Users Sarah Is Following
AnimeArts AnimeArts
Hey! You may know me as AnimeArts.....I used to have a lot of followers...:[ I really hope I can gain back all 575, but until then...RIP AnimeArts. At least look below. REAL NAME: Carmen Stansky STATUS: Single AGE: 15 DREAM: To become a famous rapper HOBBY: HipHop Dance, Music Lastly, I really hope Miiverse is a great environment for everyone. Have a great time!
Ghosty bob121978
Hello! I am Ghosty the ghost. I am very friendly and artistic. I usally give virtual gifts to people with a birthday post! (and maybe some cake too!) I am part of the TS★ clan. And I think I might be in the UYK but I didn't ask ask so maybe not.
DragonBite ka4567therine
OW OW MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! Hi i'm DragonBite NOM NOM NOM!! and this is my profile here!! So i'll tell you about meh. I love drawing,making comics/reading,watching anime/cartoons and video games. I'm spanish and have learning disability and autism. I'm 16 years old turning 17 this month. See you on the switch!! :D AND NO STEALING MY CHARACTERS (made some) Final Posted: 11/4/17
Martha mmcruz85
Hello.My Favorite Game Is The Legand Of Zelda Ochina Of Time
hi im micheal that,s my real name i do wii u chat but some times i can,t talk so i draw in stead ok i you and i would love if we got more follows and friends so friend me if you want more friends and follow me i will follow you if you follow me ok i have mincarft and splatoon
Graham C. campbellford3
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Alicia Hellokitty12311
Hello fellow gamer it is nice tp join such wonderful people and never stop gaming
Alyssa AlyssaMhd
April OutlanderFan2323
black sora blaksora7
イシダ HAL_Laboratory
ハル研究所の石田 聡(いしだ さとし)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズの情報発信を担当しています。 Hi, I’m Satoshi Ishida from HAL Laboratory. I'm in charge of sharing news and info about the Kirby series.
ヨロリ1 kingninebell
SSJ CHRIS christopf34
rick and morty
Toni princesstoniU
Hi!Toni here.I'm 15 years old and I'm a sweet and weirdo girl who loves to draw,play Mario games and roleplay. I find autism jokes VERY offensive 'cuz I have it. Btw, I DON'T ACCEPT BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS!! Likes: Mario games Steven Universe Luigi&Daisy Mario&Peach Waluigi&Rosalina Food Drawing Dislikes: Bowser Being blamed for things I didn't do Swear words Bullies Rap music That's it about me.
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
Joyconˇ˘ˇ qwerty514
"The first and the last thing I think about everyday" 💖 ♡.•:°:•.♡♡.•:°:•.♡♡.•:°:•.♡ヾ(✿•ω<~)メ(•ω•✿)ノ♡.•:°:•.♡♡.•:°:•.♡♡.•:°:•.♡ 💖😍Awiabae😊😏 is my everything 8/6 9/4 OWO I'm Jason c: Mk8 99999 Mk8d 21000 Mk7 99999 99999
Reggie ReggieFils-Aime
Hello, I am Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO of Nintendo of America Inc.
luis edgar2727
kevengates goldmouth87
oscar 0scar0108
An John★★★ itsjohnnie95
Hello My Name is An John Thanh Nguyen I play New Super Mario Bros 2,I love girls, My Favorite TV show is Kenan & Kel,Spongebob Squarepants,The Thunderman,ed,edd n eddy,the loud house my favorite movies Home Alone 2 Lost in New York,good burger,my girl,daddy day care,daddy day camp,the polar express and my catchphrase is meow Kyla Kilburn She is My Love
Patrick patrick19993
Hii! Dies ist mein zweites Nintendo 3DS wo ich andere Spiele spiele. Schau mal auch auf meinem Miiverse mit dem Nutzername: iHelef
★Armando☆ armandogr
Name: Armando Birthday : 10\14 Age: 11 Fav color: purple Fav food: Pizza ( Boi obviouslyy) Fav game: Animal crossing: new leaf Make sure to hit da follow button! I Love You Miiverse! Peace boiiiiiii! :D
kevd360 kevindumoulin
bonjour mon nom est kevin jaime beaucoup la wii u et j'accepte tout vos demande d'amis demandez moi et je suis très actif sur la wii u pour jouez avec vous en ligne donc demandez moi
Flo 4_flo_4
Hi Ich bin Florian und ich spiele WiiU Hier sind 3 Fakten über mich: ~Habe eine Zwillingsschwester ~Mein Lieblingsessen ist Pizza ~Lebe in Hamburg Tschüss =-}
hannah coolkid3344
hi my name is hannah i would like you to be my friend.!!
