Users Nintenjoe Is Following
♥Кαταηα :3 Mus1c_N0t3s
uhm, ig
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
********** TylerZBan
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nawfel√396 nawfel65
salut je m' appelle nawfel abonner vous et oubliez pas de LIKE OBJECTIF:100 Abonner★ MERCI
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
řφςėłħφřη★ EmeraldAbs
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
☆★Снгίς★☆ Cduarte2003
13 yr old artist Yay! U stabbed your stylus or finger into my forehead, so that means u want to know about me!!! Well, Nintendo is the BEST and I also like to draw stuff....Oh! And "Stuff" is amazing! I'm also a human..............(U obviously didn't know dat) Be sure to check out my posts and drawings...(How many more stabs can I live for? ....) Boos r amazing ._.
Dulce rickashaywhat
Hello im Dulce (candy) Facts about me * Yo hablo español * Im 11 & in 6th grade *FUNNY/CRAZY :) *LOVE ANIME and they are assassination classroom, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titans, Kiss him not me, and MORE..♥ *LOVE playing ONLINE!↓ *LOVE FOOD!! *LOVE Rick&Morty★ *LOVE YOUTUBE * Lana Del Rey♪ * MORE... FOLLOW ME and I Follow BACK. So please don't forget to follow me or send me a friends request Bye :3
Toad Tizetre
Dernier jour Miiversien... C'est comme si on attendait une météorite qui va s'écraser... ˇ^ˇ
Junko annoyedshoes
hi im junko yay despair vocaloid and touhou are my favorite animes and im probably already out of posts nya!!!
▲Bianca▼ nicle1
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☆мγα★¥♭♪ Lovestar1925
~Areianna~ Areianna06
my other account got deleted so friend me everyone and i will friend you back also i don't do wii u chat.
Lil Red jaideanne2
READ IT PLEASE HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEN Comment *clap clap clap clap* when you follow. :p -Teen -♡'s~ music, rps, and anime -Nightcore ☆^☆ -R.I.P Verse, Cas, and Adi. You're two months your last… July 2- September 8 -I am a huge bookworm. -I love my three cats -F.R.I.E.N.D.S -GEEEEEEEEEK - foster kittens Follow my big bro swagmaster297! Love you bro!♡
Vαмρ~Čħαη± sailormoon_cool
I have no idea why... but i am better at drawing... Art request are accepted.. Go Follow ★Eze10gun ★Alysa☆★☆ ★EvilCherry ★Floe ★Drama. Thank you guys 4 so much.. but Miiverse ending is soon... ♪•~Love you all!~•♪ Nyah!~ ★Post remaining ☆No post ps; The black star means that what i have..:T the blank means i dont have.
LA-LA 337457
Shh...he can h-hear you...P-please h-h-help m-me i-i-i'm a-afraid o-of h-h-him. my n-name is L-Lala w-whats yo-your's?
Sandy Sandypandy2005
Hello im Sandy and if you want to be my friend that would be awesome so if your looking for friends then im the right gal
ŁīłγснчØ-Ø kittygirlfnaf08
. . .īм тне меме маςтея *ģłīτснеς теггīыу* гīр мįįνегςе ī ģчеςς уоч шīłł ве мīςςеď īм ςтауīпģ тīłł тне епď ву тне шау... The Meme Master: ŁīłγснчØ-Ø ~ A glitching master of memes, only is glitching because of the end of Miiverse, will be fixed if found a cringy, memey site to post and say memes on.
MDMiiverse Magolor17
Friend me before Miiverse ends so we can play together... I don't care if the admins ban me, go AHEAD. Anyway... I love you guys... thank you for supporting me... Bye Miiverse. 9 8 4 4 4 7 8 9 3 8 7 5 TYPE IT BACKWARDS FOR FRIEND
снŕιςτιηε★ Be_More_Chill34
Online (♡) Offline (♥) At School (♡) Vacation (♡) Hello! My name is Julie! Here are some fandoms you'll see on my profile: •Be More Chill (BMC) (Musical) •Mario Bros •Supernatural •FNaF •Heathers (Musical) •Disney Stuff •Creepypasta I RP, do art, and other stuff!! εηjøγ!
Becky 102938zmxncbalsk
Hello! I love to play Animal Crossing New Leaf!!! Anime is my life ∞ I have just started watching Clannad, an Anime that has me hooked. My favorite Manga is 5 Centimeters Per Second, and I reccomend this to anyone who loves manga! I also like games such as Edith Finch and Undertale. My favorite Anime is Bleach!
Dark Gwenn femaledarkpit
My drawings aren't good but at least I try? Right? Do I get some credit for trying? No? I don't yeahbomb on this account so don't worry... Other miiverse: Gwenn-the-angel
Chara Babygurl04
Greetings im Chara i love chocolate,moms butterscotch pie, and drawing. i also love trunks plz follow him. i will accept all friend request. if you have some chocolate to spare plz give it to me,if you do give some to me then me and you will be the best of friends. thx and bye
☆»Angel«☆ kennbronx1
☆~About Me~☆ I'm a young derpy girl who likes to draw alot here on Miiverse. I draw Mario, my mii, Sans and Frisk from Undertale, and other random junk. I sometimes do stories about characters using SSB4, so make sure you check that out, I've finished two already. Favorite characters are Yoshi, Peach, Zelda, ZSS, Lucario and Greninja. Welp, that's all, I guess. Bai! ~ Anime
RareSox Raresox
I always thought our fun and games would just go on and on... I never i'd have to say, "So long"...
☆ Kenia210
#SMV PUMA2 aw7142
hola soy puma2 me siguen y les sigo patras gracias por leer! #SMV :) ***** mejores lugares son: VIVA MEXICO-VIVA ECUADOR-VIVA PUERTO RICO-VIVA CUBA y VIVA DOMENICANA cool people: puma 2(me) armando KOBE B. Lupstain ZERMIR storm voingo Niko ajo error sans markiplier derek konragamer capash rio rio2 Estefany jose david 07 Aaron Favorite type of music reggaetón (cncowner)and classic :)
りんりんです CelinaMadlen
.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡ Heya! I'm Lara/Maddie :3 Special friends:R&у◆Fox♡ČL/Oliver, のーん, ◆♂Chris☆, アカサシ/mokuhitosakura and more... Thx for everything♥ Thx for 380 followers♥ Still there? Yay! c: Here a cookie!● Thank you Miiverse.·•☆ Thx for the memories♥ .·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡.·•♥.·•♡
Chelsea Mewsea
For lack of better words to say, hi. :D My name's Chelsea, but some people call me Chels. I tend to draw on here, so expect a lot of cute, Pokemon-related stuff. Yeahs/comments/follows are not necessary, but are always greatly appreciated, thank you. :) And remember: being popular does not make you a better person/artist/whatever. I see too many good people forget about that. Makes me sad. :c
MoiBoy Moises535505
l like splatoon,injustise,smash,and mk8 tv shows gravity falls pokemon and game shakers
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