bunnyguy's Followers
みお MIO030704
よろしくお願いします。 あまり絵など会話がうまくないですけどたくさん フォローしてください。お願いします あと、みんなとたくさん会話がしたいので、 いろいろとはなしをきかせて下さい。 どうぞよろしくお願いします!
Black★OpxD DudeG2008
Hello! (Might Go Inactive Due To Switch) 1. Name:Jack 2.Fav Food: Anything Sugary LOL 3.Fav Animal: Fox 4: Real BDay: 28/02/08 5: Bye ˙˘˙ 6. Check My Other User YoshiFan1245 Out!
AMBIA guillermo2601
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lil D tjray45
hi im gamer like you to
josh jdingess79
carlu carlu2b8
salut tout le monde j adore splatoon j adore me marrer sur miiverse abboné vous et je vous suivrez et je abbonerré a vous et je vous demmanderez en amis les gens que j aime en amitié océ , jean noël , timéo , axel , et puis g&k emma dédicace je vous adore ★★♥♥ a plus les geek
Pete PeterRW
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mm mmgokart
Hi everyone my favorite game are mario,sonic,pokemon and little kirby in any kind of game.Language that can speak are English,Spanish and learning russia/japan now.
Sally mimumeki1
Nick andreirussu
Chase spacechase123
Please Please Please be my friend! My name is Chase and I have a Wii U. For Wii U send me a friend request and don't be scared or shy because I will accept all of them and one more thing, don't think my profile is all about friends, I want followers to. P.S. I broke my red 2DS so my dad got me a blue 2DS so don't friend me on it!
EvanIsCool ObamaStoleMyKFC4
Hi guys, this is my first time on miiverse! Well... first time on this account. I like Minecraft. Also, my Xbox One name is xXx ChEeSe1 xXx. Anyways, I really don't have much to say... so, i'm just gonna l e a v e so, BYE!
SuperNinja mommasmithmia
Sup Dudes Im superninja my personal fav. about me I like are videogames. Here are my favorite games Call of duty, super mario maker, Minecraft, tetris, Team fortress 2, Gmod, pokemon, Captain toad, Donkey kong, Pac man and a tone more. so those Games are fun you should check them out. Anyways Bye Bye have a good of a time one more thing who loves watching youtube! I like pewdiepie,sml,Dantdm bye!!
epicgamerC JohnBray
Martín ramirezdel
supermario bagtag36
hey guys make follow me hope you like my posts bye can't wait to get started
Gaster WolfPirate42
********** sora279
好きなYouTuberはホラフキンsとhamanoバラエティーsです。 フォロー返すよ
Luna lunaYlyra
Hola me llamo Luna pero llamame,como ya sabes soy un fan de Mario.SI ACEPTO Wii U CHAT.Y ya cumpli 11 y me regalaron un telefono,peluche y otras cosas!Y fue en 19/enero/2017! :) :D Esto son los juegos que prefiero:) Mario[como tal mente todos los juegos de mario me gusta]Lego® y Splatoon,ect. NO SOY YOU TUBER bueno esto comensando Soy una niña ok I speak englich to Espero que sean mis amigos
alexander alexnder1209
Duke RickDukeman
Hello. I am Duke. May I ask why you're here and while you're at it, ask yourself what 9+10 equals. If you've answered 19, leave immediently. Well, that was my pointless bio. Oh yes, I also love gaming and role-playing (RP).
