Users miiman Is Following
Breanne Nan_198
Hello. I am currently trying to stay as active as I can until Miiverse is shut down.
Nolan TEPM Xbox2001
Why hello thare I am Nolan, I love playing games such as skylanders, Tomodachi Life, Lego games and many more. And hear as I play on My Nintedo 2DS, I play game and show you all the best parts I come across. So everyone have a good day! And THANK YOU ALL for an awesome time on miivers that Ill never forget sadly all good things must come 2 an end, so good bye! :) FOREVER! :(
katie KTWallaby
hello i am a 11 year old girl i have a ds 2 and a wii u i love mario. also i post things alot. last but not least i live in federal way and i am looking for friends
Tyler tjmcdowell
Jarek Czaraj
Dorgy:3 0_0_0_0lol
574 Friends, not Followers. What an honour & privilege it has been to know & help you. I'm shall miss you.Please keep creating your arts! I love the positivity,creativity, support, & humour that our Miiverse has shown! Please visit me: Mayor Nixie, from Spunkvil- Dream Address: 4D00-000F-62CE. Love & good vibes to all!
BχFireMoma FireMonkeyMomma
I'm a child of the (1st) Nintendo generation. Study: Bachelors-Psych. Martial Artist & C.I.T. I live my life by the Principles of the Black Belt: INTEGRITY CONCENTRATION PERSEVERANCE SELF-CONTROL INDOMITABLE SPIRIT RESPECT HONESTY HUMILITY & SELF-MOTIVATION Respect each other, be kind, & keep your smiles LOUD!
Dommy Noorzan91021
Hey, whats up! Remember follow me and you can join the Dommy Foundation!
Edwin bebo0710mary
the_7th_G thisisgrant
This user's profile comment is private.
Creeperkid Creeperkid330
Everyone is amazing at video games!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Ophie C.★ Crystalcoldstone
Oh hey. I'm Crystal, a teenager struggling with life.(Things have to get better) I enjoy drawing, anime, etc. (that's obvious on my profile) As you can see I'm a Marth main in SSB4. Remember, Just the tip :D (No but seriously don't rely on it too much, l learned the hard way) I really like fire emblem, Ssb4, and basicly the whole mario franchise. ★Official Ophelia of the shepherds★ o
Richie dragonball03
Hello people! This is Richie! Well i'm just an ordinary middle school gamer that loves games. GAMES ARE MY LIFE!!! I love to draw in the real world but not on miiverse because its a little hard to me. I love RPG games and i'm awesome at them! I also love pokemon, anime and manga. If you want to play with me on any game of sort I usually go by the name of Shino on all of my games so don't be shy!
desmond dumbdumb8
Ayyy...I'm just a loser who does trashy art... Why did you click my face anyway...? So...yeah... I like drawing...and writing... I CaN't FrEaKiN' DrAw CoRrEcTly...I'm always bored and out of ideas... I'm salty... Did I mention I'm a loser...? Bye... No really, bye... Really...bye...
LeFallFry izzy998
Hi my name is Izzy! >vo I'm just your average wannabe artist and writer! I practice 24/7 If life gives you lemons make iced tea and leave making the world wonder how you did it :^) Proud Christian :D Ocs : Kirā, Zero, Lana, Olivia, Lenna, Leon, Frost, Pumkin, and Umber Damian, Chole, and Masaomi belong to me and 76m x3 Have fahn
Kat wolfarctix
I can draw art traditionally Favorite YouTuber: ShinePHD Favorite Pokemon: Lycanroc Fandoms: Homestuck, Fire Emblem, Gorillaz, Hiveswap
Ava! milkncookieslol
Hai peoplz im Ava. i love pokemon and the legend of zelda :3 I love to draw, use electronics and talk to my friends on my spare time. And i got free hugs for everyone :3 Fav game: Tloz ocarina of time Fav game series: Tloz Fav system: 3ds SO CLOSE TO 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! OH MA GAWD!
みつお torotorooimo
みつおともうします。 最近、少しだけゲームの腕が上がった気がします。少しだけ。 好きなゲームはゼルダの伝説と、どうぶつの森です。 ゼルダの伝説では、スカイウォードソードが一番のお気に入りです。好きなキャラはギラヒムです。でも、最近はゲームが何でも好きに感じてきました。 あと、ゼルダの伝説に出てくるかわいいキャラクターだったら何でも好きです。 よろしくお願いします。(^∀^/)
Anime Bedblom
Baboom!!! GrEeTiNgS aLl! I'm PK-Mαrietron 005! I dEcIdEd To TaKe PK-Mαrie'S pOsItIoN. sO... sTaY fReSh. Anime was here! Also, I'm a co-leader of cody's squad!
UJL RatchetUJL67
Profile comment hidden by admin.
diego aaronreyna123
Wolfie Asap228
Asap Wolfie 228
Sir. Willy Williamislemons
Dr.Mario70 DJSlime7000
Hello itsa me Dr.Mario70
Matt 4Paddy
INFJ. If you have artistic talent, a sense of humor or a beard, chances are I will follow you.
Jαγδэл kingjay2006
★Im an 11 year old who loves to draw. I am THE original jay™ YEA BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...IIIIIIII....IIII . ▲ ▲ ▲ tri force
Caralyn Bestracerever
Hi my name is Caralyn I'm a weird child. here are some things to know about ME *Im 12 years olds and my Birthday is October 03 *I Love Gravity Falls, Steven Universe. Undertale, and Legendof Zelda Games *I'm naturaly a good Drawer and I'm better at paper drawings rather than on my nintendo PS, I have a crush on Dipper Pines <3
Impact allyson21506
DID SOMEBODY SAY SPAGHETTI MEMES?!- Me 2017 Sup! I'm Gill.[I didn't change my name cuz i'm lazy] I am the little sister of Undyne! Heres sum things about me: I LOVE drawing, anime, puppys, pokémon, UT, and LOZ! I h8:CATS, the color pink and school. If u don't like undertale most of this crud won't make any sense See ya. *Gill teleports out of the room*
Lova Tendopal
Hi! Call me Lova or however you guys want to call me. I was born on April 9, 1997. So~... I am 20 years old. (^u^)¬ I like to play games. And I like to draw any kind of pictures. :) I enjoy listening to music and have somewhat know how play them... Ialsosingtoobutitwasalongtimeago. n'u'n UCOC: Paper and Shadow ________ |_~___~_| |____ _♭| |___3___| |________| ■■■■■ ■~■■~■ ■■ _)■■ ■■ _)■■ ■■■■■
Toy Gamer▼ toygameryt
Greetings. My name is Alexabell. Im a neko. I'm the ruler of the kingdom of Eteurnia. I accept anyone. May you all have the 7 protecters bless you. If you can't tell, that's my oc. I do drawings, and ask characters from undertale! let the commentsflow in. WARNING: HIGH AMOUNTS OF TRASHYNESS
donkz donkz94
Beanie Mabelpines230
hullo, guten tag, asalamulakum, hola, ciao, sup. im beanie. i love zelda. here is a list of my fav games: -LoZ: Skyward Sword☆ -Animal Crossing: New Leaf -Animal Crossing: Happy Homes -LoZ: Twilight Princess☆ -LoZ: Majora's Mask -LoZ: Hyrule Warriors☆ -Pokémon Sun☆ -LoZ: Breath of the Wild☆ -Splatoon☆ -Fire Emblem Fates☆ [☆=favorite of all time]
Diana overheat1
Hope you like my artwork! Love Zelda, Pokemon, etc. Nintendo games. Also love cartoons such as Steven Universe, Adventure time, etc, mostly Cartoon Network. I enjoy the comments on my work a lot. Remember to give yeahs to the comments and check em out. The art is mostly Zelda stuff & Steven Univese. There are also random art in there. I also speak Spanish. Enjoy:) (May post less due to school.)
David myuser1975
hey im a 12 year old gamer here are a couple things about me i love games i wii u chat this is my bongobongo24 account plz follow i will follow back have a good day
blackie Childaccount1
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Rhea DrBeelzemon
Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Rhea! I'm 26 and I love drawing/animation, writing, video games, anime and manga, comic books, D&D, ALL things Disney, LOTR, Star Wars, all kinds of nerdy stuff actually..... Oh, I'll just end the list here before I run out of room. *sigh* It would be nice to make some friends who are just as nerdy as I am. haha.
-?- TheRealkraftyy
Hey You There You Clicked On My Face Well Here's A Little Bit About Me- Fav Games - Pokémon And Overwatch Clans- Paladin Porygon's [PaPo] PA Pokemon Shuffle Clan PM (Leader) Team Kirby Clash Clan Drawings- Check Out My (Slightly) Cool Drawings And 'Em A Yeah Shoutouts- Follow Melissa , Omar , FireMomma , RileyRiolu And Draconis Giveaway Status- Every Half Term Bye Remember Keep Smiling : )
Follow me! i like to give not get.