bunnyguy's Friends
Gaster WolfPirate42
Martín ramirezdel
theboss kingsavage101
ûnîçôrn <3 Acrobatcat11
I like chicken nuggets
Dylan timedylan10
**** *** Tohaung
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brady bradymaddy
Harriet Black_Lollypopz
I Do Rp's And Cringy Art Im A 13 Year Old Sagittarius Birthstone Turquoise Likes Watching Youtube And Playing Stuff So Byeeeee o-o My Cookie!
chloe lumax2016
Madeline maddie.smiling3
Hai! Please add me. I'm new & I'm looking foward to meeting lots of new friends!!!♡♡♡ If you play minecraft then i might be a great friend for you.☆☆
nick benmarcus99
Hi, I'm Ben. I'm 6 and I really like Splatoon and minecraft and need for speed. you are allowed to swer to me
DaisoPVP daiso_p
Hi everyone! i play minecraft the most and love having freinds and has never bloked enyone before best freind forever is NattyPatty04 so go chek hur out i have 3 diffrent cool would that people like to play on survival creative and one ia a mix of both! people i love Olly_2007 NattyPatty04 and so meany more also so that you know im a rilly bad speller! P.S go chek me out on music.ly and instagram!
Twix bl4zingfire12
Hi im glad I met you!
Rey Rey renisha14
rey rey here
Nick andreirussu
Red Dragon RedDragon127
MARIO GabrielArdmore52
########## Jamie2800
Hi I'm Jamie,I'm [insert age] years old,I have Friend Requests off because I don't wanna be spammed with Friend Requests from random people.
Jake jake0225
builder56 Jtweb51
Daniel IcanSmelllllllll
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samuel sammarvel
Max maximusg4
John JohnBC0328
Jayden Jayden.P508
shane Trailblazer74
dinkylad jamierules123456
im jamie lynch i play games like splatoon super smash bros brawl super mario maker and MINECRAFT FOR THE WII U ooooo yea how rude of me i forgot to type this hhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiii and if u follow me ill follow u my goal is to get max friends
MrAwomeKid wiiupassenger
Hi Im Wiiupassnger,MrAwsomeKid Im Only 8 Years Old I Have Alot Of Friends And I Dont Go On After 2.00 Only On Weekends So If U Want To Have Fun Send Me A Friend Req Thats All The Time I Have For Now Bye :-)
ToadRGamer KIRBYSTAR101mlg3
hi im kirbystar101 i like mario kirby rayman super smash bros and super mario maker so uhhhhh yah thats it bye
judeman judeman7
Deadpan spiderjordan08
Pierre pierrepadilla
Deborah Iamfandomtrash
im not bad at art just 2 lazy lmao
Auhsoj SuperDuper122
Hi. This is my second account. My first account is Joshua, nickname Swagdawg. Just click the losers I follow then find the guy with a orange shirt wit glassesk. Have a good day and kys.
HADDA CrispyToastHA
Hello i like video games.Minecraft is my best and I will always be keeping you updated (that is if you follow me though). Friends are really fun and helpfull and I would like some. I don't really like using wii u chat, my real name is not given out due to safety purposes on Miiverse. P.S. lets get to 50 followers the end of the year and yeah..!
Jon JonathanHelm
Luke.de LukexD123
Hallo ich heise Lukexd123 und Mag Minecraft und euch :) es würde schön das mah bald neh freundschaftz anfrnfage schickt :]
crazylight Griffins_Account
Superman Morphfam
Tyler Tyleroum5556
hello miiverse I am Tyler I love MC and and some FPS shooters like Destiny
angrypants Corruptwarrior
i love shooters and action. my favourite game is splatoon but i also like mariomaker. i am happy to battle anyone in shooters (as long as they are not to OP ). see you byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
RBM rain.b.m
hi im rain AKA R.B.M i play minecraft im a enderman i go in my people discis for i do not get sene by humnis im a master of macking bildings and telipoting but im am bad at pvp and attacking i like being in a team
HoboLife Brady5000
Brady B
mekhij29 Mekhij29
Hi I'm new to the wii and I think it's awesome thanks for27followers and 34 friends
Devan cappagh6
alex alexportsmouth
hi my name is alex i speak in polish and english i have dsi wii u and wii i am going to get a 3ds but when i get a monneybox but when its full if i have £100000 i would buy nes 3ds xbox 360 and Xbox 1 and also 2ds ok thats enough
Real Beth Stortford
Haii! Nick is bunny and I love all things games!Minecraft multiplayer game chat if you wanna talk. I don't use wii u chat. If you wanna play minecraft, friend me! ♥♡
Brysen W BTW7409
I ♥ games
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
White CVill123
Hi! I'm CVill123. I'm 14 years old. I'm GAY btw. NO HATE PLEASE!!! >_< I love to play all types of games! I also love to draw!! I Have: Minecraft Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Super Mario Maker Super Smash Bros. Pokken Tournament Just Dance 2015. Just Dance 2016 I also have a 3DS XL in Göld Add Me! Pokemon Möön Pokemon Alpha Sapphire stäy çütë stäy swëët stäy häppy <3333
xxquickxx Ayushsimran
hi iam 11 years old
catmaster Hayden5555
unstopable lugi486
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Nathan GSarkis1985
snifff sniff hi new guy nice met you my name bunny well im not the same bunny you see everday in you plants im a special bunny .you this jacket im wearing made with amulet. "bunny!" any hi im wellcome to met you , sorry my pack need see next time - your friend bunny
PG★Kakashi parsapirooz
why u click my face it hurts now owwwwwwww, any way i accept all friend requests im a brony just kidding here have a cookie )::) not enogh ur gonna get fat go now i said go i said go wait j i watch animae naruto btw my fav character is kakashi goal: to become hokage spoiler if u watch naruto kakshi becomes hokage yo join my clan ask me
Luie janice63
Cameron camerondrwho
Blake nitap06
I LOVE LUIGI and i like mario kirby pokemon x and y ORAS disney infinity 1.0 and 2.0 and 3.0 SUPER SMASH BROS FOR WII U loooooooooooool P.S I'm the troll overlord dandadana batm- I mean Testifigate man! im kind of fnaf person UNDERTALE!
duncanbuck wilmerpaz
hey guys welcome my page.l dont wiiu chat.if u have fifa then friend me so we can play.minecraft is also avalible if you want to multiplayer
jook13 jook13
Owen macey3232
«Ace» ad1jack
Hey everyone! Ace here telling you to stay sweet! QUACK!!!
sean winniecat
Ðεяр ¤—¤ MasonG
I love Video Games, they are basically my life. Games I have that I can play: Minecraft Wii U Edition Splatoon
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hi im a bunny i like minecraft and super smash lol do the dab welp i like battle mode hope u play...
hi im a bunny i like minecraft and super smash lol do the dab welp i like battle mode hope u play with me and bye bye :) have a great day :) :) and stay friendly