†★Κevin★†'s Followers
caprisun matthewshedden
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jane JamesRameirez
Hello world, I'm Jane! I love all Mario games (I have 019) and I hope to get more! I love a variety of subjects. I think everyone thinks I'm boring. Like a lot of people, I play video games. Some of my favorite works of literature include Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Keeper, The Three Musketeers, and Brian's Winter. B.T.W. I don't Wii U or in-game Chat for obvious reasons.
Sammy Sammy_O-2002
Hi. I'm a 13 year old gamer. I often play Splatoon, Lost Reavers, and other games like Mario Kart 8 or any Spiderman or Batman games. I follow those who follow me and vice versa. Stay Fresh.
ŇĘΘ☆Scorch RockyCM
Well, now I am a High School Senior and I want to enjoy Summer playing with friends b4 I get 2 busy with College Classes. *Splatoon GEEK here Weapons: SplatterScope (modified), Luna Blaster Neo, Sloshing Maching (classic), and Carbon Roller (modified) -Rank S+ -Level 50 Lets play Splatoon everyday either Private/Squad Best Friends: MadJolly, Xyklon-b, Miah SB4 law is coming to Texas,bye guys
fernafloo fernafloo3
Nin★Dia cornejitos
Hello everybody!It's a me,Dia! I play Mario and Smash and other games. I am mostly entergetic(fired up) when I play video games. Chart: Sleep:★★★★½☆ Playing Video Games:★★★★★★! Playing With Friends:★★★★★★★★!!! Talking in Miiverse:★★★★★ Playing Pokémon Diamond Version:★★★½☆☆ Playing ROBLOX:★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Okey-doeky, that is all for now! Until next time, Bye! ;)
Leo lordhusk
Hello dont worry my face is fine... I luv making memes as you have probably m seen in the youtube commitee a lot of ppl call me a furry I HATE THAT i luv wolves foxes and lions i luv anime and all my fans my age is PG-13 xD I chat with ppl so make sure to follow And leave a like on all them little post Every Follow Helps!!! Bai!!! <3 P.S. can u help me reach a 100 followers if so THX
Splate88 Daddeo88
awesomekid luchocobia
games i have mariomaker splatoon pokkentournament mariokart8 supersmashbros if u want to friend request u can i'll make space
DaLegend27 CoolDude586
Name: Jack Some things about me *Trying to get +9000 followers *I dont accept random frend requests *Im $+99 in Splatoon *I dont accept random or blank friend request *I ♥ Hatsune Miku (^з^) *Miku is my waifu!!! Favorite Games: *Splatoon *Hatsune Miku *Overwatch *PvZ I used to be pro at Splatoon but i stoped playing it alot now im bad... very bad!
Squib Boye NastyNik
le xD maymays
ĞΘŁDžσмβîε★ kinga1
i love all the player and people in the game and everbody in the world everbody is friend and family to me :3
♪Pαηdα.R♪ cra2nes
Hi guys its me cra1nes this is my 3ds miiverse account feel free to look at my post.
Dominick wala147
Name: Gavin Favorite Game: Minecraft:Wii U Edition Favorite Food: Macoroni and Cheese Favorite Friend: Brenton Favorite Youtubers: DPD4MO and ZackScott Favorite Book: Big Nate Blasts Off Favorite Amiibo: Mario from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U If you want to follow him, go to my Friend List. In the GSP clan. Bye!
ûοė りゅう ryu.0109k
Alex Jody-Alex
Hey! Ya you! Thanks for pressing my face... thats something I never thought I would say. My name Is Alex and I play Zelda, Mario, NHL 16 and Smash Bros, remember, follow for follow :) LOLOLOLOL YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE DOWN HERE HAHAHA
сαρτ.ςτσгм Budapest-kid
bonjour!owo Certaines choses a propos de moi!//O~O// Couleur favori~bleu Aliments préférés~pâtes Amis favori~ίςαβειιε ςωεετς αηδ fгίςκ~ J'aime les pommes de terre Bien au moins ttyl merci pour plus de 100 adhérents
Mariah swilbur1985
Hi my name is Mariah and my top games are Breath of the wild , Splatoon , Minecraft , Tri force hero's , and Fantasy Life
********** Leraaa
→ ι δσητ çαгε ¯\[ º –º]/¯ ←
MichaelC18 21mschavez
Hey guys I'm Michael, I like to make posts and play Nintendo games because they have so much swag! Give my posts yeahs, comment, and definitely follow me!
