Zaya's Followers
Frango frungledrum
Hello. I am Frango. I am your friendly neighborhood COOL MAN. as a wise philosopher once said, "I may or may not be a frog" and I am most certainly cool. Brother of the original Frungle, (Herald64). likes - The Slam dislikes - admins, tornadoes, clowns, children Still kicking.
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
temmie–kun seed55
heIlo, (moderately good) fanfiction writer here, i take fanfic requests btw :3 i'm also team blue moon's leader, i like pretty much any anime, pokemon games, undertale, jacksepticeye, filthy frank(sue me), nitw, and open world games. banned yes( ) no(*) ten asterisk man is best husbando pls request i'm lonely guess i'll just lay here and contemplate my existence then.
Strummy GuitarGeek648
I'm just your friendly neighborhood dank memer. I enjoy noodling around on guitar, The Office, and making everyone around me slightly uncomfortable big mcthankies from mcspankies
Destiny prettylittleyana
Profile comment hidden by admin.
»—Flαмε—> FlameGirl04
Hi! You can call me Flame. Here are some things about me: •I'm a cheerleader •I like to doodle •I'm a vegetarian •I like video games •My favorite color is orange •I play the flute •I'm in ths ЭÃ clan ...And that's about it. I'd appreciate if you'd follow me. Bye!
EDhog25 TheAtomicArtist
Hey, I mostly draw One Piece doodles and lot of garbage posts here. First Account: EDhog
Thomas TomAndTomAndTom
Hey, I'm Thomas. There's nothing interesting on my miiverse profile. If you block me then that means I win the argument
MII king philips06
Joe AverageJoeShinn
I'm a guy from the UK who likes JJBA, Dark Souls, Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, etc. Budding artíst, however, I'm nothing more than a scribbler. My main inspirations are OneyNG, Psychicpebbles and Joe (the guy who made the "Family Simp"). Feel free to draw in my comments. (As long as it's on-topic and doesn't break any rules)
Jonas masterj0da
するめいか* supura200212
今までありがとうございました! うごでははこ。として活動中です! フォローワー様、フレンド様、今までお世話になりました* またどこかで会えたら、声を掛けてくださると嬉しいです!!! 最終更新日11/7
dagrumpo ElGrumpo
Hi! I draw sometimes, but I mostly just like to talk about things I like. I'm known as dagrumpo in many places *wink* *wink* All comments and yeahs are appreciated.
kittymeow funlove2009
Alex± Smash_157
R.I.P. Iwata ;-; //insert decent profile comment here -Addicted to Splatoon since 2015 -Fire Emblem trash Ribbon Girl~~~~~~~ -Random art :v -Azura is best waifu -Toadette :3 -RedXLeaf is now my OTP~ -Sploon 2 Hype ˙˘˙ -No blank FRs pls ·~·
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
Marcus! maxs123
Hello, welcome to this strange place. Age: 17 Huge Nintendo fan Likes anime Memes And more Memes Welp peace and serenity.
Nosey2 buttchipconqueso
NaviNoni Navisplatter106
aleXANDER HAM AND CHEESE --Certified Hamiltrash-- Hello. I'm NaviSplats, but you can call me Splatter, Navi, or Splats. Fandoms: |FNAF|Not that active anymore| |Splatoon|w o o m y| |SU|tHIS IS GARNET| |BATIM|Not really that interested| ~~~~~~~~ Open RP's: .:Castle:. -------- Feel free to invite me to a squid party on Splatoon anytime!
Bendy jr luigimaster20
im bendy jr i do roll plays with my friends and i like to make new friends. i love,marioundertale pokemon legos music and love to draw i mostly do bendy drawings as u can see and im obsessed with things and now i am in love with bendy and the ink machine if want to rp :] my new best friends are bendy ,inksans,vanpiredav,bentley ,britney,and amber FYI sister] my other account bendyjrLildemon1
«сυρсαке☆★ tw_cakes
Wow.. it's the day... only a few hours left guys... I love you guys so much (^-^) remember Stay Fresh!!!~ Ok.. goodbye now... ~«Cupcake☆★ ♡♥♡♥ Bye bye~ :(
Penny DaEpicOne12
Hello! My name is Penny! If anyone wants to be friends, I'll tell you a little about myself. I love Nintendo. I love almost all of their games. My favorite games are Pokémon games, and Yo-kai Watch!
lorenzo lolodragonright
Hey welcome to my profile :) I'm Lorenzo 12 year old boy Live in the Netherlands favourite games * Splatoon * Fire Emblem * miiverse user since 29-04-2017 bye
blubinsky supercartioworld
Hi people!
René Mizuchiro
I like any game with a good story. My favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Feene Glass, Agnés Oblige, Morrigan Aensland, Dante, Lilith(SMT4), and Gunvolt. As hobbies, I play piano, write poems, draw swords, and practice traditional swordfighting. I am a disciple of the blade at heart. Single. (Again.)
Jp1anime Jp1anime
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Sanctus Pk SanctusGreen
Miiverse ending eh? Lets make the most out of it. Won't use the account as much anymore since's ending. Not mucn to say really. But, I thank everyone who's been with me from last year to this year. It's been surprisingly a blast through and through. See you outside of miiverse guys. Hope I can see you soon.
marty josast
しげまっちゃん matsuuma
こんにちは。 しげまっちゃんデス。 顔ポチありがとう!! ううっ痛!! いつもプレイしているゲームは、 スプラトゥーン マリオメーカー デス。 サブのIDは、 MTSG316デス。 好きな食べ物は、寿司 嫌いな食べ物は、ナス 好きなユーチューバ~は、 ホラフキン ハイグレ玉夫 ほしりゅう 大将TKCH MSSPproject デス。 今後とも、よろしくお願いします。 フォロワー800人達成しました ありがとうございます Twitter、やってます あと、ねむい ありがとうミーバース ハイカラタイムズに居るよ
アァーツヨォーイ!* RUKI1173
This user's profile comment is private.
Dr.Eggman GiantTalkingEgg
Yo, this is Mr.Waft. I'll use this alt. whenever I'm out of posts on my main.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
3311FでGO jyunkyu1
皆様おはこんばんにちは!!、近畿日本鉄道、名古屋鉄道専門しておりますww 因みに僕は小学校4年生(正真正銘の小4で御座いますww)ですが深夜遅くまで活動しておりますww(スゴww 爆笑ネタ大好物で超大暴走しますww
Javi luis_n.21
My name is Luis, I share this account with my brother Javi, and I love the Legend of Zelda, Mario, Minecraft, and anything Nintendo. I would really appreciate it if any of you follow me.
ßrendan saturnblue07