Cj's Followers
Richie 274757
Hello! My name is Richie :) I'm 19 years old and I like to draw and play video games. My inspiration for drawing are the smiles I can bring to people's faces. I leave comments in my posts so please read them! *somewhere in yogurt land* Follow my main account for more :) ↓ Main account: Name: Richie ID: Account2-Akio
bob Weremammoth
The world is a scene. -Shakespear Since this place is to end, I have to thanks all the people I have meet, all the people that I have dueled in Splatoon, all the people that I have raced again in Mario Kart, all the people in Minecraft, and, of course, all the artists I have meet. To all of you, Thanks, and take care. bob
Maximus jengriff
cloudheart ariaswordsman89
i watch anime, movies, tv-series, & k-dramas. in love with Willowstar. -Huge fan of black clover. --Thanks for reading !
☆Cloclow☆ chloe4242
Hilow c Chloé g 13 ans et jveux te connaitre! donc n'esite pas a me dmd en ami ♡Aurel jt'adore♡ Je suis en ♥ Mes catégories préférés =Minecraft,splatoon et ytb c la base ! Rejoin moi stv ! Mon caractère : - gentille ★★★★★ - méchante ★☆☆☆☆ - intelligente ★★★★☆ - sympa ★★★★★ Mrc pour tt les abo Je suis la chef de la team ☆ ♥abonne toi stp et soi mon ami bye♥ ☆abonne toi et je m'abonne a toi☆
emma BestLeftUnsaid
nice, bigbrother is the best
fjgdhrkf Djouliane2009
je m'appelle djouliane
lucia lusi0975
¡Hola miiverseros!¿como estan!¡espero que bien! (esta sera mi entrada para COMENZAR EL DIA )Me llamo Lucy y me gustan mucho los animales(soy DEMASIADO sensible con ellos)¡ah! por cierto!¡si me seguis cuande me de quenta de que lo haceis os sigo...!¡adioos! (^o^)
エイ(・д・) ishikieishou
イヤー 中学生にもなりコメントフォロ返し出来ないから しなくてもいいしフォローしてくださった人達も 解除?してもらっても構いませんありがとうございましたまた話せる機会があったらお話してください またいつか! 2016.12.14
mariofan skylandfan
i'm sorry for you.
gamemaster lazking
qee te
Lo§łβoγ.·★ comesthewinds
Hi i am Lo§ł βογ.Welcome to my proƒile.i am the son oƒ 7 »—Wind§—>.We are Cherokee a proud people.My dad is very traditional even with his appearance,i on the other hand are more modern.Feel ƒree to check things out.I have nothing but love for all,but be warned bad attitudes, threats, or name calling,won't be tolerated as well as drama.There's no room in this house ƒor haters.PEACE to ALL.
jolene momzila208
Love can sometimes be magical but magic is just an illusion F.alse E.motions A.ppering R.eal Don't let this illusion stop you
Tentamo kenleysean
mahina 9jolisri
bjr a tous cv svp demander moi en amis svp je suis gentil★★★★★★★★★★ belle★★★★★★★★★★ mechante☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ moche☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ timide☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ bavarde★★★★★★★★★★ cool★★★★★★★★★★ zen★★★★★★★★★★ bizard☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ intelligente★★★★★★★★★★ oila la je pense que vous aller mieu me connaitre normalement je vous ai tout dis sur moi bisous jvm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
destiny a4w3d4
hi am destiny yay thats my first name am 1111 years old ahahaaha
Autumn lexielol1375
Hey guys it's Sky I'm 14 :* Fave shops: Ulta, pink, bath n body work n more I have a willu but its dead
NSMBU+NSLU juliarenata
hola soy kian tengo 10 años y estoy en 4 grado asi que les voy a mostrar algo top 5 juegos que me gustan : 1-new super mario bros u 2-new super mario bros u +new super luigi u 3-super mario 3d world 4-mario party 10 5-mario kart 8
November 7 rozo999
MOOSE MAN ianqwing
hi im moose man i like splatoon minecraft MK8 news im being bay max for halloween FOLLOWER GOAL BEFORE END OF MIIVERSE 420 BUT IM GLAD I HAVE SOME THANKS FOR READING THIS HOPE YOUR ALL HAVEING A FUNTASTIC DAY SEE YA main mii moose man leader name DANTDM stay fresh lol
Uxía 563_36
Hola soy jane,tengo 11 años y me gusta el anime,mi musica preferida es el nighcore y mi juego preferido de Wiiu es el breath of the wild y el de nintendo 3DS es el new stile boutique. Me encantan los creepypastas sobre todo Jane y Jeff.Tengo otra cuenta seguidme se llama Jane.
