†★Κevin★†'s Yeahs

Bro, chill. Why do you have to ruin the fun fpr others. If this bothers, you might as well not see this post and leave like a typical person. Just calm down, don't get upset for something not worth...
Bro, chill. Why do you have to ruin the fun fpr others. If this bothers, you might as well not see this post and leave like a typical person. Just calm down, don't get upset for something not worth...
Hello world my name is Kevin (Kev for short). I ♥ Splatoon. Also im 9 years old!!!! :-O I know I ...
Hello world my name is Kevin (Kev for short). I ♥ Splatoon. Also im 9 years old!!!! :-O I know I shocked people. I also play SSB, Super Mario MK8!!! Anyway thanks for all of peeps for reading my profile I really appreciate you guys. P.S. I'm under age for Friend Requests. (I'm super fresh in Splatoon) Also shoutout to Chiri a great artist!!!
Stay Woomy! (^o^)