Super Mario Maker Puzzles 1-2 (C33D-0000-033B-95D1)
Sean's Post
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

I caught a Dratini with a Beast Ball today! I almost ran out of them!
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

EV stat coloring (one stat red, the other blue)
I've been a bit confused about which stat gets better growth and the other doesn't. I'm raising a Chansey for the Battle Tree and I want to be sure I have the righ...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

I just noticed how wild Munchlax can hold Leftovers. I think I can start catching.
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

My favorite part of the game is when Zubat spams for help and it always work!
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

Thanks to the QR code thingumajig, I used the Island Search (if that's the correct thing to say) and saw a familiar face, Chikorita!
Super Mario 3D World Community

The music is giving me Super Mario Galaxy vibes...
I'm finally back!
Hello there! I'm Sean, a Nintendo fan who plays many games such as Mario, Zeld...
I'm finally back!
Hello there! I'm Sean, a Nintendo fan who plays many games such as Mario, Zelda, Kirby, and more! I wish to learn the Japanese language, and go to Japan some day! But for now, I hang out on Miiverse.
Current game(s): Smash for the Wii U
I have 2 amiibo for my 3DS and Wii U.
That's all for now!