JJTC's Followers
Le Fourrié AnSoDoFeGoHiJoKi
Egad, I really want to stop with this sad and moody stage here. I want to sprout such as the closed bud from a flower bush wishes to show its beauty to the world, or how a butterfly must first be a caterpillar that must traverse through dark times in a cocoon, only to evolve into an utter stelar brilliance in life and hope... but we are all still there, and reaching towards that point soon...
Marmit new-marmit
HOY THERE... Its me marmitt, and welcome to my acount your one way stop to absolute stupidity! If you like puns, humor, art, and video games your at the right place my friend. My favorite games are: earthbound Xenoblade chronicals Kid icarus and pretty much any thing RPG Also check out my Wii U profile.
Spartan SpartanGen
=Mitsuki= Tarja06
Donuts and icecream… (=ω= ) my favorites: Mother 3 Earthbound 2 Mother Earthbound Halloween-Exe Undernight Late.exe Jojos bizzare adventure 2 3 4 Sailor moon hero academia Eddsworld Pewds Jack Mark (o_o ) … Follow brooke pls! ●ω● ●o● still here? ▼o▼ wow. u know u can leave now. ( →;_;)→ =( →‛' °<°)→ I HAVE NOTHING TO SAYY!! STAAHP!!!
Jamie jamiescarb
Hey. So, a little about me: *I want to be a pianist one day *I love music *In real life, I'm a bit timid at first *14 years old Favorite Video games: Zelda, Skyrim, Luigi's Mansion, and Animal Crossing. My favorite movies are: Lord of the rings and Harry Potter. Hope you enjoy my posts and drawings. (^o^)/ ( I won't accept a blank friend request )
mooshie Mooshie0120
Things that i like: Sonic Megaman Mario Pac-Man Kirby Bendy And The ink Machine Hello Neighbor Pokemon Megaman x Five nights at freddy's Minecraft Anime Love to draw Love to sing and play piano Dragon ball Z Naruto Paint the town red love making O.C's Love Making my own comics Undertale (Fan made too!) And that's all see ya!
Claire catsREpic3
■kittyclaireHASRETURNED ¥T■ Hello. I'm Claire, and i'm ten years old. Miiverse is dead which makes my depression even worse. I suffer from: social anxiety,depression and stage fright. I am exceeding in all subjects according to my dimwit teachers. Since i'm good academically; people predict I won't struggle to get a job. However, art is what I have an interest in the most.I want to be a animator.
Foca~chan 3hermanitas
adios mis foquitas el 8-11-2017 esto se acaba os quiero mucho por favor seguitme estos ultimos días y poneme ha mola ha mis dibujos :‛( :‛( !!ADIÓS¡¡
SpoopySυn SunShineAnderson
Xo_SunniD_Xo#7878 SC: Sunnid133 insta: xo_sunnid_xo CV: Xo-SunnyD-oX вγε Miivε®sε & Wii U Cнατ… †R.I.P мε вεing on нε®ε sin©ε I ωαs 11… 2012 - 2017† 2/13/17♡ ~ƒo®εvε® Love you Cris. ;u; you too Briizy…♥
Mгς.Coco•. DeViye
.·•★Welcome★•·. Mrs. Coco appreciates you taking your time to view her profile, she will be posting more often now. Here are some things about Mrs. Coco. ;D Always winking. Age: ? Loves all her Sugar Cubes. Taken by the handsome Hot Coco. Always HAWT ;D All who follow Mrs. Coco are Mrs. Coco's Sugar Cubes ;D motto: Stay cute, but stay HAWT ;D ~Mrs. Coco Loves all♡
"Treelian" hyliantree
ew I'm on Closedverse, by the way. My name for it is hyliantree. Real creative, I know. Goodbye, everyone.
Chris...vp barthalamew
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ςυρ3гСατ★ Hollie_W_2007
......Ohhh! Hai..? Toooootally, didn't see u there!... Yeah.. *social awkwardness kicks in* Sooo.. you still reading.. this?..It's a waste of time so.. so.. u can leave now.. no? Just.. just stop reading this.. yeah.. go... check out my... post's and follower numbers.. yeah.. *clears throat* Okayyy.. if I give u a lollipop will you leave? *stuffs a lollipop in your face and runs* I'm 10.
Plumm1034 Plumm1034
Hoi I am skwid kid and souper smashur
k •-• k.new.3ds
"Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon Though its the end of the world, Don't blame yourself now And if its true, I will surround you and give life to a world That's our own Thank you, I'll say goodbye now Though its the end of the world, Don't blame yourself And if its true, I will surround you and give life to a world That's our own" -Porter Robinson- goodbye to a world
Tj bleach4b5
♪Welcome~♪ ºTJ º16 ºFavorite Places: Florida, California, Japan, Korea (Wishes to travel to Japan/Korea) ºSingle ºLike: Snow, Being lazy, procrastinate, Cold weathers and cold places, Fall, Beanie, hoodies, 80's/90's anime, japanese culture and history, Drawing/Sketches. ºοº Hot Dog! (< ••• Waka Waka (Plz excuse my english, it almost good, but its bad) Feel free to chat with me on Wii U Chat.
