Users zach Is Following
pink {P} 123456qazqazqazq
welcome to my top lists i try to make at least 1 top lists a day i mainly try to do 2 or 3 but i run out of ideas so if you can help me out by thinking of a list and tell me the in comments on any post that i made. and i hope you guys/girls like my top lists and make shore to check out my older top lists!!! and my new ones to!!! and if you like what i do follow me. and i do post series to!!
OCE ocemas
salut je m'appelle océane et j'est + de 10 ans je suis accès gentille et un peut pettite mais sa me dérange pas, mes jeux préféré sont -ACHHD -tomadatchi life -les jeux de Mario... j'aime tous ce qui est créatif et je tiens a faire une dédicace a mes meilleurs amies : évita,chana,rommane…
lea Lea9742.0
Je mappelle Lea j'ai 9 ans je suis née le 25 mais 2007 a la reunion au tampon j'ai 1 frère je fait piscine. Une dedicasse pour Mes Bff: Luce Julliette,Maëlise Julia,Lily,Fanny,une autre Fanny,Pauline,Manon........J'adore animal crossing et harvest moon:la vallée perdu! gentillesse★★★★★ Polie★★★☆☆ fiable★★★★★ mature★★★☆☆ amitier★★★★★★ drole★★★★★★★★★ amoureuse non ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Follow FriendMii123
You most likely came here to block me. Nothing Personal.
peanut$ isacchavez
i like call of duty 3 and im expert i also beat all eastereggs i like to do anthing im a artist and i like science im actually 18 and i love fishing and miiverse.please ask anyone to follow me thank you. im isac a gamer and video maker i want anyone to follow me. ur the best
Jamie MicrosoftInc2
Hello! I am Jamie. I came to visit the wonderful Nintendo games. You might've heard of my friend Dave that is on Miiverse just like me. We both work for Microsoft and we're coming to Miiverse to entertain everyone with our experience in Nintendo games! Hope everyone is having a great day! I also do love to doodle! :)
Dave MicrosoftInc
Hello! My name is Dave or David, from Microsoft! I love playing with friends or just hanging around in Minecraft Mini battle! I will try respond to any comments as soon as possible!
xX★аиțо★Xx anto1990
βομjομг, vous allez bien? Bon on passe au chose sérieuse! Présentation pour commencer couple Gentil★★★★★ Méchant★☆☆☆☆ Généreux★★★★★ Timide★★★★☆ Triste☆☆☆☆☆ 14 ans Voilà et puis maintenant Je vais vous faire une petite dédicace! Manon G&K= ma vie !!!♥♥♥ Amis = la confiance! Abonné = les meilleures Élo = hors de ma vie Ezekiel = meilleur pote ★★★ Le tueur = Le PGM Bonne soirée!!! à plus♥♥♥
Sophie 09942K
Hi ich bin Sophie und mache euch einen Steckbrief:) Name:SophieT. ...Farbe:rot von Violetta,von Lena und alle die mir folgen den folg ich auch
********** How2MemeAGAIN
LUCA 589952
Hallo ich heiße luca und spiele splatoon und Fifa17 splatoon spiele ich auf wiiu fifa auf PS4 und ich habe ein iphone7 und eine wii und ein sky+ receiver und geile capies
I like to play football,baseball,basketball and soccer. I like to spend time with my family. I like to play with my friends. my favorite holiday's are Christmas,hallowen,the forth of july,new year and veterans day.I hope you liked reading this.
★★★★★★★★★★★★ ¤Hey Im Jada ¤Eat|sleep|Play|Repet ¤Thats My Life Bye •BestFriends:Wolfy,Jayy,Kkt,Kere,Arthur,Etc... •50% Mean •Weave Sqaud AYYYY! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Samuel Steve_Samuel2006
Hola ^-^ Me llamo Samuel tengo 10 años mi mejor amigo y amiga es Yoshi_Ale y Esther.
rose luckymcducky
i like minecraft and role playing games and i like helping out and allow friend request from anybody if you are a real friend
solomon SolomonB
whats up all you gamers
Salut, je m'appelle Romane, j'ai 14 ans, je suis en 3e. J'ai des yeux bleus, je suis mince et très sportive. Alexandre je t'aime plus que tout. ♥♥♥♥♥ Mes YouTubeurs préférés sont: -Sulivan -Tibo Inshape (La petite vaine sur le bibi, DAMMM!!) -Tim -Cyprien -Squeezie -Guillaume & Kim -Panormal (HEEWWWEEE!!!!) -HugoPosay (Toujours POSAY) -Maouno -NewTiteuf -Elliott -SnS--7 -Le Bled'art (Malade va).