★GalaxyLP★ typtyp
Hi ! ~Nicht für Leute ohne Humor~ ~Pedagogisch wertvolle Dinge ? Neeee bei mir doch nicht hier geht es nur um Fun. Und vergiss nicht Bleib frisch du Fisch
Mewsa Zack.PAnimelover
Hello Viewers! I am Lord MewSa. I am an Average Pokemon. Anyone seen Samus or Megaman? I didn't of course! By the way, You must Follow me, and you'll be safe.
Olivia oliviabrooke
Hiya! I'm Olivia. I am a timid,outgoing,tomboy girl,and I joined MiiVerse somewheres in 2015. I love playing Nintendo games,and I love listening to Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid. I also love SpongeBob and Star Wars. I don't post daily,but,I hope that you'd somewhat enjoy my content. Ahem,sorry,I have to go now. Bye! Stay safe,everyone! ♥ **MIIVERSE NOTICE** This user has quit.
Natalia Monti1751
juguemos a mario kart 8 , splatoon y super smash bros
Flora Flora123Flora123
Hallo ich bin Flora hier sind 3 Fakten überm mich ~Komme aus Hamburg ~Habe einen Zwillingsbruder #Flo ~Liebe Pizza
Rebecca BeccaAnne_Baker
Hai!! Thanks for tapping on me! ^-^ Things to know about me! :) *I love Zombie games! *I do Wii U chat! *My favorite color is blue! *I love art more than people. *Hockey is my favorite!! *I love Mario Bros! *I love Link!! *I do take friend request! *Make sure to always have a reason too! <3 Have a amazing day!
- kingcooper9999
hi i lost my last acont so i am king coop king of cooptopia so hi o like role playing jy favoret games are undertale fnaf (five nights at freddys) and sklander so fallow and send me a friendrequestif you whant too:)
DjDiamond DjDiamond3
Hey, my old account won't work so this is my new eveything else is the but now i am 17.
Tails Tailsthefox5
I'm Miles Tails Prower, I'm a 13 year old fox that loves to work on these inventions and I really don't smash really much. I also play Mario Kart 8. And I don't wii u chat. ★☆★Love you all★☆★ Status: Back online!
Shauna britney666
sup! im shauna! i can't believe i have this much followers! Thanks guys!im not on that much though.Things i like and do 1. Fav Youtubers: jake pual & logan pual 2.Fav color: Orange much perfer Black 3.My life meaning:Cobblestone 4.Fav Game:Minecraft Gettar art Roblox to make Stuff 9.not on as much i will become friends if you send me a friend request. #BeALogangPualler
louna lounarachel
bonjour je m'appele Louna et j'ai 11 ans j'ai deux soeurs et un frère et je suis en 6eme D et surtout j'adore miku hatsune,pokemon,anime chanel,kirby et mario et DESSINER les mangas mes meilleurs amies sont : candice et polina ! mon but : avoir 1000 abonnés suiver moi et je vous suivrer ;-)
loganberri loganandflash
Merp:/ missartist
Hi... Well I have no idea wat to say but Merp :/ Hello stalkers,i guess you found me...But... Location:Earth (duh) Age:Nope Wake mii up inside! Wake mii up Inside! Save Mii! I always thought trolls were those little things in your garden but I was wrong.Memeverse. Oh so you're stll reading :/ Wow Ok BYE ARE YOU STILL HERE??? BYE :/ Shrek is life :/
【FK】そうたん♪ mhdcnudn_2525_kh
初めまして!みんなと仲良くなれたらいいなと思います! Nice to meet you, l think that you should beable to make friends with all! 気軽にお話しください!宜しくお願いします! Please talk willingly; thanking you in advance! フレンド大募集! recruitment of friend university! 無言フォロー・無言共感は大歓迎! The slient sympathy is welcome silent follow! ここまで見てくれてありがとう! Thank you for seeing it to here! 更新日 10月29日 Update day Octoder 29 追記 公式アカウント作成致しました。フォローフレンド登録お願いします。
foxya fox doctorjarrod
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hi everyone i'm Sarah welcome to my profile page here are some things you should know about me
hi everyone i'm Sarah welcome to my profile page here are some things you should know about me
favorite color Pink Yellow Purple Blue
my hobbies singing drawing swimming video games
language i speak English
nationalites Irish Polish French-Canadian German British Swiss
Have Fun :)
my age 14
have fun -Sarah