jim's Followers
EG★Taylor Taylorlad
hi everyone welcome to my profile i am a big nintendo fan i love mario games and my hobbies are football skateboarding and i like trampolines my fav youtubers are Tanner fox lance stewart sullypwnz chris chann and cobanermani my fav music i like dance music and monstercat and thank u all the people who follow me i really appreciate it. Clans om¢ EG Thanks for Reading Bye:)
Peter petercuteness
hi im peter im nine and i like minecraft becuz we get to build anything
Shadow Whoisourdadayilo
hi my name is jalean and i love my fans thank you about evreyone that loved my jokes i will keep posting jokes to make yall laghth i love you all and please fallow me ok why are u here jk come on BYE LEAVE NOW please ok im going to snap bye
NamNamkity Moy19d
This user's profile comment is private.
Jared.VR OwenGreen16
Hi there! I guess, welcome to my profile, I don't know what to say now. #RIPChesterBennington
Mr.Bean Writer2003
$o$$o hippie2012
Salut je m'appelle Solene j'ai 13 ans. J adore mon grand frère Charles et ma grande soeur Lucie et mes chats sur tous Et je suis: sportif:★★★★★ adors le sport gentille: ★★★★☆ souvent méchante: ★☆☆☆☆ parfois drôle:★★★★★ adors rigoler Nesiter pas a mettre des commentaire et abonner vous a moi et je m abonnerai a vous ★Solene★ ps objectif 30O abonnes
<∞xGIOx∞> giovannilyon
Solo chiamate urgenti... Addio a tutti mi raccomando solo chiamate urgenti ...drin drin!... -Mi sono rotto una gamba!- -Ti sebra una chiamata urgente!!!!!- ...drin drin!... -C'è un centesimo per terra- -Questa si che è una chiamata urgente- Nella vita disegno manga o semplici fumetti comici guardo film horror mangio i kebab... e mi bevo il sushi! Io vi adoro...se voi no si puo dire... [X] miei!
Gav XxChewbacca07xX
hi/ male/single/weird/15 year old here ur probably wasting ur time by reading this but since ur here this is my life i have a dog a baby sister. you got a problem? then leave! also pls follow kyra and cherry. i play foot ball. i love dogs. my favorite coler is baby blue. i love to sing. thats all:)
Harrison JosieVan
Cuddles♪†√ gcpurvis
IM 10 NOW!! Almost 10 im 9 ( dis from yesterday) New Stuff 71 F0LL0WS 0NLY 30 M0RE T0 G0!!! (My Goals 100) BTW
Sagvam5588 sagvam58
HI!I LIKE NINTENDO A LOT LIKE :POKEMON,ZELDA,MARIO(ECT)I like to play all sorts of games too!I have every pokemon card(USA)and games to in cluding Zelda,Kirby,Metroid games,anime,youtube,movies,Xbox games,PS1,2,3,4 games and soon 5(when it comes out),Smash bros(WiiU & 3DS ect.)If you need to ask any questions about something these games I'll answer those questions.So I hope you enjoying my post!
Hola soy RELIG POR FAVOR LLEGUEMOS A LOS 350 SEGUIDORES.informacion: edad:13/juegos f:minecraft y leyen of zelda/novia: ?youtubers f:theDURAN,LONIUXVU,ANTONYcra y COMPARGAME
QueenDeath TomBoyMai
★★★★★★★★yo girl likes stars★★★★★★★★ ★★QUEEN DEATH IS HERE PEOPLE★★ ★★★post daily if i dont then im sorry.... HAVE A COOKIE *gives you a cookie*★★★ oh hi mark~♥ Relationship: taken by my girlfriend (i know what your thinking)~♥ Sister: Zia (SoldierZia~)♥ Real name: Mai~♥ BFF: Maya(ShadowWolf)~♥
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
みるくぱんだ ikesan-sayr
どーもりょんたです。ミバ友歓迎。 性別..........男 好きな食べ物......マーボー豆腐 嫌いな食べ物......野菜全般 好きなこと.........スプラトゥーン、YouTube (ゲームだけじゃん......) 将来の夢............IT(インターネット)エンジニア 好きな人....妹と妹と妹と妹 好きなユーチューバー...はしご たけと ななと あっきい きりざき はじめ フィッシャーズ <その他> 'フォローしてくれたら、必ず返します。フォローしてね!\('∀')/←かわいい? '名前はたま~に変えます。(もう変えないかも...) 'コメントしてくれたら、できるだけ返すので、どんどんコメントしてください! <最後に> 'フォローよろしくお願いします。 では。
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
Αgеnt 7 urquhart9
WHAT'S HAPPENING im agent 7 A.k.a. MMT cho cho Best friend:OL◆Sniper◆ Age. 14. favorite game: splatoon. rank was: S+ 30 are wii u started all OVER :| now lvl: 10 Rank: C- 60 Main weapon's: (luna blaster) (custom e- liter scope) (CRB) favorite food is PiZzA
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
Abeter NerdPlaysLOL
Marron byAaron2212
hola gente soy gamer y lo quieren ser mi amigo bienvenidosea soy gamer Y juego Clash Royal soy arena 8 gracias hello Friends I am Gamer pleasefriend y play clash royal i am arena 8thanks :]:)8
$¶€ÁLÉX§¶⇒ happyfarm158
Hello everyone i'm Alex, aka AlexGamer!. I like a wide variety of games from action and adventure to racing games. I follow everybody that follows me, I will accept messages to games I have. Plz follow me and freind request, I'm a very nice person. I don't swear or trashtalk, insult other people, or give up everytime I lose something. Once again plz follow and thankyou.
■ώ■JOSH■ώ■ JOSH912545
HEY EVERY 1 ITS RAYANWILLE/ josh аgе: 16 oh my bestfriends are CHLOE<-shes amazing funny da best♥ STENSRUS<- he funny and awsome♥ JIMMMMYYYYY<- awsome friend♥ TESORO<- awsome♥ DERPYNEKO<-amazing person♥ josh<- thats me lol kill me looks like: hot and you want him u get cookie (-º3º)-● oh i got ps4 gamer tag is joshdagamer1732
InuYasha wolfgamer1234
agent 4 cowboomboy
sup squids
Dillon SlimTX1980
What's sup my bros my name is Dillon and I love Wii U games.My favorite games are Splatoon,Splatoon 2,Lost Reavers,and Paper Mario Color Splash.If you want to play a game with me then let's be friends.That's all.Stay cool my peps.
☆なな☆ nanari.ninntdou
こんにちは! 色々とよろぴくね!!!!!!
Ne Ne aubie78
huh? oh hi there! I guess you clicked my profile to see what an awesome gamer I am!! lol anyway I like games like splatoon, disney infinity, fifa13, mario, madden, super mario maker, mario kart 8,mario and sonic, everbody says that the ps4 is SO much better than wii u but I say NOT AT ALL FOLLOW ME IF YOU THINK SO TOO keep calm and game on! feel free to send me a friend request. peace out yo!!!!!
THE KING ggggjg
BTR56マッキーー masakiyo1215
元気ですかーーー スプラとマイクラ、そしてマリカ8を主にやってます スプラはランク50腕前S+になりました。 マイクラは基本サバイバルしかしません。 マリカ8はレート5500です! あまり投稿しませんがフォローや投稿へのコメントよろしくお願いします!! あれ?もう200にんフォロワーいる・・・ みんなありがとう! ってもう300にん!?あんまり投稿してないのに ありがとー!!!!!!!
lucijackso 1jose2victor3
HOLIII!!! Soy lucia , en mi cuenta subiré cosas graciosas todos los dias. Subiré cosas como: cosas amorosas tags y muchas cosas mas. Segui a mi hermano que se llama smart boy. SI QUIERES DIVERTIRTE SIGUEMEEEEE!!!!
Kre SuperMarioM4n
Hi Im GameMaster a.k.a Super Mario M4n and I have played alot of games almost all of them ... almost all of them and I am very excited to be friends with all of you and give game tips if you need it :] :] :} ;] ;] ;} :)
Adrian es el mejor
jimmy jim0501
EмσAléςΐσυ Naomi_Alesia_18
hola amigos amigas♥ je m'appelle alesia j'ai 12ans edemi je suis parisienne un peut italienne Car ma belle soeur et italienne ma passion la musique♥ OUII JE SUIS SOLISTE dédicace a arthur jtm mon coeur 1mois♥ deborah ma bff/sdc♥ 1ans♥ aicha bff 2ans♥ Naomi une amie♥ Stéphanie la bff ma vie♥ #16/10/17♥ (batiste mon ennemi ) Abonner vous a moi ♥ Et a Arthur♥
dorean doreanmaclin1231
tdmcyclops PERCYJ90
i like my nitido
Diego 14725s
mario bros is the best and is so cool
GT_まさき masaki798
顔ポチあざす! 軽く自己紹介をします 好きなゲームはスプラトゥーンですチームGTに所属しています。よろしくお願いします。m(-_-)m おーい もう終わりだよ~ もう終わりって言ってるのに...... (`д´) /[ ]ー ひまだから顔文字をかいています / \ε== O (`д´) o= ー[ ]\ | \
SK★Hunter bigbird1539
um uhhh hi im hunter i like pepsi video games MONEY$ when you buy a video game and ripping the plastic of it. (my best friends for lyfe SK*oldman/OLDMANN1 missy/missymommy/sk*yourmom! my favourite youtubers are denis corl sketch sub alex dantdm s&stampylonghead! booyah!
ειizα♭ετh♪ ejoyce101
Hi! btw, my fav. Wii game is Super Mario Galaxy 2 and my fav Wii U game is Splatoon. I LOVE Rosalina and Inklings!!!
Sharkai FoxnHound
Noooooo!!!! i loved miivers so much!!! it is so sad):
ASA asa091500