Robbie thegamingmaestro
Hello there I am Rob, not the famous nintendo robot but the great gamer. My mind is full of famous game facts, glitches, and more. Not only that but if you need some help or have a question about a game, I can probably (and hopefully) answer it. Also it's dangerous to go alone, so follow my profile and stay united fellow Nintendo fans! Please subscribe to Leaders Entertainment (my channel).
arri GhouliaGrl
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Whasup, I like just about every adventure game Nintendo has made, including Smash Bros. So everybody like the Wii U and 3DS combo? I know I do.
darthmorth hugoosgoodrules3
☆MadMads☆ MaddieJoBo
Hi! My name is Maddie! I'm just a girl who likes Nintendo, food and is extremely quirky. Likes: Friends Food YouTube Video Games Splatoon Followers On Miiverse…? Christmas Puns Socialization And More YouTube Dislikes: Homework PUNishments Me Needing To Wear Glasses Me Losing My Glasses Stepping In Poop (Don't Ask) Haterz <3 HAMBURGERZ. <3
ぺットボトル 0120WII
Luke mrtduke
hi my name is luke! i'm 11 years old. follow if you like... i don't post that much anymore. yeah my post for me to do more posts for you! please be kind and follow. if you know ROBLOX my user name is coolboyoldwest. see yea! by the way this is my last user page post.
QueenGamer Baez_E
here are some of the games l played:kid icraus uprising spiderman edge of time splatoon luigi's mansion dark moon super monkey ball 3d my sims mario party ds Nintendogs rabbits travel in time brand new super mario bros 2 i also believe in god 100'/' im 9 YEARS OLD Plz follow i follow you back and TURN DOWN THE WHAT
joseph 5GamerJoe5
Hi i am joseph! so do you want to be friends?
stampy noonoo29
maxence looollleuuu
SALUT !je m'appelle maxence!(de undertale lol)je suis fan de↓↓↓! -sonic -undertale -five night at freddy's -manga -l'attaque des titans -tokyo ghoul! et abonne toi mes petit sushi d'undyne! T'EST TOUJOURS LA TOI!bon,j'ai une chaine youtube qui s'appelle motorX24! ; ) abonne toi A OUI!!! j'allais oublie! je te présente antoine ma concience quand elle est toujours écrit entre paranthèse
Rose Hotrod60405
If anyone wants to talk, you can call me on the wiiu, or message me on miiverse. I just turned 18 yrs. old! I play lots of games, and I play lots of instruments: flute, piccolo, pianos, clarinet, and Xylophones. I love cats and certain types of dogs. I also love Rap music!!! <3
Rose Darkredshadows
Hey all in the interwebs I'm rose welcome to my profile. I love splatoon, pikmin 3 and pokken tournment as of right now but that's subject to change in the future. Anywho feel free to follow me and or send me a request.I don't bite lol.I love anime my favorate anime has to be The seven deadly sins a netflix original.I love animals lol (not important) this is me see ya later homiebizzles Rose out.
jonathan 6n8nuv6
hi follow me and i will give you a nice
jessica coolsharkstar346
my name is jessica.e.kendall, i am 17 years old, i love pokemon, jurassic world,fossil fighters and yo kai watch 1 and 2 , anime,and kingdom hearts ! # pokestar ☆_☆ ★_★ i love super heros, my favorite movie and shows is finding dory, star wars,descendants, zootopia,bakugan,kill la kaill, and firebreather and all anime . my best friends from middle school jessica f knows how to draw anime .
Denny angelche
me love pokemon and.cobblestone equals life.Crianer is all grown up. crianer gets a tatoo.crianer will never get respect in his name
Corina Rival_Ziggy
Hi,there how are you? I'm just a some silly ġiгl hobbies: swimming, singing, art, volleyball, etc. likes: Zootopia, Twilight, Starbucks, fav games: Splatoon, ssbs4, mk8, and more, When I get older one day I would want to go around the world helping people to setting them free from poverty. Besties are 1. ★Jdog.exe☆ 2.TCQ 3. ROCK!!!! Thx for reading and God bless you!!
♪Jennifer♪ jennifernathali
kaiden icekaiden
Artur Artur.ramada
hi,im 13 and have a new 3ds my favorite games until now are super smash bros,tloz triforce heroes ,pokémon rumble world and super mario 3d land
fireman sonicfanboy12345
Hi Guys, It Your Boy Fireman Just Playing Wii U Okay, You Can Be Friend Anytime♥ Guy Don't Friends Me With No Message In It. I Can't Wait For Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild! Nintendo Switch Is So Awesome. YEAH! You Always Battle Me In Smash 4 Or Pokken Tournament Anytime When I Not Busy.I Watch Show Alot In My Wii U So That Why Some Time I Don't Answer. LINK! Check Out My Quiz
Scarlet Achoni-01
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Co2 Co2_Outbr3ak
SATOSI(イカ) satoshi0531.1
i love to make friends.
my favorite mario character is bowser .
i like playing škylanders
my be...
i love to make friends.
my favorite mario character is bowser .
i like playing škylanders
my best friend is Trever Hacklemen .
my best is also camren doudled im very rich :-]i a sayy lots of bad wordz help me spread the prankster gangster community with my homie Pink sheep