Users Dibs Is Following
Adam catfishking1
/o\ /o \ fishing /o \ |-{} \ {} \ [] \ éèéèéèèèéèéééèèéèéééè~~~ \ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 and I want to be a veterinarian
やきにくずきおんなー yakinikusaikouda
!の姉の焼き肉好き女です 弟へ、確かに私の体重もヤバいけど、あんたも○04.6kgあるでしょ {○にはある数字がはいります} ダイエットしなくて大丈夫なの? とにかく食べ物全般、特に焼き肉好きです ちなみに弟と誕生日奇跡的に一緒です 私は13歳、!は12歳 いい忘れていた、7/31までに三女作ります。来月にゲームバトルのチームに加わるので さて、私(焼き肉好き女)と弟(!)vs姉さん(恋愛大好き)で空前絶後の超絶怒濤のゲームバトルを旧シーズンまで戦っていました。私と弟で妹弟連合チームを結成して、姉さんは私(シー)チームというチーム名で戦っていましたが、7/19で終わりました。その総合結果は姉さん(恋愛大好き)のプレイ日記に記載されています。さあ、8月の新シーズン(8/1)からは三女も対戦に加わり、チーム名も対戦相手も変わり白熱しそうな予感がしますが、果たしてどんな対戦を繰り広げるのか...
Yeah Angel realYeahAngel
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Esha theperson100
I am just another anime, LoZ & FE loving gamer. An average otaku. And sadly, I ship everything. Help me...¦) Katsura is my life. And Takumi. Why can't they be real Wii u account: Hoob (cringe) I am leokumi trash. Sorry R.I.P My copy of acnl (14/06/13 ~ 31/12/15)
Tj TeeJaay
Coco Wyldegamer15
Hello everyone! I am Coco. Awesome to meet ya! I am a huge Zelda fan. I enjoy reading and writing poems. I am a Christian and I am a friendly person! And also I do not use WiiU Chat.
Sylvia SylvrWing
"Whenever there's a meeting a parting is sure to follow. However, the parting need not last forever"
herooftime masterofhyrule22
zelda is awesome
Rouya Spitzazoed
Hello there its nice to meet you all!. My Name is Jordan but you can call me Rouya. I am a Furry and proud to be!. Personality traits: I'm Funny, Caring, Loyal, Honest. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I can get irritated easily so try not to tick me off. I'm like a shooting star, my youth will never die.
Viridi ForcesofNature
Welp Miiverse coming to an end soon. RIP Miiverse 2012-2017. It was fun was while it lasted.
Viola Alisami90
Hi guys, I'm Viola! ♥ ♪ I LOVE Adventure Games such as '' SUPER MARIO '' and Action Games such as '' BATMAN '' and many more! My Play style is Always 100% Walkthrough! Here are some important facts about me you need to know! :) Born: September 29th, 1990 (Age 27) Gender: Female WARNING: I Don't Accept Blank Friend Requests! If You'll Send One, Write Something Or It Will Be Rejected Immediately!
ςργ JustdaGaming
( Welcome to S p y ' s ) ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ❶ F o l l o w to become a member of Games >ω‹ ❷ I don't wii u chat ❸ If You Follow I Follow You ❹ I Will Answer Friend Requests ❺ Im Pretty Much Sick and have just will be drawing ;-; Xbox360 ( … ) On Super Smash Bros. ( × ) On Splatoon ( × ) Online ( √ ) Bored ( ‰ ) On Miiverse ( √ ) On Pixel Paint ( × )
Gabe Garviel
Mat MathyouSigns
Katie KatieW1818
Hey my name is Katie, send me a message if you want to be friends! Im a big fan of Nintendo and the games they make!
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
aidan aidant02
hey i'm aidan i like to play sports like hockey,soccer,bascket ball, and skate boarding on my free time i like to play video games. i like to play on my wiiu most the time but i do like to play on my 3ds xl my fav games are splatoon, pokémon, legend of zelda, super mario, super smash bros, and mario kart. i'm a eleven years old and live in canada and sometimes i wiiu chat thank you for reading bye
Josh Josh15
I have been a fan of nintendo games for a while. My favourite genre of games are platforms, rpg, strategy and some puzzles. Im always open to new games, so send me a post of any games I might like.
Salem KittyPower16
Just to let people know who I am I guess I am supposed to fill this out. I really like cats, I like to watch anima and I don't really like people that correct me so there. Oh and before i forget i like playing any type of games. So yeah that is a breef expamle of who i am.
Ginger Kylienicole79
I love The Legend of Zelda games, every last one of them. Been playing since NES. I have every original console, cartridge and disc. I've even made my own Link and Zelda costumes for comicon and the faire. Hyrulean blood runs through my veins.
Been playin zelda since i could remember, link to the past and Oot were the original favorites i ...
Been playin zelda since i could remember, link to the past and Oot were the original favorites i loved and completed!now its skyward sword all the way.. love nintendo always will which is why i got a wii u..cant wait for the Zelda Breath of the wild! im a Chef i live in Canada and love my hip hop! peace