oicw*wolf's Followers
irrelevant SuperwomanX
Bi º*º crushing on san ;]] huge hp fan troye sivan, blackbear, logic, lana del rey are babes prolly younger than you i hate school i loooovvveeee reading i have anxiety .,. im not emo lgbtq pride !! i love everyone :))♥ i still cant understand how i got ten followers overnight follow4follow babes (;
DemondraBG HydraTeam
I had my fun times with miiverse since I joined in October 2014. Seeing that it's about to end in November is very disappointing. I don't think spamming Nintendo will help save Miiverse! Just accept things the way they are even if it's hard. I don't want Miiverse to end either. RIP Miiverse... 2012 - November 2017
Hyrulean daddylarry36
Sup miiverse im another one of your anonymous players who enjoy nintendo i have a Youtube channel with 10000+ subs (the name cant be said due to privacy) but anyways here are some of my favorite games 1:The Legend Of Zelda The Windwaker HD★ 2:Minecraft♥ 3:Super Mario Maker● But yeah since i have a youtube channel i need your support making vids so help me out plz it will be appreciated cya
tonyhao vietnamese-2016
AmnaSayyar AmnaSayyar
This user's profile comment is private.
Kate katmar2
I am 21 years old and enrolled in college. PLEASE DON'T WII U CHAT ME IF YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN 18. My favorite games are Pokémon and Zelda. I think Nintendo is better than others for its exclusive games. My first console was a GBA. One fun fact about me: I was born 02/1996, the same month and year Pokémon was first introduced.
そらまめ AZX7812
マイクラなどをプレイ日記を書いていきたいと思います 精神年齢 2さい 体重 軽い 頭 悪い 身長 ざっと634m どうぞよろしく
Gameover iantroopa
joe gamehead2016
cjfavela09 cjfavela09
hi guys im cjfavela known as cjfavela09 more super mairo marker levels soon!
mrtcde 241448
smash bros brawl on will and i play lego marvel super heroes on my xbox one my name is taylorbaker and i am 17 year old i love keanna lee she is my girlfriend and i get lots of movies and she 16 year old and please be my friend please and is 4444 you got that i hive nice day and happy new year to you
wee al weealix
hi i play lots of games like minecraft and wii sports club
Michael dontknow51
hi everyone i'm 15 lets be friends
Mr.J TheDeadMister
bish u guessed it
ßłαςτ★ Mrwyatt53
dekutrainr crazyman111
hey there!its me,Dekutrainer!this is my miiverse profile(with callie with me most of the time)here is a little thing about me ;) i cant stand splatoon youtube videos smg4's mario sometimes pops up here i enjoy making heavy(tf2) and sans(UT)jokes ALOT :) i draw sans more.but alphys is my favorite UT character ;) i wanna make a indie game that combines zelda & FF7 i always call sonic sanic(beats me)
spider juliannpichi4566
i am ALEX SPIDER THE GREEN HEADQUARTERS i am no ordinary spider but i am AWSOME FAVORITE FRIEND INSPECTOR HEAVY OMEGAMARIO89 Favorite FOOD FRUITS Favorite DRINK WATER. LIKES . SPORTS, GAMES , SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, dislikes RUDE People, MOST WANTED dark inkling .favorite people jai, Cole, me , inspector heavy , omega mario89 . STAY FRESH! my link ALEX SPIDER
Luke 9R.5XQ
Hello I love nintendo and I love my followers and I love love LOVE miiverse and I pretty much love everything about nintendo their games and their devices and Nintendo if you read this make miiverse for the switch my favorite games are breath of the wild and majoras mask
qwertuiopa legendofzelda28
hello! i'm callie or qwertuiopa! you might be one of my followers but anyway i am a expert gamer i love every game and youtube! oh and i want to be your follower and friend i am also very shy but just see my post's and you'll get to know me betta peace!:) my dream is to reach 600+ followers
かねき けん taoru2
ねがさん好きな人フォローして! フォローするからフォローしてチョ! フォローワー500人ーーーありがとう!^^ バリうれしす!!! これからもよろしくです!!!(^^)/ ねがさんクラブ作りたい~ 本当にありがとう! 最近ウォーロボットというスマホゲーに、ドハマリ しています。知っている、している、という人は、 ぜひ、コメントしてね!! 最近ミバス開いてなくてきずいたらフォローワー 500人でワロタwwwwwwwwwww 今後も宜しく!!!
Jeffy Jacobiscool2.0
Hey. do you want to see my pencil. Im jeffy see it says it on my shirt, jeff, ie. Auoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Starts pating dipper *pat* *pat* *pat* *pat* I HATE GREEN BEANS!!!!!!!!! doodle doodle pencil far do you want to see my pencil why Im going to get me some nice cheerios auoo
DarkDarla marlua
Set out to destroy Miiverse I got captured again but I'm back but it seems I'm a little too late.What will I do now? "What they don't understand, they fear inside, what they don't understand, they try to hide"-You can't hide from us Shinies I'm looking for:Finneon, Bagon Clans or teams I'm in: team shiny(leader), Rebel-born(clan member), First order(clan member), Team mew(clan member)
あおめん♪ XYZ_5G4k
「¢β_」と「BGZ」に所属しています。 タグマのお誘い大歓迎です。 得意武器はスシコラです。 †カンナムスタイル†
msv★☆Tata★ Cybwiiul
I love lizards :) i take art requests also sometimes i do memes do not ban me plz i like them...:) i cant follow people im full on 1000 but my goal is to get 2000 followers sorry i cant follw you..... :'( follow Amm.Naa08 he's awsome i followed him! also i love video games if you make friends with me please don't delete me im very kind. ok? bye!
