josephWiiU's Friends
Clay pooop333
darin darincov
hi i like games :3
C. Brown Pokemaster1247
Hello, I'm Charlie Brown. Many call me an insecure, wishy-washy failure. I have years of experience of kite flying and baseball. I have a pet beagle, and one sister. I follow lots of people, in hope that people will like me if I do. I'll gladly accept friend requests, but I don't Wii U chat. If you follow me, I will follow you in return. Oh, Good Grief...
CrazyCom CrazyCashCousins
Thank you everyone who follows, because I've made it too 100. I don't have a Gamepad. These are users that post a lot: S.Silver (varsitykid) Aaron (TheNerdPlays3) Flynn (supersmasher6190) ( GamKaptain (MiiGamer329) Daniel (UnlimitedGamer) Also visit the communities below. Good Bye!
oldgaster cferrell1102
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
peyton quackdaddy
This user's profile comment is private.
im a fan of angry birds,pokemon,mario,the loud house,sonic,pacman and harvey beaks i will get a 3...
im a fan of angry birds,pokemon,mario,the loud house,sonic,pacman and harvey beaks i will get a 3DS Acount On 12/25/2016 it Will Be Called joseph3DS