oicw*wolf's Friends
Groudon GroudonEXDude300
¤Dylan¤ DylanBranje2
Hey thanks for clicking my face... Here are some things about me... I have two miiverse profiles, this and ¤Dylan¤ or DylanBranje (without a two) i like the DI 1/2/3.0 i like splatoon (i suck at shooters but that im good at) and other games but id rather just say what im mostly playing at the moment IMadeThis,ILikeOwls,ILikeMultiplayerIDon'tLikeWiiuChatUnlessIKnewThemForAwhileOrIKnowThemPersonally
Zackattack Ant-Man081003
steve ogmuuddboneboiii
hi im ogmudboneboi and heres some stuff about me 1.I LOVE STAR WARS MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF IT IS THE PHANTOM MENACE. 2.my favorite character is darth vader/Anikan 3.my favorite game is disney infinity 4my favorite playset is rise against the empire. 5.my least favorite is luke ahsoka 6.im the leader of the night time infiniteirs 7.favorite song “hall of fame” 8.favorite show star wars rebels. bye
luis sotixAniKen
who whants to join my team?
garcia taurino102
hey guys i play alot if infinity 3.0,and also splatoon and also i got SUPER SMASH BROS!!!!!im on every single freaking day so if u wanna play just add me :)
emily DelgadoPena
Hello, my name is Emily. I was born in 7/12/2007 I love meeting new people, and new friends I am open to friend requests. I have been playing video games since I was only three years old! I am a huge pokemon fan I collect cards, plushies, and more ! p.s I have a diffrent account for my 3ds.
puggy ivansalinas021
hi im puggy u can call me ivan for short .....things i like: 1.long watches on the beach Sike what am i a dating website 2.i love eating i-scream=) 3.sometimes im lazy......ok maybe not sometimes/everyday <:) 4.favorite game all the good games aahhh duh! 5.remember i said "things i like" ....... forgot to put "me" in my list........ ok bye. also i hate real dumb trends......so stupid!
william AVENGERS020304
HI I'm William and i love minecraft and splatoon and assasins creed black flag and the avenger's and i love disney infinity
あるととさま gt.alumina
アラサー男子! スプラトゥーンでストレス発散!・・・のつもりがイライラする事もしばしば。。。ww おによめ。とWii Uの奪い合いの毎日です! 目指せS+99! 時におによめ。の影武者となって走り回ってます! フレンド募集中! カモン!フレリク!カモンカモン!フレリク! フレリクお願いします。 よろしく!
marianna pinkdinog
Dς☆Mel Mel218
Hi my real name Melissa but you know me as MelTheCat.My favorite games are Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario smash bros.I like playing these games with my brother and sister.They both have a user But my sister still needs to setup her user.That's all.
IS Jakob★☆ koolkid693
Ahhh, I didn't see you there!! Hello, i'm IS Jakob★☆. Currently in the wonderful Splatoon clan IS. Way better at making pixel art than drawing. XD I'm 14 years old, no Wii U chat please. Please follow these special people: TR★Morgan★, ☆Brodie☆ ☆★Edu★☆, AR☆Steven, Weetweet and Nichole. :) Take a cookie! Thanks for 800+ followers! :D
A derp minnymint
(\_____/) Want my heart? ( ° _ ° ) \/> \>♡ \_/ \_/ (\______/) Yes or no I literally ripped it ( ˙ – ˙ ) out from my chest. \/ › ● \›♡ \_/ \_/ (\_____/) … ( • _ • ) (/› ● \›♡ \_/ \_/ (\_____/) (σ ε σ) On second thought I might need /›♡‹\S this... /_/ \_\
-SØPĦIΛ- sonica7
¡Hølα! This is my prøfile :) Things About Me… ~•I speak Spanish and English(Mas Español) ~•I love the music and videogames^^ ~•I play the piano :D ~•I draw a lot ~•I sometimes see Anime ~•Fan of Marvel movies and Dc comics …What else I can write?I have a happy life, with love…and peace ¡ξso εs τodo! Grαcιαs por vεr mι pεrfιl »—Søphia—>
BlueKnight ocean2016
Profile:Grade:9th♥ AgeLimit:5-19 What's up,I LOVE 2 build N MC,LOVE 2 B a Knight & a Teammate N Splatoons,LOVE 2 hug the turns N MarioKart8,LOVE 2 suit up and begin the fight N SSB's.(LOVE NARUTO♥)So if U wanna B my friend,U must B:nice,not mean, doesn't use bad language,will build your own things or help me build a city,etc.I'm a freshman N High School and I go to Bishop Kelley N the State ofOK
taboniz pirate_urd
@ № lire±€novembro2069 aизвестияячменьйхъёэйоды °¹№13ea72.ru.NNIDTABONIZ.u« «««««« nnid andy12
joe gamehead2016
Chickadee Cedarwaxwinga
Hello and welcome to the lair of the minnesotan, snow and sarcasm may occur.... Im 18! woot woot! I enjoy reading, videogaming,ceramics......other artsy-craftsy......stuff OH! and I love memes too, so you might see me post one or two every once and a while so give a chuckle if you see one,eh? (Im also a BIG country/polandball fan! :D) and...as always: 1+2=ILLUMINATTI
upsiddown kimmyhart
Josh JoshybooD2
This user's profile comment is private.
