Users misha Is Following
Meg 2.0 Megora
Bye Miiverse. I will miss you all. Ever since I started Miiverse, I was hated on. As I got friends, that showed me that there are people on the internet who care. I want to re-live the past. Miiverse gave me so many memories and friends, but like all dreams, you have to wake up. I would say "See ya later." but we know that's not true. May God be with you. This is Meg 2.0, signing off. For good.
ゆめうさ©。* ex-tsuba
ハジ→ ■名前⇒夢宇佐飛翔 ■相模原市と横浜市在住 ■英語話せるにぱー ■フレ募集中 無言無理 タメ無理 ■歌、アニメ、日本史大好き人間にぱ ■ラブライバー ・矢澤にこ ・小泉花陽 ・絢瀬絵里 ・南ことり ・東條希 ・高坂穂乃果 ・西木野真姫 ・園田海末 ・星空凛 ・黒澤ダイヤ ・渡辺曜 ・国木田花丸 この中で好きなキャラが1人でもいたらフレリク絶対送れ(` ・ω・´) フレ100人だけど毎日整理してるから気軽に送って フォロワー17000人達成ありがとり 皆さんと過ごした思い出を一生忘れないにこ(^^ またどこかで会いましょうっうー 2年後に高校を卒業したら声優の専門学校に入学するにぱー 競争率や評定平均値は大変苛辣ですが一般入試で必ず合格するにぱー 今からでも遅くないにぱー Miiverse終了後、勉学に励むおー!! 今日の投稿数0になった、ごめん フレンドリクエスト爆発ww多すぎw
Sleepy!Dre getzitnow
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Jonathan Rougethe123
Hi im Jonathan anyone want to be my friend im new to this
Stalker TinySnoopy
I'M WATCHING ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( σωσ) < ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ | ノ ヽ_つ / / / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (__\ OWNER OF THE WITCH & HERO COMMUNITY I Read Every Comment And I Quite Enjoy And Love Them All Yes, I Know I Don't Have A Mii
Lythero Lythero
No Marvel vs Capcom 3 Shenanigans to have here on the Wii U, but I sure can't wait to see what Nintendo can do with this gizmo. Bring on the next Zelda! ~Lythero [aka: Link3kokiri]
Johanzoon piggi_Axel_johan
bien aqui stoy Soy Johan pero en la escuela me empezaron a decir "scarlet johansson" (si, la actriz) y despues me cambie el apodo a johanzoon, tengo 14 años y mi cumple, lo dice abajo, soy MEXICANO y me gustan los gatos y los cerditos ^---^ \ ˙w ˙/ Me gutan las sagas Zelda y M&L
Noctis HateMD
hitch hitch62
Paden PadenOKC
Do it for the meme
Craig Skistimas
The Doc Afroninja4sho
ρκςραrκχχ PKSparkxx
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herobrine mastermario6332
hi! im herobrine (minecraft refrance) i play minecraft skylanders supercharges i love playing with friends so send me a friend request and wii u chat allowed im super nice and come to my academy when wanted i have a headset so chat with me whenever you want (^-^)
NCapriSun Torvus
Oh my God... they've found me. I don't know how but they've found me. Run for it, Marty !!
Kareem Mew2FanMan
Hello there, my name is KK. I love Pokemon and SSB4. I don't like mushrooms, bullying, or highways. SSB4 Mains: Mewtwo, Pikachu, Ness, Bayonetta, Cloud, Shulk, Kirby. Pokken Tournament Mains: Weavile, Garchomp, Pikachu Libre. Favorite Pokemon in general: Mega Gallade, Gallade, Mewtwo.
Anthony Anthonyk0514
Hey, I'm a 14 year old Nintendo fan. My favorite game series are Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Animal Crossing and Pokemon! I'll play anyone in smash, just friend me and let me know. In Splatoon, My current Splatfest teams are Dogs and Waterslides. My hopes for newcomers in smash as DLC are Paper Mario, Inkling, Bandana Dee, Blaziken and Sceptile. I want a new AC game so badly!!!
Mafia Joe Demosjo
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Slowpoke Ninty_Trivia
I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS!!!!!! Troll account. Don't take my Super Smash Bros. post seriously!
Rafel SuperRafellll
I'm a normal friendly artist who loves culture, I like: doing stupid stuff online, to make fun of things, memes, wrestling, old/new cartoons, anime, video games, GOOD MUSIC and anything, epic! If you don't know the anime bases (Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, Hokuto No Ken and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), don't you even try to approach my house Hope you enjoy! And remember, COWABUNGAAAA!
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Hey :) I'm 21. How old r u? :) Sendet mir ne Freundschaftsanfrage wenn ihr wollt ;) You can add me if u want ;)
zeki hope1028
wazzup humans! i'm zeki just a random kitty who likes to draw. i LOVE rping,undertale,splatoon,ssb, and tloz.i don't friend people and i take art requests so see ya in da comments! um why chu still here? *crickets*
lary mikyle06
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VIPER456 dineilc
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Bomb 101 kingofpickles911
Howdy im Connor a kid with surprising skill and my destiny is to become one of the best gamers out there! btw im 11so keep that in mind when i win
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
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