Sarah's Yeahs
Draw 2 Survive Community

Explaination about the updates
First off I must apologize. I have been working and working on adding content to this game and others for the last year, working through Deaths, Divorces and tech...

Mariokart 8 was one of the best selling Nintendo games ever, and so now with Mariokart 8 deluxe, they are adding 8 more courses and a few more characters. In other words, they want us to pay $59.99...

The rules need to be change.... When someone is banned for a month because they told someone they were being rude because they wouldn't leave the post.
hi everyone i'm Sarah welcome to my profile page here are some things you should know about me
hi everyone i'm Sarah welcome to my profile page here are some things you should know about me
favorite color Pink Yellow Purple Blue
my hobbies singing drawing swimming video games
language i speak English
nationalites Irish Polish French-Canadian German British Swiss
Have Fun :)
my age 14
have fun -Sarah