Trading: HA Dratini | Looking for: (See post)
I'm currently trying to breed for a Shiny Wimpod. I have a few 'mons that are missing from my 'Dex, but the thing is: I would need to breed some of them. Since I...
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community
Trading: HA Dratini | Looking for: (See post)
I'm currently trying to breed for a Shiny Wimpod. I have a few 'mons that are missing from my 'Dex, but the thing is: I would need to breed some of them. Since I...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Give this a yeah if alpha sapphire is better than omega ruby
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community
I have this Box
It's full of shinies. Some of them are BR. Others are just plain lucky ones. They're getting pretty lonely just sitting there. So 1 lucky winner can have the whole...
Super Mario Maker Community
New Course: You Can Not Beat Us!
We are Nintendo. You can not beat us! Face their challenges and beat the smug villains of that commercial.
I'm finally back!
Hello there! I'm Sean, a Nintendo fan who plays many games such as Mario, Zeld...
I'm finally back!
Hello there! I'm Sean, a Nintendo fan who plays many games such as Mario, Zelda, Kirby, and more! I wish to learn the Japanese language, and go to Japan some day! But for now, I hang out on Miiverse.
Current game(s): Smash for the Wii U
I have 2 amiibo for my 3DS and Wii U.
That's all for now!