「 」 s12a10m7
いろんなゲームやっています フォローお願い致します。
Bowser Mr.Bluntster
Thankyou for serving Adam, Mark, and I Omar you where awesome and I love you like Family!
gwil rickymorris559
**** *** Tohaung
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Christmas1 Nechy1
Things u should know about me... My age: 14 My fav color: RED, WHITE, BLACK My fav food: TACOS! My Fav Game: Super Smash Bros. Shoes that i wear: J'S My fav joke: KNOCK,KNOCK, who's there, Daisy, Daisy who, Daisy me rollen haten^_^ MY FAVORITE SUPER SMASH BROS. CHARACTER IS KIRRRRRRRRRBY!!!!!!!!!!^_^# HOMIE G! my fav moves to dance: Hit dem Folks and Dab If you follow me i wont follow you(JK)
Gaetano ggaeh13
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Inactive artist *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* 13 y.o *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Level 19 [ST] Rank B- *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* Love my followers ^^♡ *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Greg quantum7
I play splatoon but i,v done the game so its not very fun anymore and my team allways looses but I also play minecraft wich I LOVE! so you will see me playing that :)
TEM koukihamaya
やぁ こんにちは 僕だよ☆
dorian Gumbear2
plays minecraft huge fan of the vanossgaming crew LETS GO HUSKIES!!!!!
nick benmarcus99
Hi, I'm Ben. I'm 6 and I really like Splatoon and minecraft and need for speed. you are allowed to swer to me
Spike RedLava1234
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ぷんさ punsa-sen
よろしくお願いします ―――――――――自己紹介――――――――― まだフレンド登録出来ません。 ごめんなさい。 (来年には、出来るようになります。) 年齢:13才(同級生の人フォローお願いしますww) 部活:サッカー 好きな漫画:リセットゲーム、創造の林檎、学校暮らし等 好きなバント:backnumber、味噌汁ズ、ケツメンシ等です。 (良かったら、聴いて下さい。) 気安くフォローしてください。誰でも大歓迎(^^) フォローされたら必ずフォローします。 皆様のおかげで、フォ口ワ一数200人達成!! ありがとうございます! そして、これからもよろしくお願いします!
skull Adam Adumb606
hi let me tell you something meverse f you get loyer get some help from microsoft. and most in porntantly get some guts call 123445aef to help meverse get some good in your life
**** **** Leschiottes
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callum winniepooh077
Hi im callum im very new but if u remember a guy called arceus plz give me yeahs because that was me. im also 10 and3/4 i like pokemon , fnaf 1,2,3, pixelmon, minecraft. my favorite films are all the jurassic parks and jurassic world, pixels, inside out , minions , fast and furios 7 , sharktopus, goosebumps, how to train a dragon . my faverote books/authers are tom gates, horrible historys.
zz niyah0614
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Brendan Greninja812
Hey guys Im normal like everyone and I hope everyone has a great day and know that YOU are special for who you are and that you should ALWAYS believe in yourself and your friends and family
DatOneKid drewy6
OMYFLIPPINGODIMNOTHERE!!!! HELLO! GET REDY TO MOVE YOUR FEET!!!! Hello? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE GET OUT OF MY BOX OF MEMES!!!! Sorry bout that, anyways im SMG4(SuperMarioGlitchyFour)! I make youtube vids for a living and live with dummys in a castle! I also like SPAGETTI! okay... u can leave now...
DaisoPVP daiso_p
Hi everyone! i play minecraft the most and love having freinds and has never bloked enyone before best freind forever is NattyPatty04 so go chek hur out i have 3 diffrent cool would that people like to play on survival creative and one ia a mix of both! people i love Olly_2007 NattyPatty04 and so meany more also so that you know im a rilly bad speller! P.S go chek me out on music.ly and instagram!
jerry gerardo6321
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mekhij29 Mekhij29
Hi I'm new to the wii and I think it's awesome thanks for27followers and 34 friends
Max GirlyGirlPower
hi my name is Max i love pokemon,sonic,mario,Minecraft and a lot of other games i would love any friend request bye the way i hate my nintendo network id thing my sister and I were in prank wars and she did that to me thank you for reading and bye
hi im a bunny i like minecraft and super smash lol do the dab welp i like battle mode hope u play...
hi im a bunny i like minecraft and super smash lol do the dab welp i like battle mode hope u play with me and bye bye :) have a great day :) :) and stay friendly