alonnah alonnah2124
sκ.sαιτ LexyLynnLou
Heyo! Many people play on this wii u, so we post alot ;c; (i dont do voice chat)
Laserking lasermario
WE WILL RULE MIIVERES AND MAKE A NEW ONE FOLLOW ME i play minecraft smash 4 and mario kart
pokerock pokerockultra
jello everybody welcome to my profile I draw some random drawing's on Miiverse just for laugh's and I would like friends that are kind or honest thank's for reading this information Chao! XD
Catie☆ caitlynn33
Hi! ˙˘˙ I'm Caitlynn or Caity o 3 o I honestly don't know what to put so plz there's a door and I will now walk out of the awkward thing here that we have going on ¦ / Goodbye......
Francisco legoFrans64
My favorite games are Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8! I love Splatoon and Crash Bandicoot! Likes: Video games Super Mario Splatoon Kirby Pokemon Crash Bandicoot Pac Man Super Smash Bros. SuperMarioLogan Neutral: Sonic the Hedgehog Undertale Bendy and the Ink Machine Dislikes: Trolls Hackers Squidbaggers SSB4 Mains: Cloud Mega Man Meta Knight Captain Falcon
jonatan jonis1104
Dolfus triforcewithin86
The Legend of Zelda .ω.
eggwithleg WilliamtheDork
lol what is gender im just a sentient egg who doesnt want to put effort into anything
ßłαςτ★ Mrwyatt53
Lunak LunakCrafterlp
Go chek my youtube canal
shisuiuchi deathstrock10
hi guys i just like some friends
KevTon13 Kevin531829
Welcome to my profile. I am a Mario fan. I'm a gamer who likes playing awsome video games with awesome characters. My personal favorite character in super smash bros is Fox. I also like playing Mario kart 8.
mason gracefultulip321
This user's profile comment is private.
JuliSinVSS yankee526
Yankee546 here, sup everone now my actally name is julian but my gandmother put the sin in because she called me that. That's a little back story about me, anyway I like to have a good time. Friend me so that you can play splatoon or another online games!
Mr.J TheDeadMister
bish u guessed it
J.J jamir930
i have splatoon super smash bros skylanders super chargers you can play with me all the time just friend me if you have the games remember you can play with me all the time im active im signing out bye guys
kevin.g 099367
Saphy Rune 2Cor01Din61Rus1
Hiya! Pleasure to meet you! Just a girl playing games to pass the time. As of August 2017 I'll be heading to college, so I won't be around on the wii u. I might still use my 3ds. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
MrFresh(E) ironmen23407
Hi my name is Prince I am creative,nice and smart I Iike to play super smash bros and love disney infinity and your free to play anytime with me, p.s I am about get minecraft in one more day and btw I am not a nerd I just like creativity
Joshu :D Chipchipmunk05
Hi my name is Josh :) and im a photographer I love splat n stuff ☆Blu☆★Jacku★
Trey ginger0916
Scott smlacc
N.W. 3rianbs
tajanae☆ icezoom24
Hi ! my name is tajanaé but my friends call me taj . I am ok if you call me taj !!!
