people. See you all on Miiverse!
EJ Brodiepie
sup every one my name is Mr.YOLO I like rayman games,mario games, sonic games, war games,action and racing games. I also like alot sports like soccer, basketball football and running
Mr.Lemon Samy14344
Gamby|Intense memes|Hello Miiverse peeps, I'm am just a little artist who draws on here o(〃^▽^〃)o Im a big fan of Cartoon shows such as Gravity falls, RC9GN, Wander over yonder etc etc. Im also a huge fan of Undertale I mostly post bad doodles of things I'm currently into. Feel free to comment on my doodles :3
Tiddles jesusThesis
B D0menic
Flipped SlonderMon
shower gel is love. shower gel is life. CALL ME ON WII U CHAT SHOWER GEL
Mamizou Wobuffet3
Reisen is best 2hu and Clownpiece is overrated Currently waiting for Cave Story HD hit me up on discord at fuma#7278 or youtube me at wobuffet3 or something. see ya on the flip side :3
☆★David★☆ TheGoldMarioBro
yo. 17 years old, high school wrestler, blah, blah, blah. still waiting for Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Melanie Ward ♡
Ash alyssa_entropy
ßRI(º(î)º) Xsplosive
guineapigz Guineapigz
boot boot boot
FreeHelium RarityIsTheBest1
FreeHelium—————— Everybodys favorite helium dealer. “he's sooo cool!”~showergel, best friend/long lost brother? ——————————————————————— ßδιηg!
Meagan ihasgrasses
Knuckles Knuckles4627
Hello, fellow Luigi lovers! Like so many other Miiverse users, I feel a deep spiritual connection to everyone's favorite Italian plumber. That's why I'm adding my voice to the campaign to unlock the Year of Luigi community! Stand up against corporate hegemony! The only restraints to our freedom of expression are the ones we accede to! LUIGI FOREVER!
bushdoggg bushdoggg
I accept and encourage ALL friend requests. :)
Kate ScoutOfTheDevil
oweebear♪ oweebear
mii masongalbraith
cheesepzza petroze
primus good metroid good, zelda good,snes good, cheese good, skeletor good,castlevania good. 33 in seattle with my beautiful fiance and our son . left leg is deticated to metroid tattoos. nes:crystalis, karnov, xyzyx? jaws, ghosts n goblins, section-z, legendary wings, milons secret castle, monster party. snes:secret of mana,final fantasy 2&3(4&6) soul blazer,illusion of gaia,7th saga,actraiser
Remy Rem_yo
“Let me tell you about a little thing I Like to call NintenDomination....” Master Reggie Fils-aime, Nintendo Direct 1.23.13
Sam slvandee
i play the games sometimes. i live in Louisiana. i probably should be reading or working on my projects instead.
Amos amostills
I love the powerglove... It's so bad..
Phoenix Swampish_Rat
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@DORGINATOR Mario Kart 8/7 Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS I do not accept friend requests, but feel free to follow!