まひろ mahiro1227
こんにちは マイクラ好きな地味中学生です よろしくお願いします 最近はマイクラやPS4などしていて「Youtube」を見てます 東方は好きです <好きな東方キャラ> 1.フラン 2.パチュリー 3.咲夜 4.魔理沙 5.霊夢 <好きなゲーム> 1.Minecraft 2.GTA5 3.メタルギアソリッド5TPP 4.モンスト 5.ジャストコーズ3 [好きな歌] 中二病でも恋がしたいop [趣味]YouTubeを見ること [年齢]10歳以上といっておこうかな? [性別]漢 [好きなアニメ]CLANND 目指すはフォロー1000人 フォロワー300人突破しました皆さんありがとう!! ※最近はPS4をやっています めちゃくちゃ面白いです まぁ適当に投稿します よろしくお願いします 明日も良い一日を by 2017 8/7 AM8:55
ιηα˙*º rinycorn
no matter what happens, i'll always believe in you ♡
Ali⇔Utanir AliUtanir1707
logie Logiem
hey im logan and i love to play games! my favorite colour is blue. people say i am funny and smart.i am very good at sports,baseball in particular please follow and also i LOVE the WWE! new day and dolph siggler rule!!
jonatan jonis1104
luis sotixAniKen
who whants to join my team?
Chickadee Cedarwaxwinga
Hello and welcome to the lair of the minnesotan, snow and sarcasm may occur.... Im 18! woot woot! I enjoy reading, videogaming,ceramics......other artsy-craftsy......stuff OH! and I love memes too, so you might see me post one or two every once and a while so give a chuckle if you see one,eh? (Im also a BIG country/polandball fan! :D) and...as always: 1+2=ILLUMINATTI
william AVENGERS020304
HI I'm William and i love minecraft and splatoon and assasins creed black flag and the avenger's and i love disney infinity
upsiddown kimmyhart
puggy ivansalinas021
hi im puggy u can call me ivan for short .....things i like: 1.long watches on the beach Sike what am i a dating website 2.i love eating i-scream=) 3.sometimes im lazy......ok maybe not sometimes/everyday <:) 4.favorite game all the good games aahhh duh! 5.remember i said "things i like" ....... forgot to put "me" in my list........ ok bye. also i hate real dumb trends......so stupid!
celian piotre711
salut moi c'est célian .j adore les pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ωοιf★Sarah hate124
" death asked life why do so many people love you but you're just one beautiful lie? And im the horrible truth?" ~ Kat ♥♡ Online:[√] Offline[] Eating[] Chilling[] GROUNDED[] Sleeping[] Post left[0]
Banisher88 BN-88_Original
Join my clan and keep er' goin until the end. My main goal for these 2 grueling months is to get 200 followers, so please help me reach that goal 'till the end. So, make these seconds count and just enjoy the moment in Miiverse as it is fading away slowly. And let the trolling be in full force!!
CHRIS chrismaravilla18
Hi im Chris and i like to play super smash bros and fire emblem echoes and also i play pokemon games and also Dragon ball fusions too.
Simon simonphemi
Danniel DannielBalmeo
'A gamer with extreme talents. Be cautious of his strategy.' -Meltdown CTD here! Nickname: The_Dragon Clans in:(leader of) DOOM3RZ, Squirtle Squad(Dead?) IGN(OR, Y, M): Danniel Raven Dragon Clan teamed with: •Cosmos •BlueFlareGaming •pokeg0ds •mεcurγ •DES •Aura HarMelody Follow=follow I'm also a weeb! Want to join DOOM3RZ? Follow me, and post '#revolution' in one of my posts! Join DOOM3RZ today!
green trinity40prayer
hey its trinity wyd
A derp minnymint
(\_____/) Want my heart? ( ° _ ° ) \/> \>♡ \_/ \_/ (\______/) Yes or no I literally ripped it ( ˙ – ˙ ) out from my chest. \/ › ● \›♡ \_/ \_/ (\_____/) … ( • _ • ) (/› ● \›♡ \_/ \_/ (\_____/) (σ ε σ) On second thought I might need /›♡‹\S this... /_/ \_\
MrFresh(E) ironmen23407
Hi my name is Prince I am creative,nice and smart I Iike to play super smash bros and love disney infinity and your free to play anytime with me, p.s I am about get minecraft in one more day and btw I am not a nerd I just like creativity
Lunak LunakCrafterlp
Go chek my youtube canal
Zackattack Ant-Man081003
garcia taurino102
hey guys i play alot if infinity 3.0,and also splatoon and also i got SUPER SMASH BROS!!!!!im on every single freaking day so if u wanna play just add me :)