VinnyT Tylervince
Due to unacceptible issue about my disc. No and this can't be true. Splatoon disc has gone dirty for months. I might i have to get a new one. Squid Partiers see you later :'(
msamuels Mekhisamuels
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Ryan emswan16
Mauzi Umut44
いなっち nai7yuushoul
dovakiihn catz123456
hello I love playing with others and making friends with them. also a proud member of TeamTDM (danTDM rocks!)I am 11 yrs old and i love cats
☆yoshi☆ granchuy
☆hola ¿como estan? me llamo jesus si me sigues yo te sigo abajo puedes ver mis cosas locas tambien pongo canciones dime que cancion quieres y la pongo en el tuyo mi mejores amigos(a) son bella,lulu,felisity☆,cat isabela,alyssa,cheis,kenny,hanx,,gonger08,juan gamer,diegin,dark ninja,vandir-br,ricardo y gabe
Kaiah Frosty2305
My name is Kaiah and I was born in Bridgeport. I just turned 11years old . I have no siblings and I have 4 pets. 2 pitbulls,1rat, and a turtle. My favorite games are Splatoon, Art Academy, SMB, and Mario Kart 8.
Donovan erickdonovan
holi les doi la bienvenida a todos espero que les guste mi canal o como se llame a porsierto mi juego favorito es fnaf mi animatronico favorito es foxy :D
JuanLu01 juan_galvarez
quiero asegurar que quien esta aqui desde que tengo mivers me conosio como juangamer foxy 480 etc.. soy yo okay creo que asi me boy a llamar para siempre no prometo nada grasias por llegar a los 282 segidores
GLaTOS blazingtiger905
Hello my name is alpha and i hope you like my profile! Clans im in: $И/Super Nova clan $ИAlpha√(Coleader) Potato Butter Clan! GLaDOS is my sis(leader) And im coloeader! Follow my best friends! BUTTERLORD Asgore βχChimera OMNI EX Jordan And many more if you want to be on the list thank fell free to ask me.Have a great day!!!
keegs zenda123go
number 1 at super mario 3D world
Zipper ZAPZIP03
Hallo i am zipper i am germany with zapper (ZIPZAP03) i visit scottland good enjish in time zapper litle brother 9 he 10 i only start wii u so i bad games
Bowbo 199BRP
199BRP is me! I am 10. I love mario/pokèmon/minecraft I also mostly play SUPER MARIO MAKER! bye!
Queen DemondJ2198
Hello everybody . This is my account an no body elses. My favorite games to play are : Splattoon minecraft mario cart 8 I am 14 years old
Elijah SavageJeez
Hey my name is elijah im 9 and adorable Miiverse is a good app
ƒоχ Cris 0.1-Jose
Lenguaje: English and Spanish Hi my name is Cris. The honest person and relaxed ‹3 i love to draw most of the time in my book jejeje \‘:D things i like so much the draw, Music ‹3 Also i’ll post some game comments if you want, or if you have a question ask me ‹3 But in English or Spanish please jejeje \:D ¿Do you asked your self why all people are curious? even you XD
Clément B clementbascoul
Bonjour la famille moi c'est clem J´aime bien passai du moment sur ironfall ...J´espere que pour mon arriver j´aurai peut étre des abonner . Si vous vous abonner je m abonne a vous.Voila c tout .
Mariofan98 awsomejay10120AJ
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hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do a...
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone