Users josephWiiU Is Following
JetCloud Dairanto-Gaming
Joltichu Joltichu
My Pokemon O.C.s Joltichu Illusion (Zoroark) Mie (Mienshao) Light (Absol) Sapphire (Midday Lycanroc) Taki (Zangoose) Fluffy (Cinccino) My Animal OCs Ruby Fox (Fox) Kin Neko (Cat) Remi Leo (Lion) Grey (Wolf) Sky Light (Greys' Sister) (Wolf) Zander (Panther) Snow Leo (Snow L.) Bolt Tiger (Tiger) Cookie (Fox) Crest (Red Panda) Miyu Kabuki (Anubis/Jackal) Zera Sun (Bunny) #ThankYouMiiverse!
UT!Papyrus UndertaleFan21
How am I still getting followers when I barely post? Is it because I'm (technically) Papyrus? Oh, and I'm not following back. Take a guess on why that is. Oh, and thanks for 600+ followers. #TeamUndertaleeventhoughi'mnotsureifit'sstillrelevantbutwhatever
Rae DarkRaven1106
Hi Miiverse. Enjoy my profile
Pikachu teamdtam
Hey guys! Welcome to my account! My name is Pikachu, I love playing video games! Miiverse is ending... Age: Private Favorite Games: Super Mario Maker Splatoon SSB4 Nintendo Land MK8 Super Luigi bros. Nes Remix NUMBER 1 FAVORITE GAME: Minecraft Online: [x] | Offine: [-] I don't care of my follower goal... :( Well, see you later! ★Well, enjoy my profile★ Goodbye Miiverse :(
Rae Dark-Rae
Hi there, I made a new account. I`ll go back to my other one 2morrow. I made a new one cuz I wasted my posts on talking. I like teen titans and teen titans go. My fav character is Raven (on both versions). My fav episode of tt is 'Fear itself' from season 2. My fav ttg episode is '2 parters' (both parts) from season 3. I appreciate the follows and yeahs. So...thanks, you guys are the best! :D
Gaming Kid n04h5w11
Nicklas EmpireNick
hi my name is Nicklas I love star wars and Nintendo games :) I have to know you in real life to be friends on the friend list if we can't be friends then please follow i'll follow you EVERYONE ROCKS! WAIT! your some random person that I don't know! BYE!!!!!! GO AWAY CREEP
Noah treehousecomics
hombre bajabah
Mary O. MarioMaker_US
Hi! I’m Mary O. from Nintendo. You may recognize me as the Super Mario Maker Manual Guide! Well guess what? I’m on Miiverse too! I’ll be helping upload official courses made by some of my buddies like Undodog and Coursebot, so stay tuned!
Clay pooop333
C. Brown Pokemaster1247
Hello, I'm Charlie Brown. Many call me an insecure, wishy-washy failure. I have years of experience of kite flying and baseball. I have a pet beagle, and one sister. I follow lots of people, in hope that people will like me if I do. I'll gladly accept friend requests, but I don't Wii U chat. If you follow me, I will follow you in return. Oh, Good Grief...
Aaron TheNerdPlays3
Hey guys, I'm Aaron! I'm the creator of Pokemon Wars on Miiverse. I am a huge Smosh, TMNT and Speed Racer fanboy, and currently addicted to playing LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. My awesome friends: Pudge Ghost-Jake CrazyDanny Daniel Flynn CrazyCom NERD/GEEK
Terrina CatFace90
Hi everyone! I'm Terrina, and I'm a student artist. My favorite shows: Fairly Oddparents, The Loud House, Bunsen is a Beast, Amazing World of Gumball, Bob's Burgers, etc. Occupation: Future Cartoonist Favorite Games: Tomodachi Life, Pokémon Moon/Alpha Sapphire/Shuffle/Rumble, etc.
CrazyCom CrazyCashCousins
Thank you everyone who follows, because I've made it too 100. I don't have a Gamepad. These are users that post a lot: S.Silver (varsitykid) Aaron (TheNerdPlays3) Flynn (supersmasher6190) ( GamKaptain (MiiGamer329) Daniel (UnlimitedGamer) Also visit the communities below. Good Bye!
Aaron TheNerdPlays4
Hey guys, I'm Aaron! This is my alt. account, so please follow! I'm also using this account for MK8 and other games. Please leave a follow!
Sonic Giselita25
Hi Guys I'm Sonic The Hedgehog Welcome To My User Page I Love Play Mario Games And Sonic Games And Watch Youtube I Good Speak English And Spanish I'm From México No Wii U Chat
knuckles smash765321
I know sonic tails and all saga people and i like to punch things! unless you know ITS THE MASTER EMERALD! i hate rouge because she could take my emerald. ok i'm board of you now so go away or check out my profile ok? -_-
Sonic theironman83620
Hey its me Sonic The Hedgehog you might know me from my games. who am i kidding you obviously know who I am
Patrick SuperPatr1ck
Blaze FlamingPrincess4
Hey everbody my name is Blaze the cat . Im a mobian cat from a alternate dimension were i protect the soul emeralds. Im gifted with many powers such as prokinesis. Im usally calm and friendly but a little shy. I have discovered the true power of friendship . Have many friends such as Sonic,Cream, Tails,Knuckles,Marine , and Silver. Im really excited to meet you guys. I Love you guys(^¬^
NICOLE Nicole038
Hello Everybody, happy you came! I like PopularMMOs, and Minecraft. I am a HUGE FAN of the Super Mario series. My favorite Mario character is Luigi. My first Mario game was Super Mario Galaxy 2. I have mostly Mario games in my game collection. I just love Mario. I also like Undertale and Coldplay too. ;) COLDPLAYERS, WHERE YOU AT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
skyler thrashe1
This user's profile comment is private.
tiller tiller03
yolo is my favorite word
sarie princesssarah16
hello ;)
Samuel sajoabah
This user's profile comment is private.
Korjio sonic0327
CLOUD CloudStrife731
kenny kenny09
darin darincov
hi i like games :3
Marcus marc1227
njhyg vvggbhhhbvvvv vffv hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhhnnnhnnnhnhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuhnnhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnhhnnnnnnn b bhbbbbbhbhbbbbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhnnhnhhdffffffffffffvfvb
im a fan of angry birds,pokemon,mario,the loud house,sonic,pacman and harvey beaks i will get a 3...
im a fan of angry birds,pokemon,mario,the loud house,sonic,pacman and harvey beaks i will get a 3DS Acount On 12/25/2016 it Will Be Called joseph3DS