♪Eł Ραηδα♪ Maxime12344
Un Panda méxicain n'est rien sans sa moustache.Pourtant pourquoi n'en n'ai-je point Dedis: Camille,Alexya(La Journaliste),Shunya(La Hawaïenne),Dario(L'Espagnol),Noé(TheRanger)Kaissa,Dabibadou,Candy,FOM Mewtwo (Ces quelqun de hyper sympa) Yumi (Une fille en or) Arès (Le Chanteur) et plein d'autre je peut pas tous vous mettre sorry j'espere vous revoir sur ClosedVerse
<=====}--o tant06
this is a guest account made possible by JJTC
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
Lady-Miaou Miss-Miaou_2
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Senzo★ senzo123
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cicshocks ciara1016
My name is Ciara and I am 9 years old. I love drawing. I own these systems: Nintendo 64 Xbox 360 Wii U Game cube Nintendo 2DS I love pokemon games and cats :]. I play pokemon moon, pokemon stadium [ 1 and 2 ], pokemon Alpha sapphire, pokemon Y, pokemon black, pokemon red and blue, pokemon yellow, pokemon heart gold, pokemon platnuim, pokemon ruby, pokemon green, and pokemon leaf green.
Jolee love_horses1235
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Gяαсξ☆ Squizzy6
Hai im Grace and ill be posting random drawings˙ˇ˙… i guess you guys wanna know stuff about me well to begin with ★ im 15 ★ i draw random stuff ★im always bored ★i watch anime,read manga ★just a teen with deep thoughts
Ilia ilianthos
•Hello, my name is Ilia!Also known as Dankyboo. •I'm a half Congolese, half Greek young lady trying to learn more things about art. •I've been a Dancer for 10 years, an Artist for 3 years and I've had 3 years of singing experience. •I want to thank every single one of you separately!You are all like a family to me. Search Dankyboo to find my hiding spots.
sexyfish tetanicbrute12
Hi I'm from a small caribbean island called Tobago. I'm a very adventurous person, in love with DIYs, I love to meet people from different cultures, I like to draw not so good at it yet, getting there! Thanks for making time
яς†κειν† NekoGirl254
†Animation memes† †Anime† †M.M† †TØP† †Roleplay† †Vocaloid† †яς† †Dank memes† †Trash† †Minecraft + Splat anytime† †Snapch: ShaniaPrez add meh o^o† †Alaina Jasmine Keivonta Taylor†
NaoRiko Imanartistsuzuka
Hello! I'm Nao! I absolutely don't like being called Riko, so if you please...just Nao. I'm above 18y! I'm a space pirate! Fear me! even though my sister Hotaru is scarier. I can be scary too! I hate humans but I've grown a liking to a few.Only strong people are allowed in my sanctuary! You wonder why I call everone human? It must mean I'm not human? Well...You're correct on both questions :)
? F4R4W4Y
What are you doing here?
♪Jaz♪ kona_koffee4144
I havnt been able to show much personality thru this account, but i grateful 4 meeting you guys.I need to thank everyone, followers, the ones i'm following, and the ones I have never even met, for making MV a unique community you truly cant find anywhere else. hope to c u around :) other locationz (also go there if I havnt finished ur request) Lemongrease deee-ayyylmao colors3d is a cool app
Amy PrincessPuzzle
Sooo, hey there fellow. My interests are as follows, Black Butler American Horror Story Gotham Professor Layton series Monster Hunter series Nine Inch Nails My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy Panic! At the Disco MSI Twenty One Pilots Melanie Martinez Muse Halsey My O.C for THREE YEARS since 2013 of Flipnote Hatena, Amelia Soulkind. She's a vampire princess and she's a loner. XD
Cece noturbabe
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name:faith joannbennett
hey guys !!! i'm in 7th grade and i live in kentucky!!!!! its so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
☆Åςłяоçåț♂ ILoveEevee89
Howdy Everycats and people I'm Astrocat nice name for a neko like me, right? *giggles* Here are some cool things about me ● I'm a boy..... Age: 17 ● Status: Really Jolly :] Who wants cookies ? Lets all go to the moon and have fun in space! XD Just kidding! I'm single :[ LF: a GF I really have a crush on Copen Love u Copen Oh I'm now an Azure Striker Gunvolt fan
18 years old.
25% Japanese and 75% caucasian?
Name's Jonathan.
I like fishing, hunting, art, mart...
18 years old.
25% Japanese and 75% caucasian?
Name's Jonathan.
I like fishing, hunting, art, martial arts, and Tons of anime
Blank emotion
Mentally depleated
♪"nobody knows who I really am. I've never felt this empty before."♪
Alt accounts:
characters (OC):
Jonathan (JJTC)♂
Eiji ♂
Clay ♂
Aysel ♀
Teal ♀
Nero ♂
Benny ♂