Sean seanvelez
Hello people. Welcome to my profile. My name is Sean. I'm 14 years old. I'm a Christian. I want to work for Nintendo's dragon quest series. I like puns. If you want to chat with me, chat on my favorite post.
Tεα •ω• Slumplush-Alt
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪•♪ ◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆▲◆ ♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀♂♀ ©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©®©® ?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ ↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↑↓↑↓↑↓↑↓ ←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→←→ »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» %‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰%‰% ΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛΔΛ \/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
ςμςαη cheriton
Hello, welcome; here are some things about me My name is Mason, age 11. I love Animal Crossing, the Mario franchise etc. I currently hold the world record for Wuhu Mountain Loop on Mario Kart 7. Reading is great, I disagree with disagreements. Youtubes great. My favourite lessons in school are: English, Writing, Reading, Science. One of my favourite things to do is create art. Art is fantastic.
Jõël Éßυßé joeliwunna
hey whats up guys my name is joel and i think that some wiiu games are awesome and you guys play them so yeah you're awesome oh yeah ebube means strong by the way , i'm a luigi fan and i love mario and sonic but i mostly have mario games but that dosen't mean anything ,when i get a game i complete it no matter what that's why i am a expert and i like anything that involves nintendo !
pety Josuelillo
Holo seguidme y ver mis dibujos ;3 Me gusta dibujar TMNT;3 Undertale;3 FNAF1/2/3/4!!!! Y mike también...... JEFF THE KILLER/CUTER BEN DROWNED FNAF HS Especialmente a Bonnie,Fred y Eak Bendy the demon, Solo en español -_- Y MÁS!!!!^O^ Y TODO EN ANIMÉ!!!!!!^O~
JR elevator77
Hi im JR and call me mathwiz525 because i am REALLY good at math and many other video games. Hope you're liking me so far!
hèctor hectorin1
hola a todos soi hector tengo 11 años me gusta la pizza,el espagete y el poyo me gustan los videojuego me gusta la saga de mario soi muy amigable y si me siges yo te seguiré los qué me sigan los ayudaré en dudas que tengan en videojuego y les enseñare a ser mas pros de lo qué ya son (^o^)
[SB]Bren Redcreeper03
Hi if you follow me i will follow back. i'm a hardcore nintendo fan who is one of the leaders of the Squid Bros. clan along with [SB]Cohen! If you want to play smash, pokemon ORAS, splatoon, kid icarus, animal crossing NL, mario kart 7 or 8, luigi's mansion DM, or mh4u, just send me a friend request. I hope you all enjoy my page and STAY FRESH!!!!!!!
Herobrine Herobrjne
Hey everybody! I have a dog that's a chuwawa that's named Trouble. When I grow up I want to beat usian bolt in a race! Everyone is my BFF and I don't have a girlfriend. I have brother's and sister's and they are not near me at all! I don't know there names either. Oh and also Have a nice day!
Nicholas heatherthree
Springtrap mrpranksalot529
wazzup everyone this is my first mii thing my second one is joker i use that one to become friends with everyone. my girlfriend is harley quinn (cute kitty) so stay away or i will have to show u my toys hahahahahahaha I love to talk to my girlfriend harley quinn (cute kitty) !! i like to play mario kart, splatoon, star wars and im not going to kill you im just going to hurt u really really bad
Aχ♪Falcon♪ amed07
TS☆berto c OurWiiU4Gs
hi i'm captin iro in real life i'm José if you see INYORFACE she is my ts☆clan leader she is my sis her name is angely she is a great sniper some times and i do like games
ƒτι★ηυggет Thefuri
,·*"“”„♡♥• ωεlсомε τσ ηυggет's ραgε ,·*"“”„♡♥• Hi >-< I'm Nugget. I'm just the person that stands out.You know, the odd person. ☆★☆★About me☆★☆★ 1. I'm a member of the Splatoon clan, FTL. 2. I own a 3DS,Gamecube,Wii, and Wii U. 3. Excited for Splatoon 2 4.I'm buying the Nintendo Switch ($300) 5.I'm making people miis so comment on the most recent post ^ω^
Hello world my name is Kevin (Kev for short). I ♥ Splatoon. Also im 9 years old!!!! :-O I know I ...
Hello world my name is Kevin (Kev for short). I ♥ Splatoon. Also im 9 years old!!!! :-O I know I shocked people. I also play SSB, Super Mario MK8!!! Anyway thanks for all of peeps for reading my profile I really appreciate you guys. P.S. I'm under age for Friend Requests. (I'm super fresh in Splatoon) Also shoutout to Chiri a great artist!!!
Stay Woomy! (^o^)