Dibs's Friends
yegnesh Yagnesh-YT
félix wiifun2016
Dragon Dragonwhelp
Duster-Man Duster-Man1
Ang MissGaGa14
DarkDarla marlua
Set out to destroy Miiverse I got captured again but I'm back but it seems I'm a little too late.What will I do now? "What they don't understand, they fear inside, what they don't understand, they try to hide"-You can't hide from us Shinies I'm looking for:Finneon, Bagon Clans or teams I'm in: team shiny(leader), Rebel-born(clan member), First order(clan member), Team mew(clan member)
aidan aidant02
hey i'm aidan i like to play sports like hockey,soccer,bascket ball, and skate boarding on my free time i like to play video games. i like to play on my wiiu most the time but i do like to play on my 3ds xl my fav games are splatoon, pokémon, legend of zelda, super mario, super smash bros, and mario kart. i'm a eleven years old and live in canada and sometimes i wiiu chat thank you for reading bye
Katie KatieW1818
Hey my name is Katie, send me a message if you want to be friends! Im a big fan of Nintendo and the games they make!
Kathi Kitty_Yoshii
-A markdavid24
i wasn't born on this planet ♡
Seth S Sethtb1
This account belongs to Seth & Kayla!
Cheri CheriLynn08
Adam catfishking1
/o\ /o \ fishing /o \ |-{} \ {} \ [] \ éèéèéèèèéèéééèèéèéééè~~~ \ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 and I want to be a veterinarian
Ganjaman deftgoose
In my own summer the shade is a tool.
lulu lulustar2014
just dance 2015 the best game
happy woddey
im here to answer questions
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Paul GamerPaul01
¤Hey Guys Am Paul! οωο ¤I like Playing, Reading,Hanging out,Drawing! ¤ I own A 3ds, 3dsxl, Wiiu,Psp Psp3, Wii, N64 Gameboy, Gamecube ¤Top 3 3ds games:ACNL SmashBros3ds Fantasy Life ¤Top 3 wii u games: SmashbrosWiiU,Call of Duty black cops 2, MarioKart8 ¤Fell Free Too ADD/FOLLOW/LIKE : D ¤Am Nice and Calm ¤Best friends are Sophie,Cody,Jay,Chris, ¤ Thanks for reading :3
Mat MathyouSigns
Sylvia SylvrWing
"Whenever there's a meeting a parting is sure to follow. However, the parting need not last forever"
Salem KittyPower16
Just to let people know who I am I guess I am supposed to fill this out. I really like cats, I like to watch anima and I don't really like people that correct me so there. Oh and before i forget i like playing any type of games. So yeah that is a breef expamle of who i am.
Money$ Moneyman9
Josh Josh15
I have been a fan of nintendo games for a while. My favourite genre of games are platforms, rpg, strategy and some puzzles. Im always open to new games, so send me a post of any games I might like.
Ginger Kylienicole79
I love The Legend of Zelda games, every last one of them. Been playing since NES. I have every original console, cartridge and disc. I've even made my own Link and Zelda costumes for comicon and the faire. Hyrulean blood runs through my veins.
Havoc Havoc_F-14
Autumn Ussery75
Alan alan.aurioles
I'm an architect and designer I've been into videogames for such a long time now. I too enjoy literature, cinema and listening to music. Favorite games include: final fantasy, zelda, sonic, mario, metroid, no more heroes, bayonetta, deus ex: human revolution, ókami, pikmin and so on and on.
Alink Alink89
hello people miiverse. my favorite games. SERIE THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: zelda (nes). zelda II adventure of Link. The legend of zelda a link to the past. zelda minish cap. zelda ocarina of time. zelda wind waker. zelda twilight princess.(disc) hyrule warriors.(disc) VC and more: Donkey kong 1-2 & 3. Dk64. xenoblade chronicles Mario kart 8 Mario 64 sonic lost world metroid saga. and many more xD
Chris Sr cbarnett2386
Been a Nintendo gamer since I was knee high to a grasshopper! Currently going through the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild on the Wii U!
FerM FerAle
Me gustan los juegos de Mario Zelda Smash Mario Kart Mario Party etc me encanta todo lo que tenga que ver con Disney y el estilo japones me encanta dibujar y me encantaria jugar en linea con gente de toooodo el mundo
Ash Leytone
Avid Smash fan (I'm not very good though). My mains are Kirby, Robin, Roy, Rosalina, and Pikachu. *No Wii Chat*
elmo spankyanky
hey everyone im emily im 15 and i like to play video games like all day and im an expert i love to play the classics like the very old skool mario,zelda. im in love of playing zelda majoras mask it is my top favorite classic game and i'll be anyones friend if u follow me.i am a really nice kinda gal that u will ever meet i am very humble and patient. if u need a friend u should hook me up (^o^)
Tibbs Tibbs316
I've been a lifelong gamer. Nintendo has had a huge impact on my life. Zelda and Mario are my favorite series'. Enjoying the Wii U and am excited for what will come!
Aurora Auranox
I'm a passionate about video games! Especially for those with a great story like The Legend of Zelda or my new favorite: Child of Light. I love classics ones that is why I own a big Nintendo NES collection, most of my favorite titles are for this console. I love Mario, Kirby and Animal Crossing too! I have a Wii U and an 2DS, so if you want me to be your new nerd friend just send me a request!
Tyler linkismyhero
Gabe Garviel
Been playin zelda since i could remember, link to the past and Oot were the original favorites i ...
Been playin zelda since i could remember, link to the past and Oot were the original favorites i loved and completed!now its skyward sword all the way.. love nintendo always will which is why i got a wii u..cant wait for the Zelda Breath of the wild! im a Chef i live in Canada and love my hip hop! peace