Cj's Friends
Dan:™ Dan14-N
Hi i'm 13 I will be 14 in February my fav games are super smash bros. , and I can't remember the rest :/
GUTHRIE DabeastX226
Sup,guys Beast here! fav games: Loz, Assassin's creed, Cod, SSB4, halo, and rainbow six siege! fav stuff to do is: Use WiiU, Watch Movies, and read! FOLLOW4FOLLOW ALSO FRIEND ME Day started miiverse July 15,2017 Well on this account!! PEACE OUT!
Bryan Bryan-andsibling
hi im 11 year old bryan (: if you have splatoon lets play a squad battle! and if you wanna be friends im always saying yes also miiverse is ending on my birthday WHYYY also i am part of the dab police so no dabing
★ Ella ☆ PusheenOnDsi
Hi! My name is Ella, welcome to my profile! 3DS Favorite's, Miitopia, Pokémon Moon and Sun, Terraria 3DS, and a huge variety of Mario games. WiiU Favorite's, Splatoon, SuperMarioMaker, Yoshi's Wooly World, And Super Smash Bros. Oh, and a little message #SAVEMIIVERSE Ok Bye!
agente 4 soyprO3
hola aqui agente 4 me gusta hacer nuevos amigos y tu puedes ser uno de eyos juegos favoritos: splatoon, super mario maker, mario kart 8, super mario 3D world y etc me gusta la musica los videojuegos y la escuela bueno asta aqui de momento si quieren jugar con migo a algun juego no olviden enviarme una solicitud de amistad bye
Linna Linna15
hé i'm aaliyah the one thing i doe or play is getting friend on mijverse , mariokart8 super mario bros.u :-) :-)
dwoodson d_gaming_kindom5
Ryan emswan16
gamerproXD carvajal10
fffffff hola este es mi perfil nombre: santiago esau carvajal saenz aunque en minecraft diga carvajal10 XD edad: 8 el 10 de octubre cumplo juegos favoritos mario kart smash bros el mainkra :v y el new super mario bros .U youtubers favoritos tengo muchos :V OMG odio a los freddys ì_í nunca jugare con ellos si me sigues te sigo si me mandas solicitud la acepto bueno es todo adiós a y no expulso!!!
Pizza Boy pizzaboy29
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Elijah 2pigsinspace
My user name is 2pigsinspace, I play minecraft I make (minigames,builds,houses and sirvival worlds) MY SIS MESSES UP EVRYTHING BUT MY SIS IS ALWAYS 2ND PLAYER. I WILL NEVER UNFRIEND YOU I WILL UNFRIEND YOU IF YOU MESS UP STUFF ENJOY PLEASE.LOL I play splatoon also!!!!!!!!!
beni zeldamaster800
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt spielkonsolen:Wii,Wiiu,Nintendo DS,N64,Nintendo 3DS,Playstation 3 Lieblingsspiele:Zelda Skyward Sword,Pokemon X und Y,Pokemon Omega Rubin und Alpha Saphir,Pokemon Sonne und Mond,Mario Galaxy,Mario Galaxy 2,Super Smash Bros Brawl,Super Smash Bros for Wiiu und for 3DS,Super Mario 3D Land,Mario 3D World, Splatoon,The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD
Rita MissRita83
Hi my name is jazmin spelled different from princess jasmine please call wiiu chat need a friend im here my freinds tell me i am a fashionable person
♪★maurice↑ maurice-cup
don't do wiiu chat I relax try not to get banned from miverste really im a fan of dragen ball z nothing else but miverste I whatch yutuebe neflix chuchyroll and aldut swim
super man ConnorJT
princess pilialoha1
hi everyone i,m sadie i love my sis and my mom i'm 14 i love descendants 2 i love china anne mcClain and booboo stewart i love to sing and i love wiiuchat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LUCAS AND MRACUS FYI Jake paulers help jake get thu with he troubles he is not bad
Stacey oceanreeds
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do a...
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone