jim's Friends
Nathan laronde4life
Hello! my names Nathan! plz have fun if ever we play online. fais du plesire
anael anael95
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rosie zoeyglow15to16
hi i am kjb my family nickname is rosierose and i am 14 right now i,ll be turning 15 on the 15 of july this saterday lol
Evan nucks815
i love spatoon the fighting part is da best
Aaron noticemedannyboi
alex batdoge55555
hello im alex but some people call me batdoge i love minecraft,nintendo land also tank tank tank this game is not on a wiiU it is called Roblox i hope they add it in the wii U
∞InkGirl∞ Splat00n99
Hey Leute! Wenn ihr mit mir Splatoon spielen wollt, sendet mir einfach eine Freundschaftsanfrage. Ich werde mit einem Screenshot ankündigen, ob und wann ich eine Lobby aufmache. Infos zu mir: Alter: 12 Lieblingsspiel: Splatoon Lieblingsyoutuber: Tyraphine, Domtendo, Kati Again, Poool157, Freshtorge, Julien Bam, Rebekah Wing, ConCrafter|Luca, MrFeuerstachels, BlueX2, Mety333 ∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞♥∞
ang ang7878
suzie nighthuskey
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◆Ivonne◆ Ivonne-Jenni
Ivonne * 16 años * Mexicana * Amo los deportes * Tacos <3 * Hablame soy chida, Wuuuuuu *
ςн◆Ωмεğα〆 VictorElproPVP
Hola, Mi Nombre es Víctor, Tengo.... Años :v Soy Español Y Hablo Ingles y Un poco Fraces. Me Encanta La Musica. Mis Juegos Favoritos y Los que Mejor Se me Dan Son : Splatoon, Minecraft Y Los Zeldas. Tengo Clan De Splatoon Es: ςн♪ Si te Quieres Unir Solo Dimelo y Te Hare una Pruebita :^ Gracias . Gracias A MV por Seguir Con nosotros ;] "Nunca Sabes Lo que Tienes Hasta Que Lo Pierdes"~
desmond crazyisland3143
hello i love minecraft and terraria sorry i do not personally own terraria on wii u but i play it on xbox 360 join me on minecraft anytime you like ok thats it you can stop reading now... stop! YOUR SCARING ME :-(} MEEEEEEEEEEEEH
Anicattoon Ronniel14
Bryan BryanNOelia021
hey friend me if you want or whatever my first wii u broke so i got a new one (I rages and broke it)
CAT-Edniel ednieladam_123
Hi here is info about me Name:Edniel Age:14 Favorite game: mario and pokemon games Favorite Wii u game:paper mario color splash Favorite 3DS game:mario&luigi dream team Favorite song: Never let up-BigBang-pokemonxy wild battle Favorite pokemon: Oshawott and Popplio My neko twins:Noah13Pink-cindy Bestfriends:Satu~Kun-Ice-sky My sister:amber My pokken teacher:Rubyrose61
Alonso Alonso80
daddy joseph7411
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DealWithIt Marioguyman
I love Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Need for Speed Most Wanted, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Minecraft. I have the games under my "Favorite Communities". I like cheese! I like potatoes! Cheese is good. MLG → Major League Gaming Memes are life. MC for life!
iroman elfebouchuitre
bonjour je m'appelle iroman abonner vous demander moi en ami
gamerproXD carvajal10
fffffff hola este es mi perfil nombre: santiago esau carvajal saenz aunque en minecraft diga carvajal10 XD edad: 8 el 10 de octubre cumplo juegos favoritos mario kart smash bros el mainkra :v y el new super mario bros .U youtubers favoritos tengo muchos :V OMG odio a los freddys ì_í nunca jugare con ellos si me sigues te sigo si me mandas solicitud la acepto bueno es todo adiós a y no expulso!!!
eddie Eduard39
genesis pluto624
hi my name is genesis and i have 2 sisters and 1 brother! my oldest sister is lely and my 2nd oldest sister is emma and my brother name is caleb !i have 2 dogs one pitbull named magy and the other a husky named kisha and my cat milkyway!my parents are not Divorces soo i have a complete family!the thing that is in common is that we are all gamers!please enjoy me and my siblings profile on miiverse!
Chris scooterd216
nicolas niko0110
7w7 woomy
RougeGamer creeper3003
Matt mpt2014
Hi! I'm Matt, a gamer who likes to play for fun, but when you try to challenge me, you better bring a battleship!
Ryan craft3ryan202
hey guys my name is Ryan Santiago I like Mario, Sonic, Pacman, Megaman, Metal Gear Solid and other games and my favorite tv shows to watch are Clarence, Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Super, Sonic Boom, Doraemon, Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Yo Kai watch, and more. I hope we can be friends soon enough.
Cookie A-KittyLover
Greening I'm Chara Dreamer your new best friend! so like playing Spatoon Mariokart 8 Super mario 3D world Yoshi's woolly world Super smash bro and yea that it sOoo bye!
Gael -_- EduardoEsqueda
Mandenme solicitud de amistad,Mi juego favorito es Mario Maker,MANDEN SUS NIVELES!!!! :D (Los niveles que me manden les pondre estrella)
gael flayerty
Hola,me llamo gael vivo en Mexico me gusta jugar multijugador Personajes Favoritos: Ahlp : Pikmin 3 Bowser y Bowser J.n : Mario Yoshy: Mario Juegos Favoritos: Splatoon Mario Maker Halo (Lo Tengo en XboX) Pokemon (No lo tengo pero esta en mi Tablet) Series Favoritas: Pokemon Aserca Sobre Mi: Tengo 9 años Me, Gusta jugar en online, Soy amigable, Me gusta lo nuevo, Mi Color Favorito Azul Fuerte Grax
Leenie362 Leenieman
OWWWW! THAT HURT T_T! Hello fellow...um... Person? Anyway, The names Leenie. I'm mostly active on Minecraft and Splatoon 2 (Yes, I have a switch ▼~▼). My Best Friends are Kendall, Raw, Kora, Eman, and OH SO MANY OTHERS!!! Well Hope we can be friends! (P.S I do wii u chat but I'm SUPPPPPPPER Shy) And please, Don't Poke so hard.... Jeez. Oh, yeah, CANT DRAW! (I DO SPEAK SPANISH!)