Zaya's Friends
моиςτεя Nin10doFanatic47
Reasons for inactivity: I have social media on my phone that's better than this, I currently have no stylus, and I'm waiting for this place to die so I can take over. ~Thanks, Rhiannon
Rafel RafGameGrazer
Rafel here, with a new profile! I'm a Anime/Cartoon/Videogame fan! I'm here to draw, play and for sure, do random things x) Please no blind friend requests, I'd like it I like memes, wrestling, GOOD music ( Metal/Rock, Space synth, etc ), anything fabulously OILED! May the spirit of Rambo be with you! I'll catch you later! COWABUNGA!
Ukato Play GregarLink10
Hi everyone, this is Ukato's gameplay account! I'll use this account to accept friend requests and play with people that follow me on miiverse, not much drawings here but anyway, I hope we can have fun Drawing account: Ukato/NNID: GregarLink15 U2b: Ukato speedpaints btw, just in case, in only have this 2 accounts, no more, no less
AoS~Aria OffcialRekzin
•Here's my ALT......yeah.... •I play Competitive Smash •Main: Lucina Secondaries: Falco/Zelda Member of "Angels of Smash" ~~~~~~~~~ BlazBlue main: Noel Vermillion Secondary: Hazama
スタローン U2coooRN
スイッチ用のペンを探し中 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー そうだね!、コメント、フォローありがとうございます。 コメント全部に返信するのは出来ないこともありますが、 嬉しく読ませてもらっております。 Thank you for Yeah!, Commens, Follow. I will speak a little English.
VIЯUS AleRota95
YouTube: VIЯUS Discord: VIЯUS#6145 Tumblr: alerotavirus Borlotti beans are delicious!
Jay thealternatej
Hey. Name's Jay. If you found your way to this profile, don't expect much. Just a bit of art and a lot of rambling.
qt SuperSmashSis.4
Studd LilWonka12
Hello! I'm Lillian Mae Wright, a young growing artist and video game lover! My favorite game is Zelda (all of them), and my favorite thing to draw is people! I hope you enjoy peeking at my page!
justin Justin6565
dezmine21 flsunn321
i have MOVED!!! new NNID: dezmine21 name dezmine21! follow if u want because this profile is gone! i will only be active to spread the word of my new account! why switch to a different account you might ask! well its because i wanted to content my 3Ds to my wiiu and i wanted my own account too... because this is not originaly mine! it was my aunts idk why its my wiiu... follow me thee if u want
PK Ben supersonicboom92
TW: @ben_faulstick YT: PK Ben I Love to play Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pokemon, Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy AND MORE! Join me on my epic quest to.. well, I'm just postin stuff. Facts about the guy that is me -I'm 18 -Fav game: Sonic 3 and knuckles -I'm an amiibo collector -I love to draw -Fav food: Spaghetti -Sm4sh main: Mewtwo -Video gamer since 3 years of age.
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
Cameron Walt2015
the guy who was once popular but not anymore tbh certified squid boi, official Nintendo seal of approval. PJ Berri is my spirit animal
milk yubeee
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic or cartoon! Some of my favorite games are mario galaxy, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, splatoon, and earthbound but my favorite is animal crossing. My smash main is villager. Lets be friends!♪ t,tw,da: milk-ghoul こんにちは私の名前はデミがあり、私は20歳です。友達になろう!♪ Let's talk before you friend request pls!
Jυnior Junior701
Thank you so much for 200+ Followers! :D Sριατοοη Rαηκ~S|64 Favorite Games: 1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf 2. Wii Sports 3. Splatoon 4. Mario Party 8 5. Kirby: TD Favorite Movie: Zootopia Favorite T.V. Show: SpongeBob SquarePants!!! BIGGEST SPONGEBOB FAN
☆キングさきちゃん☆ saki050702
普段は他の方の素敵な投稿内容を見ては 「そうだね」をポチポチ押したり、 「無言フォロー」やってしまいます。 嫌な方はおっしゃって下さい。 私の投稿内容にコメントを下さった方には 出来る限り返信するよう心がけていますが、 場合によって遅れるか…気づかないです。 すみませんσ(´ύ`;) ☆【リクエストについて】 現在は募集していません(´ό`;) ☆【趣味と大好きなキャラクターと人】 趣:ゲーム・お絵描き キ:アイク・カービィ・メガサーナイト 人:北千里さん(イラストレーター) 萩道彦さん(アイクの声優) フォロワー様500人突破☆\(´ύ`*)/ いつもありがとうございます!! これからもよろしくお願いします。 (2017年6月19日 更新)
oh, worm? theEPICyus002
Call me Mickey! My fav gamers are Game Grumps, Markiplier, Vanoss. I'm 18! Woo! Memes, cartoons, anime, tv shows, and videogames. I'm low quality garbage ♥
Mario SonicHedgehog777
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Dooveed baconsoap3700
Just look around for Dooveed. Sometimes with "the" and potentially an underscore.