zach's Followers
みずき 88228822
jay dragondog22
happy days and everyone is awesome and amazing
Alex G&K BEBE82016
Bonjour mon code d'ami est: 2122-9097-6108
Filipe☆★:) Filipe.gamer123
Ola amigos eu sou o Filipe e seja bem vindos ao meu perfil. -------------------------------♪ hi friends im Filipe and welcome to my profile. here you can see what i like play and another things -------------------------------------♪ ★my favourite games: resident evil4, minecraft, just dance, Zelda, splatoon, porzito zero, bayoneta 2★
danielleao danielleao3674
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
Andrea AndreaErnst99867
Holla ist Lieben sos ich freundlichen zweifel freunde zurück durch allerdings
Juanito juanito3ds
si bosotros me segis yo os sigo
【CB】H・R・T 1610mm
ああああみんな今までありがとぉぉ Twitterに移動します!ユザネ同じで。 これまでフォローしてくれた方、コメントくれた方。本当にありがとうございました。 Twitterで私を見かけたら優しくしてくださいw 私が出没するゲーム COD BO2 MHXX スプラ1 マイクラ ソウルワーカー CBの活動はつづけます。 メンバー様、これからもよろしくお願いします。 更新『ミーバース最終日』
POTETO kunikuni1979
ミバ友の ・なおとさん ・Mr.KAZUさん ・○。すいーとぽてとさん ・シルクさん ・KUNITAKUさん ・newりーくさん ・さどねす!さん ・おっちゃんさん ・PILOTさん ・レオン_ラブライブさん ・りんりんさん ・みゅー:μ'sic♪さん 今まで本当にありがとう… そして…忘れない
Lollуlol kayssie
Kikou c est ♪Lollylol♪♥ mon rêve est être youtubeuse mes jeux favorie est: minecraft, pokkèn tournament ect objectif : 100 abos ^_~
HT にくまん keiton15
こんにちは、にくまんです。 好きなスポーツメーカーは、ナイキです。 好きなYouTuberは、ソガリNBAs はじめしゃちょーs フィシャーズs おるたなs ダンテs総長ウララsです! フォローしてくれたら100%返します。 バスケが好き! アデュー Mii変えてみたよ! 100人とっぱ、みんなありがとう!好きなNBA選手はカイリー・アービングです!
G&K★Manon★ GeekGirl2.0
Salut, j'ai 14 ans. J'ai des yeux bleus, je suis mince et très sportive. Grosse dédicace à BGleHumble: T'es le meilleur.★★★ Je suis une fille du genre: -Gentille ♥♥♥♥♥ -Méchante ♡♡♡♡♡ -Généreuse ♥♥♥♥♥ -Timide ♥♥♥♥♡ -Aimable ♥♥♥♥♥ -Triste ♡♡♡♡♡ -Passionnée de dessin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ It's my passion! Thank you so much for 650 suscribers! Follow me and I follow you. Good bye everyone!
Ricky WitheringStrike
Hey, I like good games and enjoy a great community of people to play and make new friends with.
Luke mariofan2127
Hi. Please could you play my Super Mario Maker levels if you have Super Mario Maker and tell me what you think.
joseph sammydog3610
hi my names joseph i play minecraft super smash bros splatoon and mario i am not shy and i like undertale of course Hello nieghbor dont be afraid to follow me because im mostly a punny guy i will tell you im in 5th grade and im 10 years old
Marco Marcojcollado
Hey Guys Here Its My Awesome Profile! W E L C O M E! I'm 10 Years Old And I Have Some Followers! 5 * 10 * 20 * 50 * 100 * 200 Thanks To All My Followers And You For Wasting Your Time On My Profile! :D Note: If Someone Follows Me I Follow Him/Her Back My Favorite Things: Pizza ★★★★★ Soccer ★★★★☆ Super Mario 3D World ★★★★★ Miiverse ★★★★★ Baseball ★★★☆☆ School ★★★☆☆
Oliver WPA6014
I be so MLG bruh
Cedrick Cedrick119
Hi my name is cedrick and this is my first time being on miiverse. Hope some of u can show me the ropes [:
Ð☆CāρtNug☆ hunnfamily
I like Splatoon,Super Mario Maker and MK8 i don't know how to draw but i wish i could i hope you like my post so i hope you all are having a nice day also i like nature and road trips. I love it when its winter because when its night time and its snowing and you can see all of the city lights and its quite everything seems peaceful and beautiful and it looks amazing ¯ˇ¯
malcolm#2 tacopig777
Sup?my name is malcolm but u can call me tacopig.I like to play Hyrule warriors,spatoon,smash bros,mario 3D land,mariokart 8,and nes remix 1 and 2.My profile may say im expert but I say im a amateur.Soooooooooo......Ya.Bye.Are u still reading this?GO AWAY.Thank u.
