Nintenjoe's Followers
♥Кαταηα :3 Mus1c_N0t3s
uhm, ig
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
KNOWLEGE64 annieh81
hi im knowledge64 also known as annieh81 and i love posting on miiverse like any old person i love video games and i love to play games with my friends and be sure to friend me and my friends or follow it would mean the world to me and my friends :) we also just hit fifty friends so keep it up then i will have 100
fartingTNT reian06
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Spooky:D SpookyYoutube697
Whats up
nawfel√396 nawfel65
salut je m' appelle nawfel abonner vous et oubliez pas de LIKE OBJECTIF:100 Abonner★ MERCI
řφςėłħφřη★ EmeraldAbs
Dulce rickashaywhat
Hello im Dulce (candy) Facts about me * Yo hablo español * Im 11 & in 6th grade *FUNNY/CRAZY :) *LOVE ANIME and they are assassination classroom, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titans, Kiss him not me, and MORE..♥ *LOVE playing ONLINE!↓ *LOVE FOOD!! *LOVE Rick&Morty★ *LOVE YOUTUBE * Lana Del Rey♪ * MORE... FOLLOW ME and I Follow BACK. So please don't forget to follow me or send me a friends request Bye :3
▲Bianca▼ nicle1
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§2PRO HR airewilliams123
~Areianna~ Areianna06
my other account got deleted so friend me everyone and i will friend you back also i don't do wii u chat.
LA-LA 337457
Shh...he can h-hear you...P-please h-h-help m-me i-i-i'm a-afraid o-of h-h-him. my n-name is L-Lala w-whats yo-your's?
johnna arronfultz10
i love drawing but also love playing games especially team games and i will probably share a lotof my feeling on here as well
Becky 102938zmxncbalsk
Hello! I love to play Animal Crossing New Leaf!!! Anime is my life ∞ I have just started watching Clannad, an Anime that has me hooked. My favorite Manga is 5 Centimeters Per Second, and I reccomend this to anyone who loves manga! I also like games such as Edith Finch and Undertale. My favorite Anime is Bleach!
りんりんです CelinaMadlen
.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡ Heya! I'm Lara/Maddie :3 Special friends:R&у◆Fox♡ČL/Oliver, のーん, ◆♂Chris☆, アカサシ/mokuhitosakura and more... Thx for everything♥ Thx for 380 followers♥ Still there? Yay! c: Here a cookie!● Thank you Miiverse.·•☆ Thx for the memories♥ .·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡
#SMV PUMA2 aw7142
hola soy puma2 me siguen y les sigo patras gracias por leer! #SMV :) ***** mejores lugares son: VIVA MEXICO-VIVA ECUADOR-VIVA PUERTO RICO-VIVA CUBA y VIVA DOMENICANA cool people: puma 2(me) armando KOBE B. Lupstain ZERMIR storm voingo Niko ajo error sans markiplier derek konragamer capash rio rio2 Estefany jose david 07 Aaron Favorite type of music reggaetón (cncowner)and classic :)
Jasmine jasminekirby2006
Hello i am Jasmine- elizibeth - jayne and i love netball and rounders growing up with a mum a stepdad and five brothers. follow me ind i will follow you i am still in teaching
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
Bowserq qadanq
Hi my name is Qadan if you want to help me frend me i like sports cartoons Minecraft and frends like doodle and spanky i like all of my frends and hide and seek in minecraft so freind me and i will show you some stuff. and im a youtuber so make sure to freind me oh and id like to give a shout out to DOODLE and kiitylitterXL you shoud chek them out trust me there very cool and try to sub todenis.
MoiBoy Moises535505
l like splatoon,injustise,smash,and mk8 tv shows gravity falls pokemon and game shakers
MemeSenpai Jordan020703
Welp, I'm here in this account. Thanks to my bro MemeJordan for lending me his ID. I apologize for the bad drawings I made directly to certain users, and I would like to sincerely apologize for what I did, it was an immature act and I regret doing it. MemeJordan is officially gone from Miiverse. So, he gladly let me use his account since my main can't be used by me for some reason.
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
Hojpoj qagfjehhjh6guhrd
Hey guys, I'm so gratefull for the followers!!!! I l★ve anime, zelda, the legend of Zorro(on nintendo anime channel), Karina Garcia, Miranda Sings, The Rybka twins, Colin keys, tales of the abyss, nintendogs, teken(any), technolodgy, food, holiday, American candy and airoplanes. If you haven't already visited my page please click the followers button and i'll follow you back. Hojpoj☆★♪$£€
bendy brycena08
Claire rat53001AJ
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moji emojipuppy101306
Hoi guys its me moji follow me i will follow u right back :3 XP :] P.S also friend request me
talaya jsuttles09
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Neru☆ 0-NeruB-0
Oi, Neru☆ is my name Yeah, I'm new here so I only know Aki (WittleLittleLink) x'D There isn't really much to say, so ¯\('_')/¯ Joined 6/21/17 ****Bi and proud :^)****
Aaron aaron1004
Derpz! DozeEyez
Hi! I'm Derpz! I draw Pokemon, and am an alternate account! Feel free to ask me to draw for you, but I don't take much time on my drawings on this account! Blaziken is awesome!!!!! Also, I trade ★s, and have about 500! Wanna battle in OU or Sm4sh?! Sure!!!!
★☆ Шσιƒ ☆★ Heavy_Metal_1234
Let's rock!! LOL
κıττγ Lioncat31
Ow. Why you boop ma face? Anyways, hello people. Just your neighborhood awkward person who has no friends :) Splatoon is my favorite nintendo game! I'm so sad I missed the Splatoon 2 testifire though :( Stats: Level: 29 Rank: S Main: Chargers (even bamboozler) Also I just got a switch so I gotta go play botw for a few hundred hours byeeeee!
Jaΐ fungirl27
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