<:= efi2nr
orbots mii orbots8
me gusta los videojuegos de accion película favorita: guardianes de la galaxia deporte favorito : soccer comida favorita :? color favorito : verde animal favorito : pulpo años : 15 idiomas : english , espaňol no wii u chat eo (i don't wii u chat)
★Morgan★ rwood102
Hello,my name is Morgan¦:] Im 14 yrs old. Fave things:Horses,books,music, MK8 and Mario and Sonic olympic games 2016. Fave singers:Shawn Mendes and Hunter Hayes. Plz follow ☆Brodie☆ (My bro,dont be mean to him plz) and ☆★Jakob★☆:)
dcdawg13 MonsterMikeMC
Hi I'm dcdawg13 I am a youtuber that loves Mario games I have two youtube channels so if you like gaming and Minecraft go check them out. YouTube.com/dcdawg13 YouTube.com/MonsterMikeMC
N.X Isaac kimbo0258
cjfavela09 cjfavela09
hi guys im cjfavela known as cjfavela09 more super mairo marker levels soon!
Brian zoark100
Hi everybody, my name is Brian and I love Pokemon and Smash 4! FT: (All Shiny) Giratina, Dialga, Palkia, Genesect, Mewtwo, Arceus, Entei, Raikou, Rayquaza. LF: Shiny Jirachi, Shiny Diance, Virtual Console Mew, ALAMOS Darkrai, Psycho Boost Lugia, Shiny Tapu Koko.
παж√Blitz neme426
Sup I'm Blitzer2099 I'm apart of the παж√ clan i like anime,games,etc. Favorite anime: SAO SAO2 DBZ NARUTO SEVEN DEADLY SINS FAIRY TALE SOUL EATER ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM favorite games: Lbp SPLATOON SSB4 DISNEY INFINITY NARUTO SHIPPUDEN NINJA STORM 4 DBZ and STREET FIGHTER before u go u can join παж√ but you have to friend and challenge me if you win you can join but you might fight leader...
RT rtvtaylor
Anthony DrIceCube789
Just hit me up if you want to play xenoblade x, smash, wii sports club boxing or baseball, or mk8. TRILL O.C.: GARFIELD AGE: INFINITY PERSONALITY: WISE AND HUNGRY FO' DAT MONEY, POWER, AND LASAGNA.
Lord Vader raybowser
Hi, my name is Raymond. I'm 13 years old. Bowser and Star Wars are MY LIFE!!!!! In Mario games, my favorite character is King Bowser Koopa. In Star Wars, my top three favorite characters are Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, and Darth Maul. I'm Star Wars' and Bowser's biggest,largest,gigantic,etc fan in the whole universe!!!!! I love me, Bowser, and my family, Star Wars more than anything!!!!!!
Johnny jdawg64
Hey people. I started playing Mario Kart and Smash Bros. recently. Long time Nintendo fan, my first system was the N64. My favorite games include: the Pokemon series (since Red/Blue) Legend of Zelda series Mario Bros. series Metroid Prime trilogy Paper Mario series Ace Attorney series Ghost Trick Banjo Kazooie/Tooie Fire Emblem Smash Bros. Mario Kart
NBA2k17boi jkhamari
hi im jamell i know u guys love my madden 13 madden ultimate team vids on here and dont forget to follow and u can here the news about my m13 gameplay and i know i have not been making my m13 vids in a while i know u guys miss them but there back and follow me then join my live stream its billons here right now so follow and u can join
Jeremiah Sonicfan32
Welcome to my profilo. I am a fan of video games, as you can tell. As you can see, i'm not a "Pro" gamer yet, but I can still make posts and stuff. That's a thing. Welp, see you next post.
kids kids333
firedemon paulina1124
shadow feriolis
hello im shadow im a cool dude because i have ps4 and wii u i play minecraft lbp3 sly cooper games minecraft story mode smash bros more send freind requests to me
Shadow disneymouse
Hi!I'm always looking for someone to play games with,will you play with me?We can play Disney Infinity,IN 2.0,IN 3.0,Splatoon,Mario Cart 8, Sonic All-Stars Racing Transform,or Super Smash Bros together!I love Star Wars!I like to post on miiverse.I'll play any game!I have a 3DS to.Send me a friend request and I will be your friend.I don't do wiiu chat.Hope to play with you!Shadow.