シャーロッQ↑? nakano1231
はじめまして! おはよう! こんにちわ! こんばんわ! ワッショーーーーーーーイ・・・シャーロッQ参上!!!!!!!! えーーー、わたくしは、とにかくシャーロック・ホームズが好きです! あと、ワンピースも( ゾロがN〇.1)でっす!!! 前まで、サッカーやってたので、ソコソコ出来ます!! リオ五輪も楽しみです!!!!!!!! わたくしの友、イナリズシもヨロシク!!!!!!!! とゆーことで・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ おやすみーーーーーーーーー(寝るのも好き)
Mimikyu Guillenava1661
hello people, i am friendly, my name is willy, i like the anime :fairy tail, sword art online,one piece ... y have super smash bros , splatoon ... BYE!!!!! ^~^ Hola gente ,soy amistoso,mi nombre es Guillermo,me gusta el anime: fairy tail,sword art online , one piece... tengo el super smash bros , splatoon... ! ADIÓS!
aurelia aurelia102
DioX2015 MiivershionFun01
WHATCHA Touch me face? NAME Dan GAME Minecraft! :O FAME Yep! ABOUT ME I ...... uh ...... Dance a lot! And i game a lot! Usually I have a 2nd account Name: Dan NNID: SSMysticSS I am the Leader of the Genocide Clan. List: 700 Followers ERROR: If your happy and you know it scroll below!
TX★roroTS★ romainvador
salut je m'appelle Romain et j'ai 10 ans et demi et je passe en 6ème
ibaitxo Matxango
hola buenas si eres un fan ponte a la cola por favor. Hola me llamo ibaitxo si tu me sigues yo te sigo perdon pero no admito wii u chat y soy muy bueno en los videojuegosssss
ともっち poyoyooi0
プロフィールコメントは運営者が唐揚げで皮パリにし、任天堂本社でおいしく頂いてしまいました!? (嘘ですwwwwwww) (最近問題文が、論文並みに長くなってきた。)どうも!皮パリ唐揚げが大好きな(°∀。)ウェイ!です!((ゝ_一)ねむっに変えました。 二回目は(つд⊂)ゴシゴシに変えました。三回目はSWITCHほしい!にしました!)これからも名前変えますのでよろしく(ー_ー)ぺコッ ユザ名違ってブラウザバックとかやめてくださいね!? 3DS引退しまーす。(書くことないwwww画面写真は投稿するかもです。) こんなやーつでも良ければお願いします! こんなやーつにフォロワー300人なんてフォロワー様神ですね! いつか(ゝ_ー)ねむっの日を作ってやる~!今に見てろ更新7/8
xX★аиțо★Xx anto1990
βομjομг, vous allez bien? Bon on passe au chose sérieuse! Présentation pour commencer couple Gentil★★★★★ Méchant★☆☆☆☆ Généreux★★★★★ Timide★★★★☆ Triste☆☆☆☆☆ 14 ans Voilà et puis maintenant Je vais vous faire une petite dédicace! Manon G&K= ma vie !!!♥♥♥ Amis = la confiance! Abonné = les meilleures Élo = hors de ma vie Ezekiel = meilleur pote ★★★ Le tueur = Le PGM Bonne soirée!!! à plus♥♥♥
joseph 5GamerJoe5
Hi i am joseph! so do you want to be friends?
Dave MicrosoftInc
Hello! My name is Dave or David, from Microsoft! I love playing with friends or just hanging around in Minecraft Mini battle! I will try respond to any comments as soon as possible!
Jamie MicrosoftInc2
Hello! I am Jamie. I came to visit the wonderful Nintendo games. You might've heard of my friend Dave that is on Miiverse just like me. We both work for Microsoft and we're coming to Miiverse to entertain everyone with our experience in Nintendo games! Hope everyone is having a great day! I also do love to doodle! :)
LUCA 589952
Hallo ich heiße luca und spiele splatoon und Fifa17 splatoon spiele ich auf wiiu fifa auf PS4 und ich habe ein iphone7 und eine wii und ein sky+ receiver und geile capies
QueenGamer Baez_E
here are some of the games l played:kid icraus uprising spiderman edge of time splatoon luigi's mansion dark moon super monkey ball 3d my sims mario party ds Nintendogs rabbits travel in time brand new super mario bros 2 i also believe in god 100'/' im 9 YEARS OLD Plz follow i follow you back and TURN DOWN THE WHAT
Lauren laurenpurple246
I love pony
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. I like to play with my friends. my favorite holiday's are Christmas,hallowen,the forth of july,new year and veterans day.I hope you liked reading this.
G&kCαηpσS rodrigocampos11
peanut$ isacchavez
i like call of duty 3 and im expert i also beat all eastereggs i like to do anthing im a artist and i like science im actually 18 and i love fishing and miiverse.please ask anyone to follow me thank you. im isac a gamer and video maker i want anyone to follow me. ur the best
Follow FriendMii123
You most likely came here to block me. Nothing Personal.
i love to make friends.
my favorite mario character is bowser .
i like playing škylanders
my be...
i love to make friends.
my favorite mario character is bowser .
i like playing škylanders
my best friend is Trever Hacklemen .
my best is also camren doudled im very rich :-]i a sayy lots of bad wordz help me spread the prankster gangster community with my homie Pink sheep