JJTC's Friends
raven emma5647-5
hi my real name is ann and i love to play video games and i have lots of friends and i know they will have my back and i would do the same to them too love you guys . you guys are the best friends i ever had :) :) :) :) :) :). and i like to help other people when they are down or someone is being mean to them and in real life im a nice person who like to help other people and my sister is miku♥♥♥
Clementine SodaPopper100
uhhh hi X3
NaoRiko Imanartistsuzuka
Hello! I'm Nao! I absolutely don't like being called Riko, so if you please...just Nao. I'm above 18y! I'm a space pirate! Fear me! even though my sister Hotaru is scarier. I can be scary too! I hate humans but I've grown a liking to a few.Only strong people are allowed in my sanctuary! You wonder why I call everone human? It must mean I'm not human? Well...You're correct on both questions :)
pandemic little_mstr
so umm,hi #SSB4life do you know EZDZ? I do. umm, time travelling sounds fun; I guess. I like the color yellow. whats your fav color? nintendo swich is out. I might buy it. pizza is good #WhyMe flying sounds nice. Harry Potter stuff. lungardyum levyosa and all that. soo, Drake can't dance. he should learn. dolls are action figures. BoTW is the best. robots will take over. random is my name. bye!
ηαshıı yoyums
ello meh peeps im Natsuka (Nashi) I like to draw , games and animals :3. dank memer. free hugs (>¯ˇ¯)>.hard headed. doer:yes thinker:no ♀ age:15 games: pokemon moon, personaQ, kirby, sonic, smash bros etc... food: Ramen ¯ˇ¯ animes: Fairy Tail, P4, acchi kocchi, AOT, pokemon(all gens), naruto, ect.. fav color: aqua green/fiery orange plz follow shoutout: Tοмαтo T( ˙˘˙)
Adios ObjectPower
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Jacob snowderp
There is no such thing as a ending, it's just a new beginning. I'll try to post intell miiverse ends 11/7/17 , and will be trying to get a switch for my birthday 11/25/04. I will see you all again don't worry! :)
ScuzzyKidd ScuzzyKidd
Ilia ilianthos
•Hello, my name is Ilia!Also known as Dankyboo. •I'm a half Congolese, half Greek young lady trying to learn more things about art. •I've been a Dancer for 10 years, an Artist for 3 years and I've had 3 years of singing experience. •I want to thank every single one of you separately!You are all like a family to me. Search Dankyboo to find my hiding spots.
Bri Bri.Bee90
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Flare DarthLopez
hey! 2 folks here Flare and Tim. Flare does the art. Tim yeahs almost everything. Flare does too. p.s. JONATHAN JTC you're the greatest, EVER!!!! i love you!! ^W^ *hugs* ~ Flare
18 years old.
25% Japanese and 75% caucasian?
Name's Jonathan.
I like fishing, hunting, art, mart...
18 years old.
25% Japanese and 75% caucasian?
Name's Jonathan.
I like fishing, hunting, art, martial arts, and Tons of anime
Blank emotion
Mentally depleated
♪"nobody knows who I really am. I've never felt this empty before."♪
Alt accounts:
characters (OC):
Jonathan (JJTC)♂
Eiji ♂
Clay ♂
Aysel ♀
Teal ♀
Nero ♂
Benny ♂