miiman's Followers
Logan jeramiahlikeher
Hi! If you are a sanfransisco giants fan please follow me
あいら akasyun0913
中2 /吹部Cla /Twitter/Insta /GENERATlONS / Hey!SayJUMP 大好き♥/soccer♡/フォローよろしくです!フォロバ100%!!
RAWR! Sk8terDude17
Koki Mckoki
FWProNessP yatzelawesome
HELLO MIIVERSE My name is DKProNessH I Love to play games like terraria minecraft super mario maker and call of duty i am 14 years old and i also love playing IceStation Z its my Favorite game to play ALSO MY GOAL IS TO HAVE PEACE AND LIVE LONG AND TO HAVE 300 FOLLOWERS AND TO MAKE LOTS OF FRIENDS ON MIIVERSE HOPE MIIVERSE HAS A WONDERFULL LIFE
Jay-o-dan aedan2007
Hello Everyone! I give some helpful hints, so don't be afraid to ask me if you find me in a community!
Kolton KoltonKuder
katie KTWallaby
hello i am a 11 year old girl i have a ds 2 and a wii u i love mario. also i post things alot. last but not least i live in federal way and i am looking for friends
Bryceton ProGamer4kran
2-D skybugg
i love pokemon ,music, kirby, and anything else nintendo. ask me anything music or pokemon and i will probaly know it
Tyler tjmcdowell
ΣΨBrayan barbedwire21
Hey it's me Brayan! I am a Pokemon Master and love Pokemon. I am in the ΣΨ clan! -I borrow my bros mk7 to play it so i don't take requests. -I enjoy Metriod Prime Blast Ball DEMO and Monster Hunter Generations DEMO. -I have a lot of Pokemon games -I love Super Mario Bros Deluxe My brother is Corrin£¹ Gotta Catch Em All Fav mystical is Manaphy/Phione Fav poke is Quagsire/Drapion
Jarek Czaraj
Caralyn Bestracerever
Hi my name is Caralyn I'm a weird child. here are some things to know about ME *Im 12 years olds and my Birthday is October 03 *I Love Gravity Falls, Steven Universe. Undertale, and Legendof Zelda Games *I'm naturaly a good Drawer and I'm better at paper drawings rather than on my nintendo PS, I have a crush on Dipper Pines <3
Kevin kev8654
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574 Friends, not Followers. What an honour & privilege it has been to know & help you. I'm shall miss you.Please keep creating your arts! I love the positivity,creativity, support, & humour that our Miiverse has shown! Please visit me: Mayor Nixie, from Spunkvil- Dream Address: 4D00-000F-62CE. Love & good vibes to all!
ƒ¤Savage¤ƒ tyler33bra
I love my favorite game which is Submarine wars: Steel divers. i am an expert at it. Thats where i met my best freind who lives in Michigan USA. Im in 7th grade so yeah follow me and subcribe to My best freind FERPalpaca
Beanie Mabelpines230
hullo, guten tag, asalamulakum, hola, ciao, sup. im beanie. i love zelda. here is a list of my fav games: -LoZ: Skyward Sword☆ -Animal Crossing: New Leaf -Animal Crossing: Happy Homes -LoZ: Twilight Princess☆ -LoZ: Majora's Mask -LoZ: Hyrule Warriors☆ -Pokémon Sun☆ -LoZ: Breath of the Wild☆ -Splatoon☆ -Fire Emblem Fates☆ [☆=favorite of all time]
justin justin9812
i have a cat. i like play outside and play video games. my gool is to get 500 followers. if i do that will help a lot.
Philip pl0930
I like games, sleep, and miiverse! (3ds instagram) Always open to talk if needed:) FOLLOW ME FOLLOW YOU
Creeperkid Creeperkid330
Everyone is amazing at video games!
termineito termineitor214
olaaaaaaa todos miiverse tengo amigos. personas: cuales?. yo: pues ustedes
MIEL Videojuegos5
Hola soy Miguel soy solo un chico Creo que normal de 13años que hasta donde me han dicho soy agradable, me gustan los juegos de Pokemon y bueno espero que podamos ser amigos €¥ Y pues nada Hello I am Michael'm just a normal guy I think that as far as 13 years have told me I'm nice, I like good games Pokemon and I hope we can be friends € ¥ And for nothing
geo I.maPeach172
i'm new here, and this place is so cool! Please follow: ★Bluti★(DA BEST :3) Pandachan(panda panda!!!) and me(but i don't like my art :/
BχFireMoma FireMonkeyMomma
I'm a child of the (1st) Nintendo generation. Study: Bachelors-Psych. Martial Artist & C.I.T. I live my life by the Principles of the Black Belt: INTEGRITY CONCENTRATION PERSEVERANCE SELF-CONTROL INDOMITABLE SPIRIT RESPECT HONESTY HUMILITY & SELF-MOTIVATION Respect each other, be kind, & keep your smiles LOUD!
Dommy Noorzan91021
Hey, whats up! Remember follow me and you can join the Dommy Foundation!
beautiboy9 grahfchart
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Colin TrashDaddyAlex
Yo. I like Pokemon, DBZ, and a few other things. :)
Bluestar faeringel
Hi! Im a girl who likes playing video games and reading! Hope we can become good friends! Bye!
Sis Pinkygirly
Hello and good morning to u all the peaple in the world my name i Hannah i live on a farm still and my chicken lade her first egg and its so cute and the egg hacth but its going to take a month or so cause my aunt says so oh yeah my dog spot loves her pupies there 3 puppies there is genger lily and george thos are the puppies names and if you like my things i wright that is true then its good ¡¡
Miyah Miyah2008
Hi my name is namiyah
pol poldelgado07
Edwin bebo0710mary
みつお torotorooimo
みつおともうします。 最近、少しだけゲームの腕が上がった気がします。少しだけ。 好きなゲームはゼルダの伝説と、どうぶつの森です。 ゼルダの伝説では、スカイウォードソードが一番のお気に入りです。好きなキャラはギラヒムです。でも、最近はゲームが何でも好きに感じてきました。 あと、ゼルダの伝説に出てくるかわいいキャラクターだったら何でも好きです。 よろしくお願いします。(^∀^/)
UJL RatchetUJL67
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[OKD]じゃTah Seiko-Kiichi
どうももももももももも!!!!!!! 新人ですが、ヨロシクです Tahともうします やってるゲームは メインがポケモンで ちょくちょくスプラトゥーンとか カルドセプトリボルトとか スマブラとか っす フレリクは快く承諾させていただきます フォロワー100、目指してまっす みんなさん、ヨロシクお願いしますーー¶
Brаdlее Stuff108
hello i'm Bradlee, comment on my post if you want, now here are some things about me: ]1 i'm athletic ]2 i'm 12 ]3 i love meeting new people ]4 i started miiverse on feb 12 2015 ]5 i come to be shy at some points in the day but i'm also out going too last updated [6-19-17]
ιαυrεη lnicolep
goodbye Miiverse
モンストたのしい。 qxevtnu.p
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Follow